Why can't our bodies be more predictable?

Awww yes, that all sounds great! That is really nice that your other lease doesn't end until december, so that you will have plenty of time to move everything. That will definitely make it easier and less stressful! Haha I am a clean freak too, so I know what you mean! Some property managers are great at cleaning out the house before someone moves in, but I have also rented houses where there were still personal belongings in the closet! I'm so happy for you though! It is great that you can rent for now, and have the possibility of renting-to-own if you find that is where you want to stay!

Oh that is great that they can keep an eye on how your body is healing! It sounds like there is potential for you to start trying before Spring if your cervix is measuring strong enough. Either way, it seems like you and your doctors have a great plan in place! :hugs: How are you doing otherwise? Have you been feeling OK emotionally? You're always in my prayers :hugs:

Thank you for helping me calm down and ease my mind! You're right, it can be an easy fix, and it is better to have answers in order to address the problem more effectively. I will have to look back at your old videos again; I went through some of our old posts yesterday too! We really do have a lot in common! It is nice to have someone understand and offer insight from their own experiences, so thank you :hugs: I woke up with a much more positive attitude today. I had a good cry yesterday and a good talk with DH, and I am ready to move forward. I will wait and see what the ultrasound goes, and when I talk to my doctor next I will see what I can start taking to help us conceive :baby: In other news, I think I may have gotten a positive opk this morning (I still can't tell!). I don't want to get too excited yet, but I would be happy to have late O rather than no O at all. I guess we'll see!

Thank you again for always lifting my spirits! You always make me feel better and more optimistic! :hugs: I'm glad things are continuing to go well for you! We have a lot of exciting things ahead! :hugs:

Edit to add: I took another OPK with SMU and it was definitely positive! :)
I'm so happy I can be apart of your journey and be here. It's okay to cry because that lets out all the stress and anxiety builted up inside. So now it's time to relax and just prepare because a baby is coming soon. Your always in my thoughts and prayers! How exciting a positive OPK. Start bding!! Yes you will have some insight once all your testing is done, I'm so excited!!

As for me, emotionally I'm just okay! That's truthfully!! I have good and bad days and I expect that. But it's so hard to stay positive and uplifted but some how I make myself smile and think that my babies wouldn't want me to be sad or upset and that keeps me going. It's especially hard because of all the holidays approaching and Christmas is my favorite and I wish I had my own to do all the fun things with. Yeah it's cool to borrow my nieces and nephews and little cousins but it's not the same :nope: not at all!!! DH and I are really big on Christmas we love decorating and doing all those things and of course buying gifts and stuff for kids but it does break my heart that we don't get to share that joy with our own. It's like everyone around has kids but us!!! So my DH over load his self with work and me I keep my head in the books to hide my feelings!! I know it will happen for us one day I just know it!!!

Sorry I just went on a rant!! But over all I'm holding in there for the most part, my storm will end soon and we will finally have our rainbow baby to love on!!!

Also I'm pretty excited about moving and I went and picked out paint that we will be using and cleaning before we move! I'm more excited it's a backyard and I finally can watch my little babies(dogs) run free outside. I know they will love it!!

When is your ultrasound??

Look at this no sew blanket I made, next step is to sharping up my skills in sewing and make another one and move on to other baby items.


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I'm so happy you have been here on my journey too, and I am happy to be on yours as well!:hugs:

You are right that crying is a nice, cathartic release! I've always been a big cryer lol, but I think it's healthy to let both positive and negative emotions out! But yes, I;m trying to sit back and relax because I have faith that I will eventually have my babies! I had my ultrasound yesterday! I don't technically get to hear about the results until my appointment next week with my OB, but the ultrasound tech was amazing and incredibly helpful in pointing things out on the scan. She said my endometrium or uterine lining (?) looked good, and said it seems like a comfy place for baby to implant. So I was very pleased about that! She asked if I had been diagnosed with PCOS, because she pointed out that I had numerous small follicles on my ovaries. We all suspected this would be the case, so I was not surprised. Honestly, I am feeling relieved to finally be figuring this all out! Anyway, I will be going over my bloodwork and ultrasound next Friday, but I was so thankful that the tech was at least able to give me some good information! Lastly, she said that there was some free-fluid (?) that could indicate that my OPKs were correct about me ovulating! We talked a lot and she suggested that I also ask my OB to put me on progesterone supplements (which I will definitely be doing!) Anyway, I am feeling optimistic about finally figuring things out, and I am even still holding onto hope for this cycle. I should be 3dpo according to my OPKs and BBT charting, but I am just trying to take things one day at a time :)

