Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

Yay, two BFPs this month!! Congrats girls :)

AF is finally settling down. On the day with my worst cramps I still managed to do the grocery shopping, and go to the home improvement store twice, and build an insulated outdoor cat box with DH! Ibuprofen makes it much more manageable.

Picked DH up some vitamins yesterday, been temping the last two mornings, downed my first cup of grapefruit juice this morning, and ordered some OPKs! I'm ready for this cycle :thumbup:

Beth glad the dogs DTD so you didn't have to intervene! Sarah I hope the pink CM means something good for you! I had it at 11 or 12 DPO the cycle before last and I never remembered having it before, had it last cycle, too. Hope that temp takes a jump for you!!

Can anybody tell me how to get the URL for my Fertility Friend chart?

Anybody have fun Halloween plans? Is it very popular in the UK? Here we are staying inside, hiding out, and watching a scary movie! I'm keeping all the candies for me! Mwahaha...
Hello all, am less stressed than earlier but looks like AF has made an early entrance. BOO at :witch: coming on Halloween!! There is definitely some irony there. I am also beginning to suspect I didn't actually ovulate this month which is why I am earlier than expected (exactly 28 days)

Anyway, don't normally celebrate halloween but today have bought a bucket of chocolate, some steaks and we have carved a pumpkin. Enjoy all x


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topaz - oh my callum is gorgeous hun look at his lil smile :)

sry about the :witch: getting you sarah, espeically on halloween aswell, hope you have a better month next month boo for not thinking you ovulated, i dont think i've ovulated this month either soo booooo to that too, :cry: im now wishing this cycle was actually over

menageriemom - glad you have everything sorted for your next cycle, im gonna do grapefruit juice next month and im thinking about softcups as i was meant to do them this month but never :( so im hoping to be prepared for next month :)
Beth, Callum looks so cute in that pic. I can't wait until I have a little one so I can dress them up for days like this and do all those fun things that kids are allowed to do but are banned for adults !!

Helen, you never know the LH surge can be really really short (mine is normally less than a few hours- except this month which was like 4-5 days!!) I can't remember if you are temping or not? If so what does your chart look like?

Bailey, we don't do as much for Halloween as you guys do, it is only kids really over here (unless there is a party) The only party I ever attended for Halloween was when I lived in Spain and it was hosted by a load of American girls. Was a totally fantastic night - you American girls know how to party!!

I'm bored of AF now, she can leave if she likes for 9 months or so!
Callum looks so happy!! What a great photo :)

I was in the grocery store yesterday and they were playing xmas music! Ugh! Too early! There are lots of parties going on here but this year we are going to be shut ins LOL.

Babydust sorry about OV :( I think I am going to try softcups at some point, too. Maybe next cycle with EPO.

Thanks Beth... it took me a minute but I found it. Guess I had to create my home page first. It's in my signature now!
Sarah - im not temping hun it all stresses me so i dont do it lol using Opk's stress me out alone charting would deffo do it to me lol... i dont know maybe i have ovulated early i guess i'll know with my blood work on 3rd :)

Bailey - i really have wanted to do softcups for ages just never have lol, at first i was a bit scared to use them, but im really gonna give em ago heard alot of success stories with using them and to be honest anything is worth a shot to get my lil bean :)
Hello Ladies!

Long time no see im sorry i kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a while i went a little crazy the whole baby thing drove me mad in the end i thought it would be a good thing to get away from all the stressing and just try the old NTNP for a while anyway that was pointless as i still havent been lucky :( im so pleased to see that some of us have been though and im sure the rest will soon! Anyway im back because i missed you all! its hard to go it alone no one understands like we all do well fingers corssed for BFP's comming our way before the end of the year

love to all Kitty xxx
Hi babe, glad to have you back! You are prob right about the stressing but I'd never get through each day without the girlies in here to talk to.

Let Topaz (beth) know what CD you are on and I'm sure she'll add you back on to first page.

Apart from NTNP, what have you been up to?
Sar xx
was just about to as what cd you were on but i see sarah has it covered.
Morning all how is everyone today?

Beth - Glad the dogs DTD for you this time :happydance: And Callum looks so cute in that little outfit.

Sarah - Hope the witch goes soon and you can get back to catching that egg!

