Winter 2011/12 Team Yellowers - 2 pink, 3 blue

So good to see this thread active! Hi to everyone!
I haven't got a carseat yet- my pram is green, and will fit both babies in it. I'll probably go black again for the carseat- Emma has definitely made me appreciate the joys of a carseat that hides mess and stains well!
Chele, I completely understand your wobbles- I have had them this week too! I would be happy with two girls personally, but more and more I think DH would be disappointed, and I'd be upset for him if this one isn't a boy. I've started referring to it as a girl (although I definitely think boy!) to try and help him prepare for the possibility. I've also promised that if we do have another girl, we will find out the gender next time, as he is finding it really hard. I honestly do hope he gets his boy!
Gender neutral clothes- nearly all mine are beige or gray and I love them! I've only bought new baby one babygro- it has "I love snuggles and cuddles" printed all over it. That will be LO's coming home outfit. I don't have heaps, but I know that by the time Emma was 1 week old she had a pink wardrobe, courtesy of her cousins!
Good luck for everyone having scans! We told the tech that we didn't want to know, and she had us look away when she scanned that general area!
Last night some friends did the ring test on me- and I don't know what the result was! They all know, and are crocheting hats in appropriate colours, but I didn't look! The ring test has been 100% accurate for us so far- I think it has 7 babies' genders correct, so I insisted on not even finding out the ring test results! Lol, I am so committed to team yellow! :)
I think it would be really fun if I had 'a feeling'.... But I never do. :shrug:
I'm starting to really like the brown/turquoise combination, like for baby room, quilt, etc.... But now I'm wondering... Is it actually more girl than boy? What do you think? Are polka dots Girly and stripes more boyish?
Hey!! Look at THIS! How fun... they let you custom design a set for boy and set for girl, have your docs office call them with the gender and then they make it and ship it when you tell them to, so you never find out, but once you're ready your bedding is too!! How cute.
Ohhhhhh!!! Ok obviously not gender neutral, but on the whole turquoise-brown thing...


and I like this little blanket, though I think I want to make a nice blankie for baby:
well ladies have decided on the cabriofix, but think i will steer away from black as its the most popular colour..... the steele gray looks nice, OH pointed out it may get dirty, i cannot see how it'll get that dirty, bubs won't be fed in the car seat so the only mess will be from sick up and blow outs... which no matter what seat you'd clean anyway

on a yellow note

two weeks till my scan!!
Uh oh... I had a gender dream! I wonder how much significance those actually have...
Anyway, it was a boy (I think).... it was in a white babygro but just *seemed* like a boy.. or in my dream I just understood that he was a boy... if that makes sense...

I don't remember having gender dreams with my others, but maybe that was because I wasn't team yellow!
I love brown and turquoise! As I said, my pram is turquoise. My nursery is yellow, with white bedding and Winnie the Pooh everywhere. Not really fancy, but we figure that we'll do the same thing as we did with Emma- she has the pinkest little girls room now with castles on the wall! DH's fantasy is to decorate a room for a little boy with superhero logos. Jackie, I haven't mentioned to him that your DH wants to have a Thor for a boy- cause my DH would be the same once someone gave him the idea! He is superhero obsessed!
Lol... Come onnnnnnnn , tell him and then you and I can be in the Thor boat together!!
Nope- you are in that all by yourself! Before he okays any boys name, he makes sure there is a superhero with the same alias! I thought that was over the top (and it is!) but Thor made me laugh! I think there is a cyclist with the name Thor, so it isn't just a superhero name!
Hi ladies,

Getting excited about my scan on monday. The plan is still to same team yellow. DH and I keep referring to bump as "he" though and DH actually said the other day when I said I was aching "that's cos he's getting a big boy now".

Although, I did have a gender dream the other night and it was a girl!
hope your all well ladies.

my scan is edging closer and closer
Hey ladies! I'm feeling fine, missmayhem.

All is well today. Just a bit tired and didn't sleep well. I think I've developed SPD or pelvic girdle pain. *Sigh* It's all good and I'll smile through it to get the end result, because it's what I want more than anything. But hearing your pelvis click is awfully strange. LOL. I'll bring it up at my appointment in two weeks.

20 week scan is now a week and a half for me. Crazy how time flies. I'll be halfway through it in just a week and a half! o_O Wow.

Oh man, dreams! I have had gender dreams, and it was a girl in my most recent and a boy when I was about 8 weeks pregnant. It's crazy because the dreams get so vivid when you're pregnant.

Jackie, I loved your suggestion of Thorin to your husband. I like that name! LOL. Too bad he won't fold and go halfsies on it. :D He still gets his name in there. ROFL! I actually think your game is pretty awesome and fun.