I am glad to hear about how you are doing. I know it can be so difficult to stay positive all the time! You do an amazing job at staying strong strong, but you are certainly allowed to have bad days or moments where you can not feel guilty for being upset. Holidays do tend to bring up a lot of emotions; I can definitely see why that would make you miss your babies and reflect on everything you have been through. Yes, it is amazing to spend time with family, friends, loved ones, and other little ones, but I understand yearning for your own babies! I can definitely relate! Last year I truly thought it would be our last Christmas without our own children, so it is definitely hard. As heartbreaking as it can be right now, I know that we will both get to share the joy of the holidays (and life in general) with our own children someday soon! I'm thinking of you and praying for you daily. You are certainly not ranting! If you ever have those days where you feel like you are trying to hide your feelings in your studies, feel free to get on here and let it all out! I will be here every step of your journey! I like the metaphor you used - we will definitely get through this storm, and on the other side there will be a beautiful rainbow! :hugs:

Also, your no sew blanket is beautiful!!! That is so special that you are planning on making all of those baby items! How fun! :cloud9: I would love to start doing something similar!

Anyway, I'm glad to hear from you! Keep me posted on how you are doing! I look forward to all of your new house adventures! What color of pain did you pick out?! YAYYYY such exciting new things ahead! :hugs:
I'm super excited about your results!!! It sounds great and like everything is going to be just fine. Well besides the PCOS and that's not really bad. Some things I've learned about it is exercising and eating healthy are so important in order to manage it, also educating myself made it easy to manage it. Yes I totally agree about taking progesterone. It's amazing we have so many things in common, but at least I can give a little advice base on my experience. I'm happy once you speak with your OB you'll have detailed understanding and a plan set out for get baby snuggled in tight!!! How exciting.

Well what's new with me is I did my interview at the hospital on Wednesday then Thursday they called with a job offer and Today I did paperwork and next week I'll be doing paperwork. Needless to says official start date is Dec 8!!! We get the keys in the morning to the house. The paint I picked out was for our room and we are going to do a accent (one wall) dark brown. Then the second bathroom it's going to be a light tan looking color, that bathroom is going to be a beach theme. Aww I have so many ideas for this house. I can't wait until we buy a house and get all my ideas out. I love this type of stuff, I'm a home body and I love for my house to look and smell a certain way (guess thay is that neat freak in me lol)

Well how is school for you? Time is running out we should be finish with this semester soon. Then our spring semester we are starting in late January, it's kinda strange, how about you when do spring semester start for you??
Thank you! I'm excited too! It definitely eases my mind to have answers and start being more proactive with my fertility and TTC journey. But yes, I will keep you posted with what my OB says at my appointment on Friday. I'm thankful that you can relate and share your experiences! I feel very hopeful that we will both be able to conceive again and deliver healthy, happy babies. :hugs: We will get there with time!

Ahhh I am so happy to hear about your official job offer! YAYYYY! :happydance: That is so exciting! Congratulations! :happydance: It sounds like it will be an amazing experience; they will be lucky to have you! I look forward to hearing how your first week goes in December! So many great things coming up for you and DH! Congratulations on getting your house keys. The paint sounds beautiful; I sort of have a beach themed bathroom too! Aww I am the same way- I love making my house a "home." I look forward to buying a home too for that exact same reason! Haha we are so similar! DH and I also love gardening, and I can't wait to have a huge garden in our first home. We have a garden right now, but a lot of it is in big crates or pots so that we can take it with us :haha: Anyway, woo hoo, you are DH will have so much fun!

