Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

Oh Razcox that is a lovely line!! How are you feeling?? Topaz that bracelet sounds beautiful and so glad the money went to a good cause! I am going to have to look into something like that.

SarahJane do you think your long work days might be affecting OV'ing with stress or anxiety? Hopefully this is just a random bum month for you!

Babydust - tooth abscesses SUCK! I hope the meds help you feel better though. That clomid is some amazing stuff, though! You are bound for a BFP soon, I can tell :flower:

Bumski you are about 9DPO today? I would have totally tested already, too! Stay positive!! :thumbup:

I really want to say something to my neighbor but I just cannot stir up stuff like that with a person that lives less than 20' away from me. She is very vindictive, too. One of her friends told me her uterus ruptured so I am hoping nature gave her a spay. I don't know if they repaired it or not.

As for me, I am feeling on and off nausea and even DH says "it's got to be morning sickness" but I just cannot believe that so soon. Maybe I'm just getting the damn flu :sick:

We need a:

yes this tooth abscess does suck i have been up 3 nights in a row with it in pain im now taken codein and antibiotics for it wooop! hopefully it will go away then i can get the tooth ripped out! :)

the nausea sounds good lets hope its the start of your BFP!! :)

i hope i get mine soon but im only on CD8 which sucks haha it seems ages away before i can test! arghhh but ill be poas soon for opk's haha! :) x

ive actually just read that taken clomid i should ovulate 5-9 days after taken the last pill :) x i took the last pill 2 days ago! x
that is a fantastic line razcox :happydance: what will be your next test, looking forward to it :thumbup:

topaz, them kittens are gorgeous, i love cats but dh has never had one and thinks they are all out to attack him, mind you when we first got together i had a cat and he did jump on dhs head all the time :haha:

sarah, boo for no ov :growlmad: i know that feeling all to well, hopefully like topaz says it could just come late, especially if your still having positive opks, fx for you :hugs:

any symptoms on your side yet menageriemom? this 2ww is killing me, the first one was not so bad because i wasnt 100% sure i had ov until blood test.

where are you babydustand cupcake ? how are you both getting on ?

i caved and tested today, BFN of course, wish i hadnt done it now though because i feel like shit :cry:, you would think im used to it by now, think i will try and wait until next week now and see if i get af by tues, knowing me that wont happen but dont fancy another BFN :nope:

Don't give up, you're not out yet! I tested at 10DPO and got :bfn: was gutted, but my period was late so i tested again at 14DPO and got :bfp:

:hugs: & :dust:

hello Glasgow, welcome, nice to have new faces so stay put and keep us company! (have you got pets? - random question I know but always my first one to new peeps)

razcox, I am so pleased for you and can't wait to see the next test. I thought you might be pregnant really early this month so I'm so pleased it happened for you.

Bumski - you aint out girl, this could be your month too xx

Babydust, hope the tooth feels a bit better and that the clomid is doing its job nicely

How are you cupcake, you still holding out til Halloween before testing

Cheers to everyone for the nice comments about my annoying month. Looking at temp rise today, I may have finally ovulated (time will tell) Not great from a BD perspective as none since the weekend so doubt this is my month but at least I can relax now and wait.

Topaz, how's things your end - you go for it with the grapefruit and let's make this month a super lucky one xx
hello Glasgow, welcome, nice to have new faces so stay put and keep us company! (have you got pets? - random question I know but always my first one to new peeps)

razcox, I am so pleased for you and can't wait to see the next test. I thought you might be pregnant really early this month so I'm so pleased it happened for you.

Bumski - you aint out girl, this could be your month too xx

Babydust, hope the tooth feels a bit better and that the clomid is doing its job nicely

How are you cupcake, you still holding out til Halloween before testing

Cheers to everyone for the nice comments about my annoying month. Looking at temp rise today, I may have finally ovulated (time will tell) Not great from a BD perspective as none since the weekend so doubt this is my month but at least I can relax now and wait.

Topaz, how's things your end - you go for it with the grapefruit and let's make this month a super lucky one xx


Yeah, I've got a dog called Ozzy, he's six month old. That's him in my profile pic.

