Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

oooo topaz cant wait to see pics !! my cat had 12 kittens last year arghh never again!! thats not all in one go lol she got out 3 days after having her 1st and fell pregnant straight away and by the time she had her other set i still had her 1st was a nightmare haha but they are sooo cute :)

razcox this looks like your month :) :happydance: i love your picture!! :)

bumski haha not another to tell me that i might have twins please!! thats what my doctor said too my OH's dad is a twin i also have twins on my side of the family & when OH had his sperm checked the speicialist had said that he had " super sperm " way more then he should have !! lol and with the help of clomid everyones convinced im gonna have twins!! i'd really like twins but im sad i only want one child haha! but if twins happend then i'd love it i only want 1 for the reason i could never put my self through this pain again 4 years of hell trying to conceive baby number 1 its been a long hard time so i always said i'd never put myself threw it again lol.. even tho OH reckons i will ( probs right ) haha :)

i have taken my first clomid pill :happydance:

hope we get some NICE BIG FAT POSITIVES! this month :)
oooo topaz cant wait to see pics !! my cat had 12 kittens last year arghh never again!! thats not all in one go lol she got out 3 days after having her 1st and fell pregnant straight away and by the time she had her other set i still had her 1st was a nightmare haha but they are sooo cute :)

razcox this looks like your month :) :happydance: i love your picture!! :)

bumski haha not another to tell me that i might have twins please!! thats what my doctor said too my OH's dad is a twin i also have twins on my side of the family & when OH had his sperm checked the speicialist had said that he had " super sperm " way more then he should have !! lol and with the help of clomid everyones convinced im gonna have twins!! i'd really like twins but im sad i only want one child haha! but if twins happend then i'd love it i only want 1 for the reason i could never put my self through this pain again 4 years of hell trying to conceive baby number 1 its been a long hard time so i always said i'd never put myself threw it again lol.. even tho OH reckons i will ( probs right ) haha :)

i have taken my first clomid pill :happydance:

hope we get some NICE BIG FAT POSITIVES! this month :)

well if you have two in one go then you def wont have to try again, my mum reckons i will bang a few out once we manage to concieve this time, i would like a couple more because dd is 11 in nov and she has grown up an only child so far. its a shame because i think she has missed out on so much mucking about that kids should get up to.
its not done her any harm though, she is just very old headed for her age, sometimes i think she is the mum :blush:

yay for the clomid :happydance: are you temping this time or sticking to opks?
im just going to be sticking with my OPK's im having my 21 day progesterone taking on 3rd November!! hope its good news :)

i've never been excited about popping a pill as much as i was earlier taken that clomid!! haha :) i just hope it does what its supposed to! :thumbup:
keep an eye on how your feeling taking them hun, i know i was on a different dose but after a couple of days i turned into the bitch from hell, seriously dh couldnt even speak to me :wacko:

i started taking them at night and i was fine. hope they dont have that effect on you, for your dhs sake lol :haha:
oh dear dont say that haha !!

he read that just then looking over my shoulder asking what i was doing he was like oh thjats nothing unusual then as he cant speak to me anyways im always a bitch lmao :shrug: ( cheeky sod ) :blush:

yeah ive read quite a few bad symptoms with it ive heard lots of people get headaches and hot sweats!

when were you taken it and what dose hun?
How exciting, we have babies... Widgets Kitties has had kittens! Congrats to Topaz and mum and can't wait to see some pics asap.:wohoo:

LOL:haha: at Babydust and her excitement over Clomid, I really hope it works this month for you, you deserve a break after 4 years!

Razcox - looking good and getting hotter even better, fx'd for you hun

Cupcake, you back in Blighty yet?

Bumski - your chart is looking good so far hun :thumbup:

menageriemom - I agree about needing to walk away sometimes. I had a week or so out last month as I was stressing over it too much

As for us, DH visited his lovely GP today and he has all manner of information to study about how and when to provide a sample. We have agreed he should wait til the end of the month to see if it happens this month and then he will take his sample into the hospital if not. I am really proud of him for going and talking about it as it must be tough as a man to have that sort of conversation. His GP was ace about it apparently and he's had a blood test today too so we are going out for a nice tea to celebrate progress (and a friends birthday too!!):happydance:
ooooo enjoy tea sarahjane glad its all in the making for you, hope you get answers real soon :) welldone on your DH for going to make it happen! :)

ooo yes the excitement is sure enough there haha!! :) :happydance: i just hope it carries on for 9 months! now that would be a real nice thing to happen and the best news ive heard in forever! :)

except all you lovely ladies here getting your BFP's ofc :) :thumbup:
We spent most of the afternoon at a friends house and I got to ooh and ahh over their new baby. And then I found out my pregnant neighbor is doing more than smoking cigarettes and her baby may not be born healthy and there is a chance child services will take her... I hope they do if that is the case. Very sad :(

SarahJane I'm so happy to hear that your DH is being supportive! Stay positive and relaxed this month, though!!
We spent most of the afternoon at a friends house and I got to ooh and ahh over their new baby. And then I found out my pregnant neighbor is doing more than smoking cigarettes and her baby may not be born healthy and there is a chance child services will take her... I hope they do if that is the case. Very sad :(

SarahJane I'm so happy to hear that your DH is being supportive! Stay positive and relaxed this month, though!!

