Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

I know this isn't much help but ONLY having those two things are a God send. You really don't want to wish upon yourself more. I was starting to feel really good then this last week I have been feeling worse than I have the whole time, and now I am not gaining any weight as before i was ..... Enjoy it cause you truly are one of the luck ones :hugs:
Urgh morning sickness is horrible. We're just getting ready to make the drive from London to Devon for a few days and I'm praying I can keep sickness at bay for the drive. I have a supply of mints and satsumas ready!
Hubby reckons we should keep the pregnancy to ourselves... Except we are going to a reunion with old work colleagues I used to go out drinking with.... Doubt it'll stay a secret past the first drinks order.
One of the friends has known about our fertility issues and IVF attempts and he and his wife had similar issues. He's been a great support through the years so I've told hubby I'd like to tell him face to face before it goes onto Facebook. We've arranged to meet up with him and his wife before the event.
Met my midwife yesterday. She's lovely. Explained about the history of us getting to this point. She understood I was scared of losing it and has promised to be there whenever I need her. She's also said because my bmi is below the recommended weight they'll be keeping a closer eye on me including extra scans.... No complaints from me if means I get to see baby more often. I did tell her I eat non stop and it's been commented on at work that I don't stop eating but I'm just naturally tiny.

Right that's me signing off for a few days, will check in when I can assuming I get a phone signal.

Keep well ladies.
Hope, I know, the first tri is so nervewracking.

I had some bleeding today so went into the midwife and got an ultrasound. The baby looked fine--measuring a bit larger than gestational age, and wiggling--but they did see a subchorionic hematoma that is causing the bleeding. I'm just hoping it will resolve and everything will be okay.

Bekah, sorry about the morning sickness... but you are basically living my dream. Oh to be tiny and able to eat whatever I want!
Morning sickness (or all day sickness) is the bane of my existence atm, and regularly makes my day challenging. But I am trying to stay positive and take it as a sign that baby is growing well and that the pregnancy is progressing.

I went for my second ultrasound today, since at the first one they pushed my dates back a week and told me it was too early to do the NT scan since baby was not cooperating. So fast forward 2 weeks and I went again. This time baby cooperated wonderfully and it's size confirmed the new EDD of March 30th (instead of the 23rd as we thought it was based on my ovulation date).

For the curious, here is baby at 13+1. I'm a proud FTM to be!


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Nice pic, Chrissy!

Here's mine from Wednesday--measuring 11 weeks 2 days. I had to go over to a different care center to get it because of the bleeding I had this week--did I tell you guys about it? I forget now. Anyway, I've had four scans total this far--1 at the reproductive specialist, one at the first midwife practice I went to, one at the new practice just to see if they could see what was causing the bleeding, and one at the place they sent me to for a clearer/better one. This is by far the clearest picture of them all.


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Lovely pics ladies.

Sorry you've had bleeding Penelope. Hope everything is ok!
Hope you all had a good weekend... Question has anyone started to wear maternity clothes? I pulled out what I had from last time and started wearing some of the pants as I was just not comfortable anymore. I feel so much bigger this time around. ANyone else?
I have been in maternity pants for a long time now. Though my excuse is that i am extra chunky so my fat just got in the way too fast :blush: I really only started to show with in the last couple of weeks. But to answer your question yes I didn't show until close to 20 weeks with my first and then after that they all just popped out. So very normal.
I have been in maternity pants for a long time now. Though my excuse is that i am extra chunky so my fat just got in the way too fast :blush: I really only started to show with in the last couple of weeks. But to answer your question yes I didn't show until close to 20 weeks with my first and then after that they all just popped out. So very normal.

Thank you, I have my 12 week 4 day sonogram on Wednesday and I know I will feel better about everything if all goes well. I actually had a woman have the nerve to ask me if i am pregnant!!! Now I have not told anyone at work yet as I was waiting for my appt. But I guess I was just caught off guard as I would never have the nerve to ask someone if they were pregnant if I could not see a true big bump!! I am 5"7 145 pounds not a really big person and I do have a small bump but it could be from anything!!!
I have tons of people ask me now :haha: So if I don't want people to ask I seriously need to wear something more baggy. I have a zip up hoodie that I wear that seems to hide it a bit more, so I wear that out and about. I also wore it when my mother surprised visited me and I put my hand in the pocket and it helped even more:haha:

