Babyhopes, love the pic!
Aw, Cat, I have horrible stretch marks too. I had them with my first two and have them with this one. LOL. They won't go away.
Missmayhem! Great news. Glad to hear you scan went well and you're on team yellow still.
I had my scan Monday. It went well and just like you said, Cat, she told us to look away when she was measuring the legs and whatnot. We stayed team yellow as well.
It was awesome to see penguin moving around. The baby even weighted nearly a pound and measured a few days ahead now.
I feel like she may have ruined it, though, the ultrasound tech. It's not like I'm going to run out and buy gender specific clothes, but she had a slip that made her and I have that wide-eyed stare at one another moment, and then she tried to overcompensate her response. So, the entire time my kids called the baby a "him" and she responded in such like, "his umbilical cord" or "his arm" whenever my kids would ask her what something was. Then in the end we were talking about my two kids being born in Florida and this is our first born in Georgia. The tech said, "So
she'll be a Georgia Peach..." then she was quiet and we made eye contact and she said "or him..." a bit too rushed.
It's not like I'm gonna run out and buy anything or that it was honestly ruined, because we don't know for sure and we didn't see the naughty bits, but it was kind of a...blah moment. Who knows if she messed up. It honestly seemed that way, but my husband and I are just going to move on with the pregnancy and not put too much weight to it. ROFL. Happy thoughts.
Here are some pictures.