School is going well for me! I am slightly behind on looking for my internship placement for Spring and Summer semester. It's on my to-do list for this week. :haha: This semester seems to have flown by, it's crazy! How is school going for you? You have had a lot on your plate this semester. I start Spring Semester on January 12th I believe, which actually seems earlier than we usually start. Do you start the following week or two weeks later? Have you already determined which classes you are taking?
Yes we will have our little ones soon. How exciting your appointment is Friday, I'll be looking forward to hearing great news and the a solution plan to mission get baby snuggled in tight. Yes being proactive will make all of the difference. I'm starting to take better charge of this PCOS with exercising and trying to have a balance diet well eat better. I've actuall been reading some things on green tea how much it helps, still doing a little more research on it first.

Wow you internship is approaching soon. I bet your going to have so much fun and learn a lot. Well as for me school has been good. I'm almost done with this semester just 4 more assignments to do then it'll be over. Well school is starting later for me in the Spring on January 20th.

Yes I love making our house a home for the time being until we are ready to buy. Then I'm so excited to put up of Christmas decor, well I said right after Thanksgiving. But we did a mini Christmas decor shopping over the weekend. I'm so excited Christmas is my favorite holiday lol can't you tell??

Thank you for your kind words. I am excited about a step closer to one of the careers. I say one of like I have many career ideas but my ultimate goal is to become a nurse and open my own daycare. Both of those goals are on my near future yayy :happydance: Well with this job I'll be a nursing assistant and work nights and weekends 12hr shifts but only 3 days a week and everything after is overtime. This is all great I trying to build savings that will be at least 3-5x our monthly bills.

Well enough rambling on and on. I'll be looking for an update on Friday. Enjoy your week!
Yes, I will definitely keep you posted about what is discussed at my appointment on Friday. I think it is great that you are adjusting diet and exercise to help take charge of the PCOS! I am definitely trying to do the same. Sometimes I think it's hard to change everything all at once, but I am trying to make small steps like taking the stairs to my classes on the 4th floor, etc. :haha: Ohhh yes, green tea is very healthy for you! I don't know all of the benefits either, but I know it can be good in many ways!

Wow, four assignments left for you!! That is great! You are SO close! Then you can enjoy a long, lovely break before starting back in late January! :happydance: I am glad school is going well for you! I got a lead on an internship! I talked to the supervisor yesterday, and sent him my resume and application. I don't want to get too excited in case I don't get it, but it sounds like an amazing opportunity. I would be doing play therapy with kids between 3 and 13 years old. Essentially, I would take them to a play room with sand trays, clay, games, blocks, costumes, any many other toys. Kids obviously can't sit in a chair and talk to a therapist for an hours, so playing helps them stay engaged while expressing their thoughts and emotions and doing therapy. I would be doing one-on-one play therapy, as well as running small groups. Ahhhh it would be SO great! I guess we'll see though! Fingers crossed.

That is great that you went out and got some christmas decorations! It's never too early. Awww, I love Christmas too!! I love this time of year, because I associate it with being surrounded my family and loved ones :cloud9:

Aww yes, you are closer and closer to achieving your overarching goals everyday! Everything you are doing right now is helping you get there! You have a huge heart, and you truly will be an amazing nurse and own a great daycare. Your new job sounds great for you; it sounds like it will keep you busy. That will be nice to only work three days though, and have the flexibility of saving up for bills and creating a home for :baby:.

I'm so happy for you!:hugs: I hope you enjoy your week too!
It's Friday ahhhh how excited are you? Can't you tell I'm so excited for you. I pray everything is just fine and a simple fix. I wish you didn't have PCOS but i do hope it's only that (hope that makes sense) because PCOS is a kind of a easy fix because it's only hormonal and clomid or femara is easy fix. I'll just be waiting :haha:

Well I've been doing some research on my free time and I've came up with I think I want to get the trans abdominal cerclage. It is a cerclage that is placed in before you get pregnant, it's at the upper part of your cervix the part that's in your stomach. So once I get that I would have to have a c section when it time to deliver. This isn't set in stone yet, but if we do decide to do this, I will be trying to do this in March and then we start TTC around late Sept next year. Some reasons I feel strongly about this is because I won't have to do surgery while I am pregnant again and it is a stronger hold and it's further up on my cervix. I've read SOOO many sucess stories more than having the cervical cerclage. Plus I won't be on bed rest. I would love to enjoy my pregnancies and have a little confidence knowing I can go out and enjoy my pregnancy and shop and take maternity pictures and all the things I in vision. However I'll let you know when we make a decision on that.