It's strange but I am uber chilled out this month! It is the first month since starting TTC where I am just taking it as it comes. I honestly feel like it is going to happen when it is destined to happen at the moment as if that is not this month then I'm not going to stop the rest of my life.

Shocking about your neighbour. The poor kid doesn't deserve a start like that.
Hello ladies,

Back in the UK - got back late on Wednesday. OH made it ok after a full on 24hrs of throwing up!! Thank god! Nice to be back :)

Boo hiss for af Babydust and Topaz but glad to hear you're all positive and looking forward to a beautiful shiny BFP next month!

Topaz - awwww for the kittens - would love to see pics so hopefully you can post some and we'll all fall in love with the little beauties :)

Razcox - funny you mention you dog rolling in something gross whilst out walking. Our poppy has just started doing it too! So gross... She'll find a patch of dog poo in the field and go rolling all in it - her neck area so she ends up covered... We have to stick her in the bath when she comes in but its soooo horrible... God knows why they do it...

Bumski - Yay for ovulation - woohoooo. Hope you have caught the eggy and your our next BFP :) Everything crossed for you hun xx

Sarah! CD12 for us both (i think)... Had highs on my CBFM since CD10 and just taken and OPK and got a smiley tonight so OV is on her way. Had some issues with my temping tho... I had a temp shift on CD8 with sustained higher temps since so FF added in crosshairs... but I had - OPK and low on my CBFM - Dry CM too... so must be a total fluke but freaked me out a little... How you getting on?
BOOOOOO! Where did everyone go?

It's oh so quiet shhhhh shhhhh
Spooky you came back at the same time as me, as if like magic!
Still on high on CBFM for me and just had a neg OPK but looking close to positive so hope to get a pos tomorrow sometime and poss my peak too, yipppeee

I'd guess the FF crosshairs is a mistake, the travel and also slightly different weather probably sent it a bit loopy!! FX'd we both ov over next 2 days and make 2 little babes
Hey all how is eveyone weekend going so far?

Yeah for peaks an things on CBFM's, lots of :sex: going on the next few days.

8DPO here and temps went up again, still a ways to go until AF though. Lots of :dust: to all us ladies xx
Hey Razcox,

Great news about the chart! When will you test?

Weekend has been nice, out for lunch with a friend today and now snuggled up watching x factor with the cats, DH and a roaring log fire! Bliss
Woo yay for CBFM highs - I'm def gonna get peak on my monitor tomorrow morning as my CB OPK is now positive. Realistically do you count OV day from the second peak on your monitor?

We've BD yesterday, today and tomorrow but second peak will be Monday and I'm staying overnight in Nottingham so won't be able to do it then - just hope we have enough!!

Plus as I only have one tube, its only possible to get pregnant if the egg pops on the left hand side.

Raz - your temps sound great, i think you might have a BFP on your hands this month! Can't wait for testing day? When will it be?
ooo i Live in Nottingham cupcake :)

welcome back home btw hope your holiday was good except the last bit where your OH became ill hope hes feeling better now :thumbup:

this month sounds good for everyone here so far!! :) lets hope we get lots of BFP'S :happydance:

razcox it sounds promising for you what day are you testing ? :p

sarahjane hope you enjoyed your lunch :)
Morning all! Another clear day here so i think i might tackle the shed and sort it out. Cant take the dogs our as one is on rest and the other has come into season so looks like they are house bound for a bit.

Sarahjane - That sounded lovely, i think we might light the fire tonight and snuggle watching a film.

Cupcake - Welcome back to the UK x

AFM - My temps went down a tiny bit to 37.0 from 37.06 but its not a bit deal as its still way above my line. Think i will do one of the IC on wednesday then if AF doesnt show up will get a FRER or something on saturday as i dont have much faith in the IC's but they surpress the urge to POAS. Of to ASDA later to have brekkie and do the weekly shop then got housework planned and a bit of sorting.

Whats everyone else up to today?
all sounding great there razcox. tempo cant keep goinging up and up cos you would cook so staying nice and high sounds perfect to me. dont over do it today there is a beanie in your belly.

which dog is in season is it the one you are going to mate?

will try and get pics of the kittens later now mum is nicely settled with them, she is doing a fab job so far and we still have all 4. they just look like white mice at the mo though. lol.

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