Durrr - missed the profile pic! He is adorable...

Bet you are so excited for the scan. Has the morning sickness kicked in now?
Morning all! How is everyone today?

Bumski - I agree with everyone else, i tested at 10DPO and the next day it was a faint :bfp: now they are getting darker everyday.

Rough as a bears backside this morning so no walk for the doggies and an extra 1/2 in bed for me. Now i feel so hungry i could eat my own arm! No photo's today as the test was darker then yesterdays so i am happy with that. Will be cracking open the digi tomorrow though so will take a picca of that x
hey razcox, so glad your lines are getting darker, dont be shy, we love to see your lines :happydance: cant wait to see the digi, bet it will say 2-3 weeks :happydance:

hi glasgowgal, congratulations hun, i bet you cant wait for your scan, dont forget to show us some pics :winkwink: i have tested again with lots of tests today :blush: ya know just to make sure, and complete BFN!!! so it has taught me a lesson, no more testing unless af doesnt arrive, iv done my own head in with it :dohh:
i only have ic left now and i wont use them unless im late, i dont know how long my lp is but if its 14 days i will be due af on tues.

hope your tooth is feeling better babydust, i feel sorry for you, i know how painful abscesses are, when i had one i kept waking in the night crying with pain :nope: i really hope your tablets have kicked in :hugs:

sarah, hopefully your temp rise has meant ov, its awfull waiting around. and if you have you still have a chance, sperm lives for 5 days doesnt it, fx for you. xx

how are the kittens doing topaz? has the little one grown any yet?
Durrr - missed the profile pic! He is adorable...

Bet you are so excited for the scan. Has the morning sickness kicked in now?

No morning sickness yet. :thumbup: I am excited about the scan, but nervous too, my last prg was ectopic, so this scan is really just to check that the bean is in the right place and healthy.


hey razcox, so glad your lines are getting darker, dont be shy, we love to see your lines :happydance: cant wait to see the digi, bet it will say 2-3 weeks :happydance:

hi glasgowgal, congratulations hun, i bet you cant wait for your scan, dont forget to show us some pics :winkwink: i have tested again with lots of tests today :blush: ya know just to make sure, and complete BFN!!! so it has taught me a lesson, no more testing unless af doesnt arrive, iv done my own head in with it :dohh:
i only have ic left now and i wont use them unless im late, i dont know how long my lp is but if its 14 days i will be due af on tues.

hope your tooth is feeling better babydust, i feel sorry for you, i know how painful abscesses are, when i had one i kept waking in the night crying with pain :nope: i really hope your tablets have kicked in :hugs:

sarah, hopefully your temp rise has meant ov, its awfull waiting around. and if you have you still have a chance, sperm lives for 5 days doesnt it, fx for you. xx

how are the kittens doing topaz? has the little one grown any yet?

Hey Bumski,

Sorry you're still getting BFN's. I don't blame you for not using you IC test yet. I did three cheapy internet tests before i would use my CB digi. Wasn't breaking that one out until i was sure i wan't imagining the 2 pink lines. Although i have to confess i have done two more digis just to make sure my levels are rising. :thumbup:

Take care sweetie.

Love & :hugs: & :dust:

hey girls. i ve got my grapefruit juice on the go . yummy. i want lots of ewcm this month.

gonna ring and see if i can get a reflexology appointment as my normal lady is on hol.

the kittens are doing well (all 4 of them) and looking more like kittens now will try and get some more pics but they wriggle too much. lol.
hehe, yes im drinking grapefruit juice too :) the antibiotics hav kicked in but still having a bit of sleepless nights its still painfull but not half as bad as it was!

sorry about your BFN bumski but dont count your self out just yet!!

lets hope the temp rise is ovulation sarahjane :)

glad the kittens are doing well topaz cant wait to see some more photos now :)

Razcox sorry about feeling crappy this morning but its all in a good way! cant wait to see your other test 2morro i love looking at tests haha even if it aint mine :) xx

hey glasgowgal :) sorry about your ectopic hope all is well with you and your scan and wishing for a sticky bean for you! :) xx

hope everyone else is alrite :) x
Hello ladies,

Had alot on lately so I haven't made it on - can't believe how quick our little thread moves on.

