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Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

Hi everyone thought i wud pop in for a nose again to see how everyone is doing OH has told me to start looking at rings n to give him ideas (cz im far too fussy) on what i like and my ring size 2 but he said he gunna wait a bit so it still sort of a suprise for me lol. Any way girls woke up this morning and thought i was getting a coldsore on my chin ignored it as i get them alot tbh i suffer with them, i finshed wrk about half 12 got in my car and then happend to catch a glimpse of my chin nt rly expecting to see what i did and it was a chin full of little spots no oke ther must of been about 30 little spots on my chin i was devastated i never suffer with spots i may get the odd one wen im due on but nothing like this its hiddious, has anyone ever had anything like this before xx

P.S nice to hear of u again carly we have all missed u xx
I'm still around also. Nothing new happening for me this weekend. We have a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow evening at church. Mike is being a tool today. Long story but we've had it out earlier today. He's thinking its no big deal but it is. He said some things about how long are we going to keep TTC, he's not getting any younger & it's not all about what I want...you know the BS men put out.
Aw thanks Sara! Ooh bling bling ring - maybe a sneaky xmas proposal?? :happydance:
I came home from work wednesday and a H.Samuals book had come thru the door and Tom had left it open on the ring page... He was just 'browsing' and "didn't mean to" apparently lol.

Aww Messy... Men are jerks, we know this. I think they just find it as stressful as us! Maybe try not to tell him when ur fertile and keep stuff to urself (and us!) I had to do that with Tom or he just felt like a performing monkey (his words) and he takes the blame on himself wen AF shows... Its not good for their ego I think. Hope it all calms down for u soon :hugs:

Well girls, this mth goes to show what BS the tww symptoms are!! I :sex: only once on day 13, and if my previous charts are right, O happens between 13 - 15. I dnt know what my CM or CP was as I didn't check but I've had EWCM during this week so I doubt VERY much that its 'my month', and I got up and straight in the shower after it... - but, I've had 'symptoms!'

Wednesday - my eyes went funny in work. I had totally blurred vision, couldn't focus and then the migraine started! I felt sick if I hadn't ate, my face broke out in spots, I was ravionous! And I had weird dreams that night.
Thursday - again feelin sick if I didn't eat, and then if I did! But felt starvin too?? Outside of right boob hurts, boobs r swollen, stabbing pain in right (ovary?) Hip area when I walk, sit, stand... Anything!! Weird dreams again.
Friday - Same as above! Plus irritablitiy and bleeding gums.
Saturday - Same as above, and another migraine!

This pain in my (assumed) ovary is a weird 1. Haven't had it before, not where it hurts wen I move! And the dreams are doing me in too as I'm not sleepin properly. Tom said last 3 nights I've been talkin and shouting out in my sleep. Never done it before his says...
Just goes to show symptoms are BS as there's slim to no chance I've caught an egg this mth! Unless I'm a modern day mary? Lol.
OMG Carly. What day are you on? There is every chance you can be pregnant. You bd'd at the perfect time. It only takes once. Seen loads of ladies say that they got the pregnant when they only did it once at the perfect time.

Fingers crossed for you hub.

Sara - very exciting! Enjoy. It's a very special time.

Messy - men can be idiots. :hugs:

AFM - fake O. :cry: At least I haven't missed it, just got to keep waiting.
I'm CD 21 today. Guess we'll see, but I'm not very hopeful! Don't think I had ewcm until after cd13... Hard to remember wen u don't write it down. Not much longer til AF will be coming tho I guess!

Aw sorry Rach, but yes. At least its not been missed! Just carry on with ur bd'in every other day and I'm sure u'll get it! :hugs:

Well Toms gone up the farm this morning to see our new pups... @ 3wks old!!


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Well everyone the witch has gotten me today :( o well mybe a nice crimbo prezzie next month i have also cum on wen i usaly do wen im on the pill so hopefully imnt very messed up watch next moth be completely diffrent now.

i have figured out what them spots r too im so bloody dumb OH has got stubble so its given me a little rash lmao.

Carly the ring i want is in the H samuel book it on the first page of rings rte at the top in the left hand corner its quiet abig pic of it too i love it for sum reason
Those pups are so cute but massive!! Fingers crossed for you Carly. Thanks for your supportive words.

Sorry the witch got you Sara but great your cycles seems to be normal. Good old stubble rash!!
well i thought it was a stubble rash but its moving dwn my neck n got a few on me arms very strange haha, nothing is ever normal for me lol n i say the witch has got me but nt fully yet just some spots of brownish colour far TMI but thts all atm n i dun a test this mornin n it was negative so i defo no she will b here properly by tonight xxx
They r gonna be huge. Yikes. Still not settled on names... Think girl is going to b Ruby tho.

Wish I cud give u more than words Rach... Just keep positive and u'll get there! :hugs:

Sorry the :witch: is en route Sara... Not out fully until u get bright red flow tho so there's still hope!!

