Widgets Kitties - cycle buddies

no no im still waiting for my appt to come through damn hospital, just wanna get it sorted and it be over with, but i took my last clomid today so i guess thats round 2 over with! :) lets see what it brings!! :D

Got my fingers crossed tightly for you this cycle Helen!! :hugs: I can't wait to see your BFP!

Topaz we were right, FF just marked me at 3DPO this morning :happydance: so happy it looks like I OV'ed.
Hi all, hope everyone is well (where has Carley run off to?)

I'm tired today, things getting super busy at work as have a few newbies to look after. not sure how I am going to fit my day job in for the next week but I refuse to turn the laptop on at home so it will have to wait!

I am now 2DPO I think and I am taking it easy. Went to the dentist today and he gave me a big lecture about looking after my teeth as they will be really poor when pregnant. He said that in the old days people used to lose lots of teeth due to pregnancy. Needless to say there is nothing wrong with them at the moment thank goodness (I hate the dentists)

AF is due on 28th(although I ov'd one day early so could be 27th) I think I am going to test on the 26th. Bit bored at the moment with the wait!

When is everyone else planning on testing this month?
Bumski is it Carly or Carley? I think I've seen it here as both! People forget the "e" in my name quite often, I've even had a person address a letter and leave out just the "y"!

Dentists are scary! But I'm sure they will be fine Sarah especially if you take care of them as usual. Hope we both get our BFPs this month so we can be bump buddies!!
Bump buddies would be amazing hun. Id love that and our due dates would be very close too. How are you feeling? Do you think you covered BD'ing at the right time etc?

I am pretty confident that we could have done no more this month. DH has cut down on the alcohol, he is also on third month of his vitamins which should help and I have lost a few lbs over the last few weeks without even trying by eating properly.

here's some :dust: for us xx
BD'ed almost every day between CD9 and CD17 (day after OV) so I hope so! Using FF has made me a lot more relaxed about what's going on, oddly enough. I'm feeling well, positive, ready to be pregnant but trying to keep myself in check!

How are you feeling Sarah? Glad you got DH to take vitamins! I had mine start taking them about 3 weeks ago .... not only for TTC but for general health as he has never taken a vitamin regularly. We've cut down on alcohol, too.

:dust: for us!! And congrats again to our 4+5 and 7+5 graduates!!
well i just had phone call from doctors my blood test results were at 33.6 anything over 30 is good.. im hoping it will be higher this month because ive had time to get the Clomid into my system :)

hope everyone else is good :)
well i just had phone call from doctors my blood test results were at 33.6 anything over 30 is good.. im hoping it will be higher this month because ive had time to get the Clomid into my system :)

hope everyone else is good :)

Great news hun :hugs:
yeah im feeling kind of good because before my op my blood test result was 3.. lol but now there 33 and dr said anywhere over 30 is good and is enough to fall pregnant so i guess its fab news, im expecting them to get higher though as im hoping they will higher there at more chance i have! comeon 2nd round of clomid do your job,,

im still waiting on my damn hospital appointment for my hand too but apart from all that im feeling good..

dont think im gonna count on OPK's giving my Positive result this month as i never even got one last month and was freakin out about not ovulating and i actually did lol :)

how r u feeling sarah ? x
That's fab news! You are right to get rid of the OPK's as they were wrong once so could be wrong again. I took that decision this month (although I still used the cbfm) I feel so much better just trusting my body to tell me. I wouldn't want to tempt fate by saying I am confident this will be my month but I can honestly say I couldn't have done more. If I get a BFN I will be disappointed but I will know I gave it my best shot again.

I feel good at the moment. I had a mega grumpy day yesterday but today have been just fine. I feel really happy and had a lovely wander around the German Market tonight so I think I have some of that Christmas spirit coming my way. I also love this time of year at work as it is a new beginning in Jan, new targets, I have recruited heavily so there are lots of new faces and I get to plan next year which will be fun.

I like new starts and I think by getting rid of some of the TTC aids I feel like I am having a new start there too. Must be good for me if it makes me feel better.

Not planning testing early again. I liked last month when I left it until the day AF came before testing. I got a BFN and AF same day and it made the pain less in a way. I may even wait until af late this time.
im annoyed today because remember last month when i had a tooth abscess well when i went to dentist they told me to take the antibiotics and hope it goes away as theres nothing wrong with it... well there must be something wrong with the tooth if the abscess is back!!! now im gonna go back to the dentist and tell him hes wrong there has got to be something wrong with the tooth to be hurting and abscess's coming... blaa i dont want to have to suffer with pain like this when im pregnant all because a dentist will not take it out...

i cant afford to keep taking all these fricken tablets with clomid.. i feel like im ruining my chances.. arghhh but i cant stand the pain either

please tell me when is something gonna go right for me... 4 years ive tried and in this last couple of month when ive finally got help to help me ovulate everything seems to be happening to me my hand and now yet again another abscess! FFS sorry just angry...

glad your feeling good sarah i cant bare to see those BFN's every time i rather just see af to be honest it doesnt make me feel as dissapointed..

wheres bumski got too ? :)
Babydust I'd be mad, too! Timing daily life stuff with TTC can be such a pain... DH's back just went out this morning before he left for work .. just glad it didn't happen before we needed to BD! Last time it happened we had to take a 17 hour car ride one way the next day.

