Winter 2011/12 Team Yellowers - 2 pink, 3 blue

All hospitals here have little white suits for the babies- yours don't??
i've never been in the mat wards, so no idea what they provide to be honest, and i'd rather dress baby in clothes i know are washed in a non bio detergent (i have very sensitive skin and would expect any baby to be the same)

plus i only intend on being in there for 6 hours............ i'm gonna pack the bare minimum and pack an extra bag and leave it at home so if needs me OH can nip home and get it (we live three miles away)
My maternity ward doesn't provide that...that I remember. Wait...maybe they do dress them in a sleeper. I know they put a hat on them, diaper, blankets... LOL. Now I'm going to sit here all night trying to remember what they put my kids in. Ha!

So, I hit 24 weeks... I'm SUPER excited!
CONGRATS Green Glitter!!
I think I remember my babies being put in these odd long-sleeved white shirts and a diaper when in the hospital...though they ask you to please dress the baby in your own clothes before you leave, so they can reuse the baby shirts. Fne with me, cuz they're ugly little shirts! Lol...

BabyHopes, I thought I'd kill the tech if they told me, even dreamt about a tech blabbing and me being SO ticked.... But in real life, when it happened, I didn't have it in me to be angry. I had a moment of irritation, but she was very innocently clueless. Thought we left with our surprise still intact :roll eyes:
Mostly I didn't have it in me to be angry because, well, it's my *son*! Despite wanting a surprise (I'm desperately jealous of those of you who are still TY...), I couldn't be angry about it... Just in awe of my little boy.
aww bless if we see anything on scan on weds were ok with that as long as its not confirmed by oh its a boy/girl..............x
4 weeks tomorrow since my last scan, and 4 weeks to my next scan. this is just going by crazily fast now
well i have to say thanks for all the comments keeping me going on team yellow (i was struggling after talking a lot about it with DH's family about a week ago). we had our scan today and are still team yellow! :happydance: i walked in there, and after i saw the baby on the screen, i just knew i wanted to wait. thankfully, they are very good about not letting you know (it is not even in the chart, so i can't find out now! :D)
So glad you had a good scan- and I'm glad you are happy with your decision not to find out. In the end, it doesn't matter which team you are on, as long as it is a decision you are going to be happy with. Team Yellow just sits well with me!
Congrats on those who have reached 24 weeks as well!
My milestone for this week is that maternity leave officially starts on friday!! I'm really excited and starting to plan things I can do with Emma, hoping that I will have at least a week with just her and me :)
Hello! Nothing much to report on my end. My 24 week appointment went well. Baby had a great HB on doppler and I'm measuring well. My next appointment is the lovely glucose testing. Yum... (sarcasm). LOL. I always take the orange, and I'm too afraid to try the other flavors.

Thanks, Jackie!

Aw, Missmayhem, it is going by quickly, isn't it? You and I are only like 2 days apart at this moment. :)

Babyhopes! How'd the scan go? Did you stay team yellow? I hope you got your wish and it went well! :D *HUGS*

1Hopeful! Congrats on sticking with the yellow! I'm glad it worked out and you were able to. :D

Oh man, Cat! You're nearly there. Look at that...your ticker says only 26 days left to go!!! How exciting. You ready? I know you'll have more time once you start maternity leave. I sadly can't start till I have the baby. Lol. I will be at work past my due date no matter what. I'm so excited for you!
What happened babyhopes? glad you are still team yellow. I am finished work now and so excited for baby!
How are we all going?? Hope everyone is enjoying their pregnancies- I'm almost at the end now, and can't wait to find out!
Babyhopes...I'm sorry your scan didn't go as well. :( *HUGS* Definitely glad to hear you're still team yellow. :D

Cat! You are in the final stretch! Are you normally early, on time...? I am not on time, ever. LOL. I was late with my first two, and will most likely be late with this one. My mom wasn't on time with all 5 of us, and my two sisters never went on time... I thought I'd break the cycle, but NO...I was late too with my two. LOL. :D

How are you feeling? Oooooohhhh... I am getting excited with you. I can't wait to find out what you're having! You have to tell us as soon as you can!
congratulations Cat your now full term!

i've another scan three weeks today, but determined to stay team yellow
Emma was 2 days early- so I'm expecting I have another three weeks until I get to meet LO!
Funny enough, I think DH's gender wishes are getting stronger (he wants a boy) the closer we get, and mine are getting weaker, I just want to meet my baby, don't care whether I have a boy or another girl! I asked him today if he would be okay if this was a girl, and he replied "kind of"...sure he will fall in love anyway!
I'm still working! I'm going in for an hour a day. I'm a teacher, and I have senior classes. So although I was so pumped for mat leave, I haven't really taken it yet!
So exciting- we are almost all in third tri together! How fast is this going???
its going so so fast...... i just done a pregnancy yoga work out, well the areobic bit and now i am wrecked i had to sit down
baby measuring ahead and in 97th percentile.fh is 34wks.
i have to have scans every 2 weeks as i have polyhyrdominoes and possible preclamspsia :(
:hugs: babyhopes- at least it sounds like you are getting excellent care. I'm sure with the regular scans everything will be fine.
Also, if you are worried about possible induction, it honestly isn't as bad as I thought it would be- I was terrified when I was induced with Emma, but this time I don't mind at all. It is true what they say about you forgetting the pain once the baby is here!

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