I pray everything is just fine with you. I'm waiting, I'm so excited. So if everything. Is fine will you guys start TTCing again or take clomid or femara??
Hey! Sorry for the late update! I got called into work early on Friday, so I had to rush from my appointment straight to work until pretty late, then I worked 15 hours yesterday and had to be back again at 8am this morning to work. I'm exhausted! Between school and work this week, almost every one of my days is at least 12 hours away from home. The semester is almost over though!

Ok...so my appointment was interesting. For how much research I do on all of this, my Ob/gyn brought up several "new" things that I am not familiar with. She actually did not mention anything about polycystic ovaries, so I had to ask. A different doctor wrote up my "report" and viewed my scan and did not indicate anything about this, so after I told my doctor that the ultrasound tech indicated it looked like I had polycystic ovaries she said she was going to look into it again (because that is what my OB thought was going on to begin with). So I guess that is still up in the air. Maybe the tech was wrong, or maybe the other doctor did not think they were bad enough to note? I'm not sure. The other results: there was something that appeared to look like a polyp inside of my uterus. As a result, they have scheduled a sonohysterography. She said that the transvaginal ultrasound looks around the outside of the uterus, and the sonohysterography will be able to have a better look inside of the uterus (because they will go up through my cervix with a microscope). This is scheduled the second week of December, and they will either biopsy it then or schedule a hysteroscopy to remove the polyp if that is what it is. Most of these polyps are non-cancerous, and she did not seem too concerned other than it could make it difficult for an embryo to implant so we may want to take care of it. The next thing she mentioned is that I had an arcuate uterus (slightly heart-shaped, but not as drastic). Again, she did not seem too concerned about this affecting my ability to get pregnant but I also did not ask enough questions because this was all new news to me! I looked it up briefly and starting freaking out about increased rates of miscarriage and pre-term labor, so I had to step away from the computer. :dohh: I'm sure it will be fine, and I will continue to research this more. UGH anyway, sorry for information overload. I'm trying not to stress too much, because my OB seemed optimistic about helping me get everything figured out. We will continue trying for now and see what happens! I will say that I am feeling pretty defeated though this cycle; I've gotten negative hpts and started spotting today.

Anyway, enough about me. I am so excited to hear about the new developments in your TTC journey! I know very little about a trans abdominal cerlage v. a regular cerclage, but it definitely sounds like a great thing to consider! Does the abdominal cerclage still have to be taken out towards the end of a pregnancy? I will look into it some more too, but it honestly warms my heart thinking about you being able to have the pregnancy you always imagined by not having to spend time on bed rest and being able to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest! :cloud9: Awww I can't wait to hear more about it, and do more research about it! Whatever decision you decide, I know it will be what is best for you. We are on this crazy journey together, and I remind myself everyday that we have the strength to keep going and that we will undoubtedly have our healthy babies before we know it!

Thank you so much for your continued support! Sometimes I honestly don't know what I would do without you! It has been so nice to be able to talk about my dreams, fears, and everything in between with someone who is on the same page. :hugs:You are in my thoughts and prayers, always! I have so much faith in the fact that our dreams will come true. We just have to keep taking things one day at a time.
:hugs: everything is going to be just fine! I know all of this is so new to you, I have to do a little research myself to get a full understanding of it all. But I do know this girl I watched on YouTube had a heart shape uterus, but hers was almost completely down the middle and she had a healthy baby boy. I know everyone is different but I most definitely know that God will bless us both again to become pregnant and go on full term to deliver health babies! I also need to do a little more research on the polyps. But since your doctor didnt seem to concern then that means good right? I think so and yes lets stay positive about it all. I'm always here every step of the way.

