Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

Oh that does sound like a miserable night Beth :( Hope you get a nap in today.
Hello lovlies,

Hope you are all well. (GL for the scan Rachel :hugs:)

Beth, the kittens are gorgeous, was so funny when I put the vid on. Audrey was looking behind my sofa to find them from the noises! She was found by the RSPCA with a litter of kittens before we got her so I think she recognised the noise. It was so funny to watch her. Send them my way any time!! (DH might well kill me if I got another cat but it would be worth it) Your chat looks great BTW

Helen - any positive news, you sound like you have some promising symptoms

Bailey sorry about the hamster but 3 years is a massive life, you must have spoilt him rotten!! How you feeling hun?

Carley - you started the OPK's?

Any news Lucy - been thinking of you:hugs:

BFP ladies - all ok with the bumps?
Hello ladies,

How are you all this evening?
Beth loving the kitties! They are too cute :) do you have any more pics of the pups too? I can't believe your 8dpo already! Getting itchy feet on the testing front yet?

Bailey sorry to hear about the hamster - I know when mine died suddenly I was so upset! That's the hardest part about having pets is when it comes time to say goodbye :( hope you're ok!

Sarah - former cycle buddy, how you going? Gearing up for OV, you doing anything different this cycle.

Hello to all the other ladies, hope the bumps are doing well and wishing Raz lots of luck for tomorrow x

My news doesn't get any better lol. Bloods came back today - my HCG is now down to 8 from 25 on Thursday. That's at a bearly neglible "pregnant" level. I've had af cramps since last night and on checking my CM, its got a little blood in it so I expect full on bleeding over the next couple of days. At least this one has ended naturally this time. Think we may give TTC a break for a littlewhile as its been alot of heartache to deal with over the past 7 months... but knowing me I'll be eating my hat again.

Am going to speak to the doctor and see if I can get some tests run. Hospital have already said I'd have to pay for them privately as although I;ve had 3 failed pregnancies, the first one was an ectopic so they won't intervene until I've had 3 consecutive miscarriages! Mad hey...

I'll keep you posted but probably won't be around much for a while...

Love to all x
I'm so sorry Luce, must be heartbreaking yet again.:hugs: :cry:

I feel really sad for you and totally understand that you need a break. If you need a chat at any time, you know where we all are.

Put some pressure on that Dr of yours, if you hassle them enough they will give you the tests you clearly want and need.

In the meantime, relax. It WILL happen for you one day very soon

Love lots
Sar xx
oh im sorry to hear that cupcake :hugs:

thats very sad news and i feel for you, and its understanding why you need a lil break,

as sarah said it will happen some day soon hun
well i know i said i was gonna poas today i just cant bring my self to do it :cry:

i dont want to see that negative again, i thought i wouldnt be down about seeing that negative before but i have been and one of my close friends yesterday told me she was pregnant and said it was a mistake blaaaaa :cry: and the said i would be excited to hear her news because her EDD is my Birthday 27th June!

that makes me sad not happy :( she even had a lil scan because they thought it was ectopic and she shoved the scan right into my face..

i cant say im happy or congratulations to her because inside i feel i deserve it more then her ive tried longer ive wanted it.... and she just said it was a MISTAKE!! arghh im sry just things gettin a bit stressfull for me

anyways hope everyone else is feeling ok,

hope the scan goes well Rachel. :)

hows everyone else?

when are you testing topaz,?

hows things for you sarah?

bumski you using OPK'S?

AF is due Wednesday for me

i should get blood results back tomorrow,
oh lucy im so so sorry your having to go through this again, i cant imagine how hard it must be for you, it completely seems so unfair for you to have to deal with this yet again, i dont blame you hun for wanting to take some time out, it is a lot of heartache to deal with in such a short amount of time :cry: i am thinking of you, as we all are, i hope you and DH can move on from this when your ready, as everyone else says, your time will come, i know it must feel like its never going to happen, but we are all here for you all the way through this. sending massive hugs to you, i really hope your ok :hugs::hugs:

on the same note we are all thinking of you today raz, i hope you can come back with some great news as you too have been through so much already :nope: lets hope you end up having a fantastic day today :hugs:

topaz, not long now until you can relax, job wise, i hope callum is feeling better, poor little lad :hugs: not long now until testing, im keeping a close eye on you :winkwink:

i hope so much you get great results babydust, i understand completely about not wanting to see a BFN, sometimes its better to get af than a neg, ya never know though, if you have ov your in with as much of a chance as anyone. sorry about your mate making you feel that way, i always get nervous if mates say they have some news, im not good at hiding my feelings anymore, dont get me wrong, when someone has been trying i genuinly am over the moon, its the "accidents" i find hard to congratulate :nope:

any signs of ov approaching sarah and menageriemom? im cd 11 now and monitor still low, not been temping this weekend, me and DH been having a lie in so the alarm has not been set. i got a quite dark line on opk today but still neg. also nothing else is pointing to ov yet so time will tell.

