I'm so chuffed for Razcox, will have to send her a wee PM.
Sarah - I would say try to relax, but that would make me the biggest hypocrit in the world. I couldn't settle until I had Mya in my arms, I just couldn't allow myself to truely believe it until then. I freaked out at first because I had no symptoms either, think thats why I was so relieved when the killer morning sickness kicked in. You go for as many scans as you need to sweetie - I used my doppler nearly every day, right up to the day I was induced!!!
AFM - Bit of a tough day today, aside from Mya not being her happy wee self, because she had her final round of injections yesterday, one on my angel babies would have been one today, had they been born on their EDD. Such difficult emotions, grieving for the one lost, but knowing that Mya would not be here if that LO had survived.
Tonight I have lit a candle for my angel baby's birthday & one for all our angel babies.
Love to you all and your babies, wherever they are.