Raz - loving the BFP!! Can't wait to see your digi - that's truely when it becomes so real :) Hoping and praying for a real sticky one for you hun.

Bumski - I have a good feeling about you this month, especially with your implantation dip!! You're not out till the witch shows up and I'm sure come Tuesday you'll have alovely pink BFP wooooohooooo can't wait!

Sarah - sorry you're having a difficult time at the moment but sounds like you popped an egg so you may be in there with a chance - think positively cycle buddy!!

Yay for Glasgow... Can't wait till your scan next week. All will be fine. Totally understand your concerns after the ectopic - I was the same... Your scan will be the scariest moment, but you'll see a ickle bean with heart beat fluttering away :)

Poor babydust really feel for you with your abcess. Hope it gets better soon x

Topaz how you finding the Reflexology. I'm doing it too... and since i started i've noticed I get pains in my ovaries during the folicular phase - just wondering if its over stimulating the folicles to produce loads of eggs... certainly wierd. Have you had any noticeable things happen since you've been doing it? The lady that does it says one of her IVF ladies went for egg collection after she started up the Reflexology and the doctors were amazed at the amount of eggs they collected from her... strange huh! I feel it can only have a positive impact, but its bloody expensive (bought a course of 6 45min sessions for £175!

AFM - I'm 5 DPO temps rose again today. I've had nagging pains on my left hand side - same as I did the cycle i got pregnant (pain created from corpus luteum, so I was told) but it freaked me out so much when I got my BFP I though surely it must be another ectopic - so I think this pain is just me and I have to live with it - always another thing to worry about.

I'm bloated, gassy, exhausted, have lots of creamy CM with sore boobs but not getting hopes up... What will be will be and I just feel sure that the egg popped on my tubeless side.

I guess time will tell. Hoping to hold off testing to the 31st Halloween! Can you imagine a halloween BFP! I'm sure I'll have caved by then and tested early :)
What a lovely few weeks in our thread!:happydance: First babybears then baby kittens and now razcox, it is a matter of time before we can move the Widgets Kitties thread over to bump buddies!! You guys who are over there, why not set one up for us all to join as we get our BFP's?

My chart has decided that I ov on CD14 but it is wrong IMO and I will be counting ov from CD17. 31st will be 11DPO so I may break all of the rules and test early for the halloween thing with you cupcake!! (worst that will happen is a BFN - seen so many of those in the last 7 months that I am used to it!!)

I am so positive at the moment, I don't think we BD'd at the right time this month (3 days before) but given the amount of EWCM I had (grapefruit juice works Topaz so keep drinking!!), it only takes one little:spermy: to stay there and if it is meant to be it will happen!!

Babydust - how's the tooth? Hope it is feeling better x
Glasgow - good luck with the scan, really sorry about the eptopic and FX'd this little bean is snuggled nicely in the right place for you
Bumski - have you tested again yet?
yay saw your digi test razcox :happydance: so happy for you!!

yes good idea sarahjane, i will set up a new thread in the first trimester forums so we can all join that! how exciting! it wont be long and we will all be in there bump buddies together x

i have set it up called 'Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!' cant wait for you all to join :flower:
I saw the digi too :D amazing!

Totally going to do grapefruit next cycle as well if nothing this time. What CDs do you normally take it through?

I'm so ready for the next couple days to fly by!! I want to be in testing range so badly! 8DPO today... still a little early.
I drink it all cycle now as I love the stuff, I tend to mix it with lemonade and drink it every day. I use about a carton every 4 days or so. DH has started pinching it though so not really calculating how much I drink but my CM has increased massively. I have had EWCM for about 4-5 days this month

I can wait to join the bump buddies thread x
i do the same as sarahjane. i drank it the cycle i got my bfp with callum too and it worked. drank it last cycle but we all know that went to pot.

got a little ewcm today think it will be coming in more over the next few days

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