Hope that tooth clears up soon! I've never had an abscess in my tooth but I've heard they hurt like hell! Worry about getting yourself pain-free first ... don't forget you've just started the clomid so your chances are much higher now :) Keep your chin up hun!!
bumski said shes having some pc problems, as soon as she sorts it she will be back.

banging headache over here so gonna keep time on here to a minimum tonight!

hope the tooth gets better hun, nothing worse than toothache

How are you Bailey? Any symptoms?
How are you Bailey? Any symptoms?

LOL, of course! :haha: But they don't mean much to me now - and nothing new and notable, they are things I've had pretty much every month, but apparently I can't help but think about like pains, twinges, backache, etc.

I stopped grapefruit after OV and no more daily heartburn... that was getting tiresome.

Any symptoms for you Sarah?
yes HELL isnt the word lol :)

oh sorry to hear about your DH'S back.. not so good,

well i've got my neice over night tomorrow so that should be fun! :) cant wait to be honest shes only 1 love spending time with her! :)

oh hope shes back soon! :)

i neeed to RANT ( SRY)

i dont know whats got into me so bad today im angry as hell..

ive just deactivated my facebook account because my friend id pregnant and she just wrote on facebook that she actually cant wait to get DRUNK tonight she is only 10 weeks pregnant she also smokes 20 fags a day ... arghhh she makes me angry im sorry but after everything i go through to get to where i want to be and see people like this just makes me angry i totally disagree with getting DRUNK while pregnant... and im sick of having to read this every day that shes sick of been ill & pregnant,, i plucked up all my courage to say congratulations to her even though inside i was shatterd, ive tried been happy to her but i just feel like i deserve it more as it was just a MISTAKE... she sends me messages telling me how shes sick of pregnancy id give my fricken right arm to be pregnant and why is she telling me im not her target...she needs to discuss this with someone who aint going through hell to have a baby.. why me? why are some people so ungreatful for what they get in life.. any child brought into this world is a miracle.. and should never be taken for granted... arghh sry im just stressed today and shes made me flip sry girls for ranting here just needed to get it out my head.. =/
That's horrible! She doesn't deserve that child if she has been smoking nearly a pack a day and getting drunk anytime after she finds out she is pregnant! Women like that make me so angry, too. Especially after starting TTC and wanting it so badly. And why would anybody put that on Facebook?!?!

My neighbor was similar, she smoked/drank/used drugs throughout her pregnancy and still got to bring the baby home! But her uterus ruptured and I don't think they were able to put it back together. Good news!
ive just deactivated my facebook account because my friend id pregnant and she just wrote on facebook that she actually cant wait to get DRUNK tonight she is only 10 weeks pregnant she also smokes 20 fags a day ... =/

This makes me so angry! I am not suprised that you were annoyed. How irresponsible. Clearly not ready for a child as not grown up herself.

It will happen for you hun, you are now ovulating so it is a matter of time before you catch one of those :spermy: At times on here I wish I could come over and give people a big cuddle and I think you probably needed that yesterday :hugs:

Have you started testing yet Bailey?

I am feeling odd today, sore BBS and fluttery feeling in tummy. I am not thinking this means anything but it is giving me hope which is a wonderful thing in the 2WW.

Hugs to you all xx:hugs:
Thinking about testing tomorrow morning (8DPO), but it would be nice to hold out!

I'm dying to feel sore BBs! But really no symptoms that are notable (except having to pee about 6 times in the middle of the night last night!). Hope yours mean something! I almost always see that as an early sign.
Thinking about testing tomorrow morning (8DPO), but it would be nice to hold out!

I'm dying to feel sore BBs! But really no symptoms that are notable (except having to pee about 6 times in the middle of the night last night!). Hope yours mean something! I almost always see that as an early sign.

No symptoms at all today! Am now 7 DPO and am still planning on waiting until Friday. The tests in the cupboard don't help though. Have binned all of the cheapies so all I am left with is FRER's, an ASDA (walmart) one and a couple of digis. I think that the ASDA one is at risk of being used early as it is a cheaper one!!

Going to the toilet lots is a great sign, I don't drink enough so I have never had that problem and I know if ever I did it would be a massive sign for me. I hope it signals good news.

How's your weekend been Helen?

Where have all the pregnant ladies gone?

Sar xx
well i am feeling alot less stressed today!! which is great news.

wooo i cant wait for you girls to do your tests! we must have another BFP due!! :) oh maybe a few would be nice :thumbup:

yeah i was thinking the same sarah where the hell are they!! :)

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