Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

Rant averted :) Just got another +OPK so I guess I'm not ready to OV yet. Was freaking about temps :)

I cannot give the grapefruit any higher praise, I went from one day of some EWCM to almost a week of it almost every time I go to the bathroom in one cycle!
Hello all

How's everyone doing? Been a busy bee the last few days and only nipped on a few times. Sorry AF got ya Helen and hopefully they can sort your finger under a local as Beth said. x :hugs:

Beth, line getting nice and clear now so looks like little one is snuggling in well

How are you feeling Rachel - any sickness

Bailey, you and I are in about the same part of cycle again :happydance: as I had my first peak today. I can officially now say I have DITCHED the thermometer and OPK's. I am now just using my body as a guide with a little help from the monitor and taking it easy. There is really no point in all of the testing stuff for me as it just makes me anxious.

Carley - loved the cheeky post about me being busy with my high on monitor!! Chance would be a fine thing, we've both been knackered so we've only BD'd once :blush: I'm going out in a bit and not back til tomorrow so may miss my ov too. To be honest, I am not even worried for the first time in ages. It only takes one after all :winkwink:

Hope you are all well
Sar xx
shit!! i hope everythings ok babydust :hugs: that shocked me reading that, like everyone says, hopefully its a simple procedure and everything will be fine, if dr said your ok to carry on ttc hun i would, i think your getting very close to your BFP now, hope your ok :hugs:

yay for your peak sarah, i like your attitude, can you send me some of that please, im still waiting for something to happen but not holding out much hope this cycle, think im having one of my no ov cycles :dohh:

told DH im giving it until im 30 which is next august then i want my sanity back, unfortunatly i cant leave it to nature as i dont ov much so as ya can imagine with all the obsessing its getting too much, he then turned round and said if not by then he wants to look into ivf!! :dohh: i dont want to go down that rd though :nope: it can go on forever.

hey menageriemom, you probably are about to ov anytime, i get 3 days of pos opks and ov on the 3rd day, perhaps your having a nice strong egg popping, keep DTD hun :winkwink:
Hey, did you see on the news yesterday that they have pulled IVF funding on the NHS in Surrey, it is a matter of time before that goes nationwide so I'd go sooner rather than later. It is a tough decision but if you think you may consider it at some point get yourself on a waiting list now. Once you are on the books they cannot then pull funding for you.

The Dr I saw the other day said going to FS and starting steps towards IVF is one of the biggest causes of natural pregnancy. She said that when people go down that route, it helps your body to focus on something else and she has seen tonnes of ladies who were trying for years who got pregnant as soon as they got on the waiting list!!

At the moment I am still in denial, I know I need to see a GP but I am scared of what they may tell us so I'm sticking my head firmly in the sand and staying there!
we are not entitled to NHS because i have DD, iv had my last appointment and they wouldnt even give me a couple of months clomid even though its proven to work well after ovarian drilling, i wont say what i felt like doing when she told me basically to sod off after waiting 4 months for the appointment, it took me a lot to bite my tongue :blush: lol

i first went to drs 3 years ago and its took us this long to get where we are, if your worried at all hun just tell them you have been trying for over a year

are you near midland fertility in wolverhamptom? thats where our dr will refer us to if we choose to go down the ivf route, i might just get the referal and see what they say about our situation, i feel ivf is a bit extreme as i only need help with oving :dohh:
That is sh*t IMO. The govt are crazy, we have an aging population, more people born would mean more people able to pay NI and tax to support the older people who won't be working. IVF and fertility treatment should be a right not something only available to the priviledged! (rant over!!)

I have in theory been trying for over 20 months and I came off the pill in about 2006 (used withdrawal for 3 years until 2009) I didn't monitor ov etc but we haven't used protection at all since we married in May 09. The docs I saw this week said I need to go but I guess I'd rather wait until after Christmas.

Midland fertility is on the Penn Road which is about a mile or so from me. I have however been told that Birmingham womens fertility clinic has better results and to try to get referral there instead (if you are paying yourself I'd do some research and make sure you get the best!!) if you do come over to Wolves you must nip in for a cuppa!
yeah me too, they said my next procedure is IVF i dont want to go down that line even though i know 3 people that actually went to the date for IVF and came back that they was pregnant before even needing it..

hope its not much longer for you bumski,

&& thankyou ladies, hope they just get it over with real soon...
You girls in the UK are so lucky! I'd be happy to be able to go to a gynecologist or doctor right now but it would cost me my groceries for the month... if I wasn't just barely eligible for the least-covering of state insurance AFTER I got pregnant I wouldn't be trying, but we still have to pay for the blood test and likely the first scan by ourselves.

Hope everybody's weekend is going well!! Loving the relaxed approach Sarah... send some of that my way :)
You girls in the UK are so lucky! I'd be happy to be able to go to a gynecologist or doctor right now but it would cost me my groceries for the month... if I wasn't just barely eligible for the least-covering of state insurance AFTER I got pregnant I wouldn't be trying, but we still have to pay for the blood test and likely the first scan by ourselves.

Hope everybody's weekend is going well!! Loving the relaxed approach Sarah... send some of that my way :)

You are right of course hun, we have a wonderful thing and are extremely lucky to have the NHS but what is sad is that our government would probably privatise it if they had chance! The Conservatives (like the Republicans) are totally in favour of privatisation of everything! Personally, I am happy to pay more tax if it will make sure everyone gets access to the treatment they need.

