Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

Hello ladies,

I'm amazed how much this thread moves lol! Yay for the pups Topaz - I hope the little one pulls through, may just need a little bit of t&c. Everything crossed for it!!

Hang on in there Babydust - keep going... I bet you pop an egg after the weekend :)

Boo for AF menagerie - hope she stays away but if she rears her ugly face, then that will be the last time you see her for the next 9 months :)

Yay for AF Bumski - you've been a bit in limbo of late so at least this is closure on this cycle and you can look forward to getting your BFP very soon!

Yay babybears glad everything is going ok for you. Has the morning sickness kicked in yet? Do you have any early scan booked?

Sarah - how you doing? Hope all is ok with you... have you started testing yet?

LOL well as for me an my famous last words - I decided to POAS again this morning. Got the faintest line on my SD which I tried to capture this morning. On returing home the test had dried and the line is better picked up on the camera. I also took an asda test this eve and again we can see the faintest of lines... Plus for the last 2 days i've had strong cramps as if AF is in full flow...

OR PERHAPS I HAVE LINE EYE LOL - see what you think!


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Hey Topaz - I can rely on you reading my tests lol!

I don't really know what to make of them... they're really, really faint... I think I'm probably 10dpo today - but this time last pregnancy I had a easily visible line :( Oh well...

So whats the latest in your house tonight? How are all the babies doing?
We need a kitten and puppy update!!

Cupcake I see a line on the last one especially. Hard to tell if it has color, though.

I went to the pharmacy and bought a basal thermometer. Suddenly temping seems daunting!! DH gets up for work at 5:00am most mornings, so I guess that will be my temp time.
every pregnancy is different hun and for 10 dpo i wouldnt expect a strong line
so dont get down hearted, i think a nice bfp is on its way.

all ok here, kitties are fine, and puppies are doing ok, little one is still here but im bottle feeding every few hours, she doesnt take much though so hopefully she is getting some from mum. havent had chance to get pics yet as been busy going to donors and also haveing a good tidy up, i have someone coming on sat with her dog to stud, hope benson obliges her.

i got a pos opk today so hoping to ovulate soon.
just to add cupcake when i was pg with callum i got really strong af cramps at 10 dpo.
Thanks ladies - guess I should stop stressing I guess it doesnt help lol!! Here's my chart if you fancy a nose :) I feel I OV early hours of CD14. So cramps are a good sign eh! Never had them before this early lol even when preg... https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/2bdd74

Menagerie - my OH gets up at 5am so I try and temp then too... If is a bit daunting - I know when I was tracking on paper temps looked so erractic I gave up - but FF is much better.

Topaz - sending lots of positve vibes to the little pup - I hope she pulls through. Will you end up naming them? Yay for + OPK too.. Lets hope you get your BFP!! Come on donor sperm woooo hoooooooooooo!
ok here are some more pics.
one of the kittens,puppy group shot and one of the tiny pup next to one of the others so you can see how small she is.


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Cupcake your chart looks good :thumbup: FX'ed your temp stays up! You absolutely deserve your BFP this month!!

Aww kittens have their eyes open! Are those a few lemon and white beagles in there? Those are my favorite! Gosh that little girl is tiny. Hope she keeps fighting!!
yep they are, mum is a lemon and white (tan and white) and dad is a tri colour. so always get a nice mixture from her.
Damn :witch: got me again!! :trouble: ARRRGGHHH!!

It's just a light pink so I will probably count tomorrow as CD1. We'll see!

Onto next cycle! :dust: for the rest of you :)
Cupcake - Sorry hun i am crap at spotting lines! :dohh: hope they get darker though and you join us in first tri soon. :hugs:

Beth - Those puppies are so cute and the kittens look like kittens now too :happydance: cant wait to see some more piccys xx

Menagerie - Good luck with the temping, i found it really helps me to keep track of my cycles and stopped the :witch: from sneaking up on me which helped. Sorry about AF too x

Babydust - Hope the eggy comes soon and its a good one for you, sound like you have sent plenty of troops to lay seige on it when it does pop out.

Bumski - Did AF turn up in the end?

Well now i am going to have a wee rant so be warned. Went to the doctors last night and it exceeded my expectations of being a waste of time! We walked in and told her everything and she said she couldnt send me for a scan at 6 weeks unless something was wrong, ok thats what i expected. Next she said she didnt want to fill out the paper work and refer me to a midwife as it was too early just in case things go wrong. She then said she wasnt going to set up a scan at 8 weeks yet and to come back in two weeks if i havent MCed . . . . Nothing like a bit of PMA from your doctor huh! DH asked about the low dose asprin (dam i thought he had forgotten about that!) and she didnt even listen to what he was saying as soon as she heard asprin she was like 'no thats bad for, we dont give it to children under 12. If we dont want to put it in there mouth then you putting it in yours will hurt the fetus.' End of appointment and you could tell she wanted us out the door, didnt even bother to work out my EDD. What a waste of time they clearly didnt give a shit.