Oh I'm sorry this past week has been super busy and crazy stressful. But like you said it will be over with in no time. Yes school is almost over :happydance: all that work you've been doing, you need a break from school so Thanksgiving should be good and Christmas will be perfect!!

Well with the trans abdoiminal cerclage it is put in permanently and I'll have it forever. It's for future pregnancies as well. So I feel good about it. I do feel kinda sad because I wanted an all natrual, no medicine delivery. But I have no choice but to have a c section. But at least I know what the feeling is like to give birth. With my son I had no pain meds, with my daughter I did (I was in terrible pain)! But either way I just pray that God see this in his plans and allow everything to work out!!

I'm praying for us and your in my thoughts! I'll be doing some research all day tomorrow! :hugs:
I know it's been so long since we both posted.

But how are you??

With me, we finally are all moved into the house. I started my new job today. And I'm on the getting everything in order to get the transabdominal cerclage in the beginning of next year. I started birth control Friday because my cycle never came after the delivery of Taylor. So everything is working towards us starting to TTC after the cerclage is in.

I hope everything is well with you. I know work and school has consumed us both. My last day in school for the semester is Wednesday. Hopefully you'll be finishing up and have a break soon.
Hey!!! Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've been on here! I'm so sorry! I kept meaning to get on here to see how you were doing, but I had no idea it had actually been so long! School definitely has been consuming, hasn't it?

I'm so glad to hear things are going well for you and that you are wrapping up the last week of your semester! Congratulations on being moved into the next house; that is so exciting that you get to spend the holidays in your new home! :happydance: Awww and how is the new job?! I hope it is going great so far! I look forward to hearing all about it! I'm sorry to hear that your cycle never came. I am glad to hear that you are getting it figured out in order to regulate your cycles. Are you looking forward to TTC again in the new year after you get your transabdominal cerclage? I pray that everything continues to go well, and that you conceive quickly and of course have a healthy, full-term pregnancy!

Things are going well for me! I finished classes last Friday and then I just had a paper to write over the weekend, then I flew out to South Carolina on Saturday to spend some time with my family! It was great to see my Dad, siblings, and of course my sweet nephews and niece who gave me plenty of cuddles. My heart literally overflows with joy when I get to be with family. Anyway, I had SO much work at the end of the semester, then it was intensified with my trying to get as much of it done as possible before going out of town. My Winter Break has officially started though! I got back home yesterday, so today I spent the day finally catching up on sleep! Lol.
I know it's been so long since we both posted.

It definitely sounds like the last few weeks has been crazy for us both! I'm sorry again for being MIA! Oh and I just realized it is Thursday, so now you are done with school too!!! YAYYY! I hope everything went well finishing up the semester, and I hope you are able to get some good rest and relaxation now! :hugs:
Yes school as been really time consuming! Thankfully we are both done and able to enjoy our break.

Ohhh how wonderful was it to visit your family. I'm so happy you were able to enjoy your family. I bet those cuddles was the best. I had my nieces and nephews over this past weekend. They saw the Christmas tree and presents for them and was so excited.

This is going to sound strange, but I'm looking foward to TTC but I'm not. Well because I started this job and I love it. I'm finally living life again and not so consumed on having a baby. I think not focusing on it will be the key. But even though I'm not TTC right now, I am preparing my body for a baby. We have the date set for February26 is when we will travel to Chicago to get the TAC (transabdominal cerclage). I actually had my phone consultation yesterday it was an hour long. All my questions were answered plus more. I'm overly positive this will be my key to getting my baby here. Good news is I won't be on bedrest I can continue working but I'll have to have a scheduled c section. I'm pretty excited about that, he told me we have a 98-99% chance of going full terms= meaning 37+ weeks! Those high numbers made me very happy!!

Well enough of that. Did you ever go back for your results, I remember it was more testing, I'll have to go back and read what you previous post.