My ovary pain has gone. It was here this morning but now, for the 1st day in about 4, I can't feel anything! 1 boob still hurts tho. Just been to Toms cousins babys christening. Have been asked "when u having a baby then?" About 170000 times!! And of course I answered with "oh no, no more for me" :( really I wanted to shout "I've flippin tried and failed!! Leave me be!!!" :( lol x
They r gonna be huge. Yikes. Still not settled on names... Think girl is going to b Ruby tho.

Wish I cud give u more than words Rach... Just keep positive and u'll get there! :hugs:

Sorry the :witch: is en route Sara... Not out fully until u get bright red flow tho so there's still hope!!

My ovary pain has gone. It was here this morning but now, for the 1st day in about 4, I can't feel anything! 1 boob still hurts tho. Just been to Toms cousins babys christening. Have been asked "when u having a baby then?" About 170000 times!! And of course I answered with "oh no, no more for me" :( really I wanted to shout "I've flippin tried and failed!! Leave me be!!!" :( lol x
aww bet tht is so frustrating wen ppl r askin it will happen i got the things happen for a reason bbe line of Dan today grrrr cud of punched him lol xxx
Well I can say that the hubby is being extra nice today. I think he knows he hurt my feelings yesterday and he feels bad.
Sorry Sara about AF getting to you :(
Those symptoms sound good Carly! Especially when there's something that's never happened before. And those puppies are huge!!!!
AF still hasnt come properly had the brownish spotting yesterday fr a bit n since then nothing so god knows xxx
Sara - How's the rash? Fingers crossed the witch doesn't show.

Messy - Glad your DH is being nicer to you.

Carly - Still got my fingers crossed for you. Sorry everyone at the christening was asking questions. People have no idea. I'm hoping I'm pregnant by christmas. My in laws will be asking questions/putting on pressure I am sure.
Weird dreams again last night girls... My little pain in my ovary has definitely gone!
My right boob is really sore, and both r swollen! Sent picture to Tom this morning - with bra and vest on might I add!! Lol. And his reply "what have u put in ur bra, and why if ur only going to work???????" :rofl:
My skin has cleared up again too, was super bad last week and is clear this week. Result!
Mega creamy cm now... Wishin I put a panty liner on today. Yuk.

But still reckon the body is just evil and tries to trick u so I'm not expecting any positive results! If it doesn't work when I know I'm doin it at the right times, doing it once isn't going to work I'm sure - tho it wud be nice to be eatin my words this time next week!! Lol.

Rach - how are them opks lookin? Gettin darker again yet?

Sara - hope the :witch: flew right past u!

Messy - aw they always come back with tails between their legs. :)
Still good symptoms Carly.

Can't tell with OPKs using smileys as couldn't get any IC's. I was meant to order some today but forgot until you sent me this. Will order some and maybe pick up some superdrug ones.

Sara and Messy - How are you both today?
I'm alive, LOL! I'm just tired and I think today is my O day by the look of my chart. I never got a positive OPK though so that's a new one for me. I had a very pale clear blue OPK on Friday or Saturday and I double checked that with a ic wondfo and it was pretty close to a positive but still a little lighter so maybe that was it or I just didn't test at the right times this month? I haven't really cared much about all the testing and stuff this cycle and it's been nice. I didn't do the egg whites or any preseed either. Just good old fashioned :sex: hehe! The only thing I have added this cycle is I have been taking cinnamon/chromium caps that are supposed to regulate insulin and I bought them because I heard they can help you eat less and lose some weight. Then I read they can help with hormones leading to getting a BFP so BONUS I guess you could say. I haven't been taking them like I should though, just here and there as I think of it. I ran out of my cheap Walmart prenatals though so I was in a different than usual Walmart and saw the brand Rainbow Light prenatals and for twice the price of the cheapies but I read the label and liked it so bought those and have had them since Thursday and been taking them. They are all natural and the vitamins in them are all from food sources rather than I'm assuming chemical sources that the cheaper vitamins put in. Sounded good to me but they look like a pressed little puck of grass or something, LOL. Check out my chart and you'll see there's been plenty of :sex: so that shouldn't be an issue with this cycle. Who knows, who cares...that's the attitude I'm trying to maintain. Everyone says relax...YEAH...
well AF has arrived grrrr well at least i can look at it as i think my periods arnt messed up after BC. This month im jus goin to concentrate on losing some weight i have piled it on and i dnt no y i dnt eat to bad but sppose i need to try harder its doin me headin every day i put on more weight xxxx
Go catch that egg Messy. Great that you're taking a more relaxed approach this month.

Sara - sorry witch got you but great that your cycles have returned. It may not be why for you but I put on weight after stopping BCP. I always thought BCP made you put on weight and thought I'd lose some when I stopped.
i weigh 12 stone atm n it jus seems to be creeping up n nuffin i do seems to be helping me lose weight it gtting me dwn so much xxx

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