I have just got back from a "friends" house overnight and am totally knackered after going to bed too late. Long story but she managed to totally stress me back out though after all of my great progress. To cut the story short, she had a massive go at me for going to her house 2 months ago and drinking some of her lemonade!! ridiculous or what!! The reason she was annoyed was that she was not able to drink alcohol as she was on antibiotics and had bought this bottle of lemonade for herself. I had brought a couple of bottles of wine over but as I was in 2ww wasn't drinking so when she offered a drink I said I'd just have a soft drink. She has now decided to bring this up as a major issue including calling me selfish for drinking it when she paid £3 for it!!! I could easily swear but will stop with the word pathetic. Needless to say, I totally flipped and burst into tears, she had no idea why I wasn't drinking that day and was really nasty. Needless to say, I am certain that last night is the last time I will ever spend time with this girl. (There is a lot more to the story in terms of her past and problems she has had which have always made me be nice to her even though most other people don't like her but I think last night was the final straw)

Anyway, was good to write that down and see just how silly it looks on paper. I am too sensitive I know over the TTC thing but for goodness sake, have you ever been nasty to someone over a glass of lemonade???!!!

Back on track now and calm again but to get that stressed and upset on day of/day before ovulation has probably wrecked my chances this month too! if only I had stayed home with DH and watched match of the day ha ha!
wow i just pop in to say hi....yay beth you got your BFP!! soooo happy for you!! this is the best, luckiest thread ever! every month one of us gets our BFP!

i havent been on here for about 10days as been so busy at work and havent had internet at home but im back online now! so much to catch up on!!

all of you lovely ladies dont give up hope! it will happen soon :)

i am almost 10 weeks now, saw the midwife today...got high blood pressure so got to watch that. got my 12 week scan on 1st dec....i just cant wait to make sure everything is ok, then i can tell the world! xxx
Yes DH and I are far from conservative politically and national insurance has been a big thing here in the last couple years. I'd love to just pay more tax and be able to have medical coverage. Private insurance for the two of us through his employer would come at a tune of $370 (about 230 pounds) a month and we still have to pay co-pays, $200 just to visit the emergency room (with insurance!)! It's just sickening.

Sarah that 'friend' sounds like a straight up nut! If she does things like this no wonder many other people don't like her. Don't let it stress you out, you had every right to be shocked and upset over something so stupid coming from her! :hugs:

Beth how are the kittens and puppies? Must be a busy house!

Babybears we posted at the same time... so happy all is well so far!
sarah, the friend sounds truley pathetic, its lemonade for god sake, i also hope there was more than one bottle for £3, otherwise it better have been hand squuzes fresh lemonade. lol

we are all fine here (all though im still not over the cold) puppys are starting to try to walk now. will get more pics on tue for you all.

im working at my potential new job tom, bit nervous but also looking forward to it.
hows it going girls? can i update the first page yet to say your in the 2ww.
As I am more awake today I am now finding it extremely funny about the lemonade saga! The last time I saw her she did a similar thing because I spoke to one of her friends and she accused me of stealing her! The time before she told me off for tweeting in my own house when she came over. I wouldn't mind but she wasn't even bleeding invited. Another thing she did was on bonfire night last year when she was awful to one of my other friends and I nearly left her there... Needless to say I think the effort stops firmly here until she gets some professional help! (her dad died of alcoholism and her first boyfriend killed himself so she isn't the most stable of people)

As for me, I am now counting myself as 1DPO as CM has changed and pretty certain I ov'd yesterday so you can update hun x

How did the day at work go Beth? All good I hope

Bailey, I am amazed at the cost of medical stuff over there. It is shocking and so wrong, people cannot help being ill for goodness sake! Are you in 2ww too?

Looking forward to puppy pics, have you got buyers for all of the babies yet?

Babybears - great that all going well, make sure you show us the scan as soon as you get it!!
no buyers for any yet, hope i get some soon.
first day went well, think i ll enjoy it there only down side is you have to book your hols in the feb for the whole year and take it a week at a time. wa hoping to take it a few hours a week so i wouldnt have to work so much each week during the pregnancy
Glad your first day went well, Beth! Can't wait to see puppy pics :)

I think I am 2DPO today... CM dried up yesterday for me, temp has gone up the last two days steadily. Hope it stays the same tomorrow!

DH is just as anxious as I am about this cycle... we did everything we could so far. When I crawl back into bed after recording my BBT he always asks me if my reading was where I wanted. It's getting hard to disappoint him (and me!) every time but I'm trying not to let that stress get to me, it won't help.

I'm due for AF the day after Thanksgiving (26th). It would be very interesting to get a BFP on Thanksgiving, as my last depo shot was due (but not taken) on that day last year.

Sarah when is AF due for you, the 28th?
i looked at your chart and i agree at 2dpo. good luck girls you ll be over in 1st tri with us soon

and instead of cd's and dpo's we will be counting down scan dates and midwife appointments
Good luck in the 2WW ladies will be keeping eveything crossed for you and that the lucky thread trend carries on :)

babydust - Any update on how things are going with you and your hand?? x
was hoping to get some kitten and puppy pics for you today but i ve ended up at my uncles, he has been broken into. its too dark now to get any decent pics and im working 10.30-6.30 tom so will have to be thurs now
no no im still waiting for my appt to come through damn hospital, just wanna get it sorted and it be over with, but i took my last clomid today so i guess thats round 2 over with! :) lets see what it brings!! :D

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