Anywho, it's almost time for Christmas!!! This is the best holiday ever! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. What do you have plan for Christmas?? Us, first all the little kids will spend the night Christmas eve to bake cookies for Santa and watch movies then Christmas we are having family over for breakfast and opening gifts, movies and games then dinner. We bought all the little kids gifts this year. We also donated to Make A Wish foundation, I just want all the little kids be happy and surprise. I can't wait to be a mommy and do all these things with my babies!
Yes, as much as we both love school, we are in need of a much deserved holiday break! :hugs:

It really was wonderful to visit with family! It's been 2 1/2 years since my siblings and dad have all been together! Ohhh yes, I was such a proud auntie to be able to love on and spoil the little ones. How fun that you were able to have your nieces and nephews over recently too! This really is the best time of year, I love seeing how thrilled little kids get about Christmas!:cloud9:

Aww no, it definitely makes sense that you are both looking forward to it and not looking forward to it. I don't think that is strange at all! TTC is "fun" at first, but it is so emotionally draining month after month when we are focused on all of the details of our cycles. I totally understand where you are coming from! You have been through so much, and I agree that not focusing on it so much will allow you to enjoy all of the other exciting things you have going on in your life right now! I'm trying to find a balance of not obsessing over TTC, but also making sure I am tracking O enough to BD at the right time (which I don't think we did this past month because I was so busy with other things). I know it will happen for us both, but I agree that we should live life to the fullest in the meantime! :hugs: I am SO glad to hear that you love your new job! YAYYY, all your hard work has paid off! You are going to do such an amazing job!

Goodness, I did not realize you were going to Chicago for the TA cerclage!
That is coming up soon! :happy dance: Ohhh it makes me SO happy to hear that you had a good consultation. The procedure sounds like it will be such a great thing for you! I am so glad that you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy without being on bedrest, and the numbers regarding your likelihood to carry your baby to full-term are incredible!!! I am beyond excited and happy for you! I

I can't remember what I posted most recently about my results. I don't think I have had anything new to report after getting my bloodwork and past scan (low progesterone; heart-shaped uterus, and possible uterine polyp). I go in this tuesday to get my next "scan", where they fill up my uterus with fluid then go up through my cervix to scan the inside of my uterus. If they confirm a polyp, we will likely schedule a surgery to get it removed since this can affect an embryos chance of implanting. So I guess I should have more information on Tuesday!

Anyway, yes it's almost Christmas! I am SO thrilled. Our Christmas lights are up, but we haven't had a chance to put up our tree and indoor decorations since I've been home! I think we will do that this weekend. Aww your Christmas plans sound wonderful! Baking cookies with the little ones, and then waking up the next morning to spend the day with family sounds like so much fun! That's the best part of the holidays-being with family and basking in the Christmas joy! :happydance: That is so sweet that you were able to donate to Make a Wish foundation - it is such a great organization! As far as our Christmas plans, we will be traveling to Colorado to visit my in-laws and mom! The drive is long, but it is always nice to be "home" for the holidays! :)

I can't wait to be a mommy and do all of these things with my kids too! :cloud9: This really is the most wonderful time of the year. I just love it! Life is good, and I have a great feeling about what the new year will bring for both of us and our families! :hugs:

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas with your husband and family! I just wanted to drop by and wish you a Happy New Year too! I am looking forward to all of the wonderful things that I believe are awaiting us in the new year!:hugs:
Hey, my Christmas was wonderful and Im sure your was too. News Years we did nothing Ive been a little sick for the past two weeks. Needless to say Im feeling a little better.

I agree so many things are going to happen for us this year. Im excited for the surgery that is approaching very soon. Then we will be TTC again. Im over the moon happy to know that this is the year we will finally bring our rainbow baby home. Im very confident and I am staying positive and of course praying about everything.

Im looking at the dates and I haven't been on here and forever. Well parts of it because once we moved we had to get our internet transferred over. I know that is no excuse. I will be better on getting on here better. Now I will tell you it probably will be late at night when I do. I work 12hrs shifts 7p to 7a so during the day I try to sleep.