Helen - Really hope you have OVed and just maybe missed the LH surge. If not though i really recommend the soft cups i think they are great.

Bailey - I LOVE halloween and normally decorate the house and throw a huge party but we gave it a miss this year. Trying to save money and stuff but i did really miss it. I also agre about it being way to early to be playing xmas music in the stores.

Badkitty - Hello dont think we have met before! *Waves* I was in the same position as you last month we came back to TTC after a little break NTNP. Seems like the rest did some good as i got my BFP this month! Will be sending lots of :dust: your way xx

AFM - Feel very queasy this morning and my tummy hurts like i did a load of press ups yesterday, which i didnt! Also quite tired so work is going to be interesting today.
How can life be so unfair? Not looking good for me. Tests getting no darker and now i can't see any line on frer. I think it must be a chemical. Just waiting for bleeding to start.
Oh no so sorry hun, will be keeping everything crossed for you xxx
hi girls, firstly cupcake i really hope its not a chemical your tests were definatly looking darker and you got a nice digi, i didnt get a positive digi until 16dpo last time and it only said 1-2 :cry:
perhaps hormones are just a little up and down at the minute, i will be keeping everything crossed that af does NOT arrive, you really deserve a lovely strong sticky bean :hugs:

yay for your 3+ raz, it sounds like symptoms are kicking in now :happydance: any news on your first scan yet?

glad benson DTD topaz, i bet you are too :winkwink: £500 is going to come in very nice for christmas, callum looks absolutely adorable in his halloween costume :kiss:

boo for the oving babydust, not long now until your bloods, i really hope they come back high, will you get the results on the same day?

well im close to you sarah and menageriemom, the boring bit i think, roll on another weeks time, im definatly going to be DTD loads this month, i feel we left it a little late last month so DH will be happy :winkwink:

hi badkitty, nice to see you back, fx you will be lucky and the break has done you good :hugs:

how you doing babybears and glasgowgal? are your symptoms getting nice and strong now?

i got a reading from that sandra, i ordered it when i was about 7dpo, i know they are rubbish as the last two said oct, and get this one :dohh: considering im cd5, the only bit that was right is iv been having headaches everyday

Hi carly as i tune in i keep being told now , so i feel you have conceived or you will around now.I want to mention where i see a birth around june next year and i feel baby will be a girl, i want to mention headaches with you , im not sure why but i feel you have been getting more of them recently or will and i fee this is a side affect or symptom in a sense. I want to mention very fair hair with this baby and not much of it when she is born.I want to mention where i feel that i see you crying with relief an happiness in a sense when you find out your news.

The first card is Laughter
This is coming in just to cheer you up as i feel you have been feeling a little low, just stress of life in a sense, but also letting things get to you a bit much , what you are being told is to handle one thing at a time in a sense , and don't try to do everything at once, do try an make time for yourself , and have fun or laugh with friends and family.

The second card is Inner child
This is telling you that nurturing children and watching them grow is what you love , but also that you have to nurture your own inner child, again this is them trying to bring the fun element in to your life, they are telling you not to make it all work and no play in a sense, remember to enjoy what you are doing as well

The last card is Vacation
Again they are telling you to take some time for you , i feel things at the moment are not great in some ways and spirit are brining in help for you , and also telling you not to feel guilty for taking time out or time for yourself.

I hope this was ok
If you have any questions please ask
Bumski - i wont get my results back the same day may take 3 to 4 days. hope your feeling alrite

yeah im really thinking about giving them softcups a try next cycle with grapefruit juice as i need something now im stressing about this clomid! arghhh

badkitty -i dont think we have met yet but welcome back :hugs: i hope your feeling alrite & hope after that lil break you've had you now get your BFP lots of :dust: for you

cupcake - awww im sorry your feeling down hun, i have everything crossed for you & hope af does NOT come! :hugs:

Raz - yeah i really hope i have Ovulated too and just missed the LH surge :) oooo your symptoms look like there kicking in nice and strong but thats a good sign remember :happydance:

babybears & glasgowgal hope your feeling alrite, :)

well ive been really tired lately *yawn* and woke up with a massive headache arghhh!
i think my days getting worse :( this headache wont shift ive just woke up because ive had to try sleep it off & my bloody cats following me everywhere n wont leave me alone lol...

hope everyones well its quiet on here today

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