oh also i just realised today my monitor sticks are out of date, i only bought them last month on ebay, they say 2010-10, do you think this will make a difference?
lucy im so sorry hun, :hugs::hugs:

babydust, got everything crossed for a good result.

raz hope everything went ok.

bumski i dont think it will make that much of a difference they are only out by a few days.

well afm.

i survived the first night just, my cold got worse and worse and i feel rubbish so i ve called in sick for tonight. my temp is all over the place as im not sleeping for more than 2 hrs at a go. took it one time and it was 37.03 then the next 36.62 so who knows whats going on, but i have no symptoms so dont think its my month, which probably means im out til the new year.
might test tom but will see what i get temp wise.

everything was perfect this cycle and still no bfp:cry:
will keep everything crossed for testing tomoz topaz, no symptoms is sometimes a good thing, plus you may not notice any symptoms if your not well, hope you feel better soon too, xx
Topaz, got everything crossed this is your month hun :) really hoping it is, but sometimes no symptoms is a good thing, most people dont have symptoms lol i always have symptoms n think im pregnant and i bet when i eventually get my bfp i'll probs have none lol...

i dont think your out yet i really think this could be your month... :)

mmy boobs & nipples are hurting... its frickin driving me mad i just hope it would go lol... im having a bad time i have coldsores ( about 5 ) all round my mouth and one inside my nose arghhh...

im too stressed this month...

i hope when i ring dr's on monday that there back but sometimes frickin receptionist says or u need to book a telephone consultation in with your dr to get your results if so i will be angry cuz then i wont get results till probs frickin friday.....
just seen your update on the other thread raz, congratulations hun, im so pleased everything is ok, it must have been amazing to see the heartbeat, little bubs is nice and cozy now. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

fingers crossed you get your results today babydust, that is bad if you have to wait until friday :growlmad: i wouldnt be happy with that either. your symptoms are sounding good, there must be something going on in there :winkwink:

i got my first high on monitor today so im absolutely buzzing!! keeping everything crossed im working again, wierd how such a little thing can make me so happy :happydance:

any good news for us topaz? i hope so, it will be lovely if we can all move over to first tri together :thumbup:

any more signs sarah and menageriemom? xx
Morning all! my what an awful day today weather wise, been pissing it down since i woke up at 7:15am!

Thanks for all the support ladies, i dont know what i would do without my B&B support network. I have gotten over a few hurdles but they wont scan me at 8 weeks now they want me to wait until 12 weeks. Really dont think i will be able to wait that long so i have found a place near us that will do an early scan for £25. Going to call them next week and hopefully arrange something for between 8-9 weeks.

Cupcake - So so sorry things have been so rough for you hun, it just doesnt seem fair. I cant believe they dont class the ectopic as a MC and are not willing to do any tests. Really how much pain and heartbreak do we have to go through to get someone to help us in this country?? :hugs:

Beth - How are things today? Any good news at all? Sorry you have been feeling poorly xx

Bumski - Horay for the high :happydance: sending lots of :dust: that you get a peak soon and get to send in the troops to catch the egg.

Babydust - Hope you get the results soon, i really dont like doctors and just have no faith in them anymore. Hope yours are better though x Will be keeping my fingers crossed that your (.)(.) hurting is a good sign x

sarah and menageriemom - How are you ladies doing? Any sign of OV yet?
yay thats fantastic news raz, so happy for you. you have a sticky little bean there and guess what we can be bump buddies this time round
Beth is that a sneaky way of saying you have got a :bfp: this morning??? :)
i cant believe it, get them pics up asap!!!!! massive massive congrats topaz :hugs::hugs: xxxxx
Beth is that a sneaky way of saying you have got a :bfp: this morning??? :)

:haha::haha: yep
the cheapies dont really show up but tink you can see it on the bottom one. its easy to see in real life


  • SAM_0402.jpg
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great line for 10dpo, woohoo!!!! :happydance: i bet your over the moon, callums gonna be a big bro :cloud9:
Cant see the line on my crappy work monitor so will take Bumski's word for it LOL.

Congrates hun and at last we will be bump buddies! Samzi is also preggo with number 2 you know

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