Going back reading our post, what happen with your appointment on that Tuesday with your scan? I hope all good things, let me know asap. :hugs:
First of all, don't ever worry about not responding for a while! I know you are busy, and I'm not one to ever take things like that personally. I know we are both busy with work, school, and life. I have certainly been missing from the boards for weeks at a time during school, so I totally understand! That's the nice thing about friends-when you can pick up where you left off, no matter how long it has been. :hugs:

I'm so glad to hear that you had a good Christmas! I am sorry that you have been feeling sick though. Boo! I've had a bug for a few weeks too! It's just that time of year, unfortunately.

I am so excited for you to start TTC again too! I have high hopes that your surgery will be incredibly successful. I also feel very similarly as you about believing that this will be the year we get to bring our rainbow babies home! I'm praying for us both, as always!

That's right, I never updated on my last appointment. Well the good news is that they actually could not find the polyp they *thought* they saw on the previous scan. The procedure itself was actually more painful than I was expecting though. After they injected the saline solution into my uterus to inflate it, I started cramping really badly. The drive home seemed like the longest drive of my life. I almost had to call someone to come pick me up; I was in so much pain and incredibly nauseas. The second I got home, I got sick then laid on the couch for the rest of the day. Anyway, that's not important really. Lol. I thought they were going to call me for a follow-up appointment, but I suppose I should be the one calling them to make an appointment for what our next step is. I'm glad that they didn't find anything, but I still don't have any real answers about why we haven't been able to conceive again.

I would still like to try clomid to regulate my cycles. They have still been long. Maybe next cycle. I am feeling confident about this cycle though actually. I thought I missed O, but then I got a positive OPK yesterday and we have been DTD! Fingers crossed that we at least have our timing right this month. If I got pregnant this cycle I would have the same due date as last time (October 1st). Can't believe it's been almost a year since my early m/c.

Anyway, I hope you are still enjoying work!! It sounds like busy hours, but I hope it is going great! It's always good to hear from you. I'm sending my best to you and your DH! It's going to be our year! :hugs:
That's great news that they found nothing!! Yayy so exciting. I am so confident that this year is our year! Year of baby making then baby home in our arms healthy and happy!!

So I read that you said that you caught ovulation this cycle, so how many dpo days are you? Oh my goodness I pray that God bless your family with a precious little baby!! I'm so excited!!!

As for me, just waiting on my surgery date to get here. I already have my leave put in and we are booking the hotel this week. I have 32days left lol, I'm counting down and I have only 12 days to work then I'll be out on leave for a month. I've been actually debating if I go back to that job or not, only because it's physically demanding and I can't work there pregnant, well I could but I'm not. So Ive been seeing can I get transferred into a secretary position or find another job. So I have an appointment with my OB on the 11th to discuss the surgery and about is TTC after surgery and all that high risk stuff. I'm looking forward to that conversation, I already have my questions ready!!

Other news school has started and I'm getting more excited as I'll be entering into the Nursing clinicals in Spring of next year then that's 16 months of classes and clinicals and interships. I also got another car, Chevy Cruze 2012, it was much needed my old car has been paid off a little over 3 years and it was great not having a car note but, we know we are going to have a baby this year and I needed a more reliable car. My DH truck is fine but my poor little car needs some work and I don't feel confident driving it while pregnant or with a baby, my pregnancy DH and I switched cars. Anyways I'm ranting..

So I've started some baby buys. I hope that doesn't sound crazy but, I'm a strong believer in speak what you want to existence as God told us to and pray about everything and let him handle it all. So I went to walmart and they had a small baby clearance sale and I bought a play yard (play pin) idk what people call them. It has the newborn thing for baby to sleep in and also has a little storage thing for diapers and stuff build on the side But it's dark gray, light gray and baby blue. I think it's pretty gender neutral, I would put my baby boy or girl in it. I also bought some more bottles, although I want to exclusively breast feed, I do want at some point to allow my DH and other family members feed the baby for whenever I'm not around so bottles I got. I also got storage bags for the breast milk. I got a blanket that's white and gray chervon pattern. I want to buy two other things and I won't shop until after babyshower. I've been eyeing this black Michael kors diaper bag, ( I'm a purse freak) so I figure I could get this diaper bag so I won't have to carry a purse and diaper bag. I'll put a picture below. I think it's stylish for a mommy like myself lol. The second thing I want to get is the breast pump I want. I know my family will get the one I want but I want to buy it myself. I also read that your insurance will now pay for you to have one, not sure how true that is but if it is then I'll have two, one for at home and the other to keep in my car for emergencies.