We're already set on names. Elijah for a boy and Lily for a girl. My son is trying to veto Elijah and input Roger instead. LOL.
All my gender dreams lately show a little girl- but I am still set on this being a boy!
Good luck to those who have scans coming up- glad to see that pregnancy is flying by for everyone and the babies will be here soon! I had a great scan, but I was sure to tell the tech that I didn't want to know- and then there weren't even any sneaky peek opportunities! With my daughter, I wasn't told, but I was pretty sure I saw a girl at the scan. This one, I have no idea at all!
Green Glitter, I love your names! I would have a Lily too, but my last name begins with L, so it would sound a bit silly! A lot of my friends have had Elijahs recently, it is such a cute name (although I have to admit, I quite like your son's choice as well! There is a really sweet little boy named Roger at my church, so the name has positive connotations for me!)
We are pretty much set as well- Frederick Thomas for a boy (Freddie) and Hallie Kate for a girl. We haven't told anyone our choices though!
Cat - I wish I had that "feeling" but sadly I don't get a vibe. My dad said he's 95% sure it's a girl (my dad is quirky like that) and I honestly don't know. I have had moments when I thought, mhmm...boy, but it wasn't anything solid.

I'll have to keep that in mind at our scan. We do not want to know, and I remember vividly with my son that he flashed the screen and his bits were in your face! bold, but my daughter was shy. I just hope we don't have a flasher. Do they do anything to make sure those regions are covered? I mean, I know they can't cover them but do they perhaps do they avoid that section or pull away if the baby moves down there? I just hope that's the case. :)

Wow, we haven't met too many Elijah's, but I just love that name. Full name is Elijah Samuel and the girl would be Lily Rosario (my husband's mother is Rosario so we wanted to honor her on this one, as we did with my daughter Kai with my mom: Kai Lynn, Lynn being my mom's name). Roger isn't on my list. LOL. I don't know any of them, but it's just one of those names that...doesn't click. We haven't told really anyone our name choices either.

I love, love your names, Cat. Frederick Thomas and Hallie Kate are gorgeous.
Green Glitter-- funny, I was thinking today how Lily is a pretty name and I wish there were more little girls named Lily (listening to Harry Potter 5 for the seven-millionth time...). I love your names!
and Cat-- Frederick is GREAT... not too trendy, and not too commonplace either.

If DH and I didn't have our little gamble going on, then we would prob. have chosen Garrett for a boy. We both like Garrett.
Since I get to choose the girl name, I'm like a kid in a candy store!! Too many names that I LOVE that I never had a shot at before because DH is pretty picky. My top two right now are Charlotte (charlie), and Roxanne (Roxie). But close seconds are Lucy, Claire, and Sophie.
It's tough because EVERYBODY likes Charlotte/Charlie, but I'm also noticing it's becoming a popular choice for babies right now... must be the whole "Good Luck Charlie" T.V. show in U.S.... so it's losing its 'shine' for me. But it IS cute... and I've wanted it for years!
Roxanne/Roxie either makes people wrinkle their noses, or light up with delight...depending on how adventurous they are. ;-)

Names like Charlotte, Lucy, Claire, and Sophie are all sweet classic names that no one would protest. But would I always regret not 'going for it' and giving her a unique name like Roxanne/Roxie? I prob. never would have considered it had it not been for that cute character in the movie MegaMind, Roxanne Ritchie...
P.s. There goes my 'gender dream'.. at least, I think...

I had a dream today during a nap that we were having our scan and the idiot tech said, "Do you want to know the sex? Cause it looks like a gir--" and I was like "NO!!!!!" so he stopped, but I was SO TICKED that he went and blabbed that.

Now, the reason I say "I think", is that for some reason, in my dream even though the tech started to say 'girl', I found myself thinking, "Well, I don't really believe him anyway... I still think it's a boy....the last tech was wrong too, and this one said "it LOOKS like a girl"... maybe he wasn't really sure. "

So... maybe that dream was STILL a boy dream after all?

Oh the fun!! Team Yellow is better than Christmas!
Back on the aqua-brown thing... look how cute...
Also love Roxie- my niece is a Charlie, and it is VERY popular here- still cute though! I know what you mean about not going with the classic names. My daughter is Emma, and it is a nice name, and everybody likes it, but I don't love it. Its just alright (DH picked it!) So this time, something a little less common, a little more out there (I've never met a Hallie, but Emma goes to day care with a Frederick) and I don't care what my family think!
Greenglitter- we looked away when she first started scanning in case the baby was in the wrong spot! Then when she needed to check the area, we looked away again. I honestly have no idea, and it is awesome!
Cat-- it's funny, even though our of all my name choice I don't necessarily find Roxanne/Roxie to be the 'prettiest' name of all of them... I'm pretty hooked on it! I mean, I have time to make my decision.... but so far I can't call it off. :) My family is gently trying to steer me in other directions, and DH just flat out grins and says how much he doesn't like it (but knows that's fair because I don't really love the idea of naming my son "Thor", but he gets to keep that name!)

I'm more surprised that I haven't latched onto names I have wanted for years but always got shot-down for: Charlotte and Claire. DH would never go for those, so dd#1 was named Lauren, and "dd#2" that ended up my boy was named Summer until we delivered him!

Funny about looking away until tech gives you the all-clear... that's what I'm going to do as well. I am honestly SO excited about not knowing, that I would be crushed if I found out early. A friend of mine was just telling me today how her sister didn't want to know, but happened to be looking at the screen at the MOMENT the wand went on her belly and was hit BAM! with a potty shot. Darn it!!:dohh:

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