I was a bit upset and TBH her lack of faith in this pregnacy was enough to stress me out a bit then DH said he wanted me to stop taking the asprin - Cue huge argument over this as i refuse to stop taking it based on that lazy bitches word. We sorted it out and i am still taking it until i talk to the MW later but last night was just awful. *Sigh* why cant i have a nice understanding doctor???
oh no razcox, she sounds like a bit of a b$tch to be honest. i always find with drs if they dont prescribe someting for you they dont like you taking it, i would definatly get advice from mw and not dr.

is there any way you could get in touch with EPU and arrange an early scan yourself? i think its unfair for her not to take into consideration your fears on this pregnancy, try to take it easy hun :hugs:

topaz those puppies and kittens are so cute:kiss: i hope the little one is ok. yay for opk, you deserve a straight forward cycle, looks like ov is fitting in perfect with visiting your donor :happydance:

i hope you do ok temping menageriemom, sorry af got you, im right there with you, i got it full force yesterday so looks like i have a boring long lp :growlmad: i am planning on giving it my all this month, fx i ov, we didnt feel like we "did" it enough :blush:

oh how could i forget, i can def see those lines cupcake, more on the SD hpt, i cant wait to see your update, are you testing today?

any news on you sarah? when you testing?
:hugs: rachel, that doctor sounds useless, i would try ringing the epu, you cant lose anything, other than that could you pay for a private one.

well im pretty sure i ovulate last night, i was in pain through the night for a few hours and couldnt sleep.
couldnt temp this morning as the thermometer is missing (i think a cercain little boy has made off with it) so i made one up as wouldnt expect the temp rise til tom. so its ovulation day. :happydance: going to donors again today nd then its into the 2ww. so glad to have anormal cycle again.:happydance:

ETA sad news, little puppy didnt make it.:cry: but the other 6 are doing great
Ah beth I am in love with your kittens and pups - and absolutely adore beagles!!! Will you be selling them once they're reading to leave mum? Yay for OV pains too - lets hope its your month and you get your BFP!

Menagerie - sorry about AF, but this will be your last one for a long time, lots of dust to you for a BFP cycle :)

Raz can't believe your DR - how disgusting, but what am I saying... I've been there and have the tshirt... Mine was exactly the same after my ectopic when I fell prego again... Said she wouldn't book me in for a MW appointment incase I miscarried so I know what you mean about the positive thinking bit. She didn't have to refer me to EPU as I'd already been at 4+5 as I'd had sharp pains again and suspected another ectopic so if I were you, I'd fake that you were having some pain and are concerned given your history and want to come in and see them. They'd have to scan you then... I know not ideal, but you need to take care of your no.1 these days and lots of people do the same! Temps still high but i guess nothing unusal for 11/12dpo... probably expect to drop on Sunday as I'll start spotting on the monday.

Not testing today guys! You're probably all thinking i'll cave but I really do NEED to step away from the tests. I'm driving myself mad and pissing off my husband. Last time when I MC I did say thats it - no more testing till AF is late and 1 test only... here I am 9 tests down and all for nothing! So I'll try and remain strong and hold off till at least tomorrow morning!
yes i ll be selling them, i hope so anyway, the past 2 years the kitten sales have been very poor and i ve ended up keeping them cos i ve got to attatched which is why this wll be my last litter.
Thanks all! Was beginning to think it was unseasonable to expect a little understanding from my GP. I am going to ring the EPU next week and hopefully they will be nicer, would love a scan at 6 weeks to know everything was ok in there . .
awww cupcake your chart looks good! :)

menageriemom sorry af got you hun, hopefully next month will be better for you hun! :)

aww razcox she sounded a bit nasty, i hope you can get a scan soon so you can know everything is alright, wow that dr could have been a bit more understanding considering you have had mc's... i really do hate dr's lol...!

wow topaz them kittens and puppies are adorable, sry little one never made it :cry: but glad other 6 are doing fine..yayyyyy for ovulation, glad your having a normal cycle hun looks like you've got it in time with going to your donors! :)

sry af got you bumski :( really hope next month is your month hun!

well still no ovulation here girls... bahhhh :cry: but i wont lose hope not just yet! :)
Right ladies - I'm gonna have to eat my words!


Here's my adsa test today - a nice pink line darker than last night! You see it?


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