Feels like I'm rambling on and on but I'm so excited for us and I continue to pray for us in during this emotional time!! :hugs:


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Aww I am so happy to hear how well you are doing! Reading your posts always brings a smile to my face. I love that you are buying baby things and getting everything ready; I don't think it's crazy, because I believe whole-heartedly that this is the year we will conceive the babies we will get to take home with us! :cloud9:

Ahh I can't believe how quickly your surgery is coming up! I am so excited for you! I will be praying that the procedure goes well and that your recovery is quick and easy! I am glad you will have time off work to rest and heal. I am so excited to hear about how your appointment goes with your OB on the 11th too! YAYY back to TTC again. I hope the wait will be short for both of us, and that we will finally get to be bump buddies. :happydance:

I completely understand what you mean about your job being physically demanding, and weighing whether or not it is something you will continue doing when you are pregnant. I have the exact same concerns about my job too actually. It's possible that I will just cut back to two of the short weekend shifts, but I don't think I will want to put myself through the stress or energy it takes to work a 14 hour-day. Taking care of ourselves during this time is important, so it definitely gives us both something to think about. I have a good feeling it will all work out how it is supposed to. Keep me updated on your other potential job positions.

As far as TTC for me, I did catch ovulation last month, but AF eventually came. It was still a long cycle, but I didn't have any break-through bleeding until a day before AF; that is good at least. Obviously every month AF comes, I hide under my covers and cry for three days. But then every month, I pick myself up again and try to be positive and give the next cycle my all. This last cycle was particularly hard because my miscarriage was a year ago, and I was just feeling down about how long it has been without conceiving. With that said, it is CD14 today. I started using my OPKs, but I don't really expect O for another week or so. I just keep hoping and praying that it will happen soon! I'm staying positive!

Anyway, I am SO glad to hear about all of your exciting news! New car, new baby things (EEK!), and another semester in the works! Ahh, so many great things! Congratulations on it all; it definitely feels good to have reliable transportation ready for when your baby comes, and all the new baby items sound adorable!!!! Ps. LOVE the Michael Kors bag. It's perfect!

I could probably go on and on about everything and nothing, but I've already written a lot for now :haha: This is going to be a great year for us, and I could not be more thrilled for all of our new adventures! :hugs:
Ohh boo for AF. Umm I wonder why you have such long cycles? Did you ever make the appointment to talk about possible using clomid or anything like that? I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this. Well with me asking so many question to ask your OB.

Anywho I had my interview with the school on Wednesday. I'm now just waiting on the job offer. I'm pretty such and confident I got the job. Plus it's a sit down job and I'll make more money. Anyways I got my wisdom teeth pulled out Friday. Well I had to bc they were bothering me while I was pregnant. And I also read if they get effected it can cause miscarriages, preterm labor and other things. So after reading that I set up the appointment to get these suckers out. But my face is so swollen and hurts so bad right now. But it's a must for myself and my soon to be baby love.

It's possible I might have to push my surgery back, insurance issues, nothing major, it's really a quick fix but they are so slow I don't know if they'll have time to fix it. Hopefully by this week coming up it'll be fixed. If not I'll try for Spring Break or maybe Summer time. I hope I don't have to wait that long. It's all in Gods hands.

Oh yeah I found the diaper bag and for a much cheaper price on the navy base last weekend. I only paid 170 vs paying 350 out the stores. Also I have a question, have you ever heard of Vera Bradley? And do you like those types of bags??

Well long store now I need to cut it short and go back to sleep it is 3:50 in the morning. Well good morning/night!!!

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