I actually had someone with the NERVE to say to me "Looks like someone poked fun at you and you took it seriously" :gun: I just about lost my shit. I have never (and I have heard tons of judgemental comments in my time) heard something so dang rude!
Wow, some people are so rude!
I've just upped a size in work trousers. I've also bought a couple of jacket style cardigans that sit nicely at the front and disguise my slight bump. I've also been wearing scarfs that help disguise it too. I'm trying to keep it hidden at work so being careful what I wear. I've had so many comments about how tiny I am, and I feel huge (although know I'm not really). I haven't bought any proper maternity wear yet. Leaving that as long as possible!
Its SONO day!! I am excited but nervous! Hopeing for the best that all is well and I have a perfect healthy growing baby.... I go at 2:15pm, taking a half day at work to go home and relax before I go. I am just about done with the first trimester and this appt will make me feel so much better and I can start telling people and my work and just be happy.

How is everyoen feeling? How is the morning sickness and or bleeding episodes?
Bekah I still try and hid it some.....:haha::blush: But that is just because we haven't told our families yet, even if work knows. Though I do have to say that hiding it is getting pretty impossible in work clothing.

Hopeful How exciting, can't wait to see pics.

I have very little nausea left now....it has been replaced with heartburn mainly....though if I eat too much or the wrong thing i won't feel so hot after. I have my private gender scan this Friday, so I am getting pretty excited and nervous all at the same time.
So exciting about the scans. I've got mine next Wednesday. Can't wait.

Morning sickness still here and food tastes have changed. I can eat fruit without any problems but most other food is proving difficult. Even my favourite dishes are causing me to be sick. This baby had better Buck it's ideas up with regard to food. I have no intentions of raising a vegan, lol.
It's exciting to be nearing the end of the first trimester.

Hope, I've pulled out my maternity pants, too. My others still fit but just aren't as comfortable. I definitely have a bump starting to show, though. Way earlier than last time. I've been wearing dresses to work with either a drawstring waist and then a long cardigan or something on top, or a flowy top with jeans when I'm not, but in a regular t-shirt I'd definitely be showing.

This stage is so awkward with clothing, I find. My maternity tops are way too big and I don't fill them out properly, but my regular clothes are too clingy. Plus it is not cold enough here for sweaters or even long sleeves some days. What is everyone doing for casual shirts/tops?

The bleeding stopped after 2 days, thankfully. I did have some spotting today but it was dark (old) blood so I'm hoping things are okay.

Good luck with the ultrasounds! Post pics. I don't have another one until 20 weeks.
Bekah Oh I am right there with you with tastes changing. I don't just mean completely either....this one will change it's mind from wanting something one day and hating it the next. For example....I was smelling something absolutely divine at work.....found out it ws Frank hot sauce, finally had it....it was so dang good, and the next time I tried it I gagged. Almost all the foods I loved at my work place are horrible now. Most things that weren't even a tiny bit spicy to me are now spicy....but that one I am ok with because my heartburn is so bad that I really don't want to aggravate it any more than it is already.

pene I am glad the spotting stopped. I read some where that it can be common that around 10-12 weeks that spotting can occur when the placenta attaches itself to you lining. I had that too around 11-ish weeks. I hope it is a good sign the placenta just dug in nice and tight. :winkwink:
I have been super bloated this pregnancy and even though I could hide it with my first for work til about 20 weeks, now I'm showing big time at 13 weeks. Together with bloat, it looks like I'm 6 months along. And ohw yes, acquaintances have asked me of the bat ... Grrrr ... And I'm so bad at lying. I'm OK announcing now, but wasn't 2 weeks ago.
Still, nothing tops my OH's announcement to a couple of friends at a dinner party. "She's going to get fat"!!! And he then gestured a prego belly and pointed at me. Really??!! This is the man I love???!!! He's got the mental age of a 5 year old. I'm pretty happy that our friends seemed as offended as I did. How rude. So, I'll be telling his friends. He lost all rights to tell anyone.

As for ms, it pops up now and then. I'm more troubled by the amount of food that I'm eating. I eat so much, I feel pretty sick by the end of it. I can't move as I'll have cramps as bloating and huge amounts of food don't go together. It's a luxury problem compared to real ms. I'm probably catching up from losing a few lbs in 1st trimester.

Clothing wise, I'm wearing the good old maternity pants. I can't stand the tight feeling of stretchy jeans at the moment. I've got a few leggings that work well for now as well. For tops on warm days the flowing ones that are wide at bottom and I wear a lot of zip-fleecy type jackets. Hands in the pocket or other stuff like keys or wallet take away the attention.

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