Wonder Week 19... What a Bi@*h!

Oh, well done Bubba...hope you had a good time despite the interruption :)

Myka has been ok today but her napping has been awful because it's so warm...preparing myself for a really crappy night but you never know!! Yep, we use gripe water but I confess I've tailed off using it (just forget cause it's in the kitchen)...definitely need to be a bit more regular with it I think!!
When D was in hospital for SR he had bad wind and the peadatrition said that 0.25ml GRapefruit juice with 0.25ml cooled boiled water was good for wind! She was amazing... Totally full of tips and tricks!
We didn't have a very good day with Lucas but me and hubby decided to swap the livingroom and the bedroom today so we'd been kinda busy and I think he felt a bit left out sometimes.... I tried getting him off for several naps but everytime I tried to put him down he'd wake up again, and not just a little but WIDE awake! So hopefully he'll sleep ok tonight (but as usual I won't expect too much :p) He's just gone down about 20 minutes ago and I'm quite surprised he is staying asleep as our livingroom is now next to his bedroom and we're watching tv and not at the ridiculously quiet volume as I usually did in the bedroom :p
Ah well! Fingers crossed then!

Ahw poor Blinkybaby!! Hope he'll sleep better tonigt!!! :hugs:

Hope you still enjoyed yourself (as much as possible) BubbaG!! How did D sleep during the night though?? I never mind Lucas' screaming fits too much if he sleeps well during the night :p I'd rather deal with that than having to wake up all the time at night! (but that's my personal opinion)

MrsH, I used to use gripewater with Lucas, but not everytime, only if he had a bad tummy....It usually worked straight away, unlike Infacol cause you need to use that a couple of days (consistently) before it works...
Thanks Eltjuh, it has been a very trying day!

It's so stressful because Louie has always been the most portable, friendly, sunny baby up until the last week or so (apart from the odd couple of bad days here and there and the 19th Wonder Week) and I'm feeling like it's something I've done to make him like this even though I'm not doing anything different IYSWIM!?

And like you Eltjuh, I find the daytime struggle easier to cope with if I know he will sleep well at night, but even his night time sleep is being affected now! I know I have it A LOT easier than a few of you ladies with regards to the night-time sleep so I'm thankful for that, it's just confusing and worrying and I don't understand what's changed.

Glad you had a good time Bubba, I went out with a friend the other day and it was up to my mum and my MIL to put Louie to bed (MIL looked after him 1-5.30, then mum came to take over for bedtime). Needless to say it didn't go well! MIL decided to put Louie down for a nap half an hour before I usually start the bedtime routine at 6pm and he slept for an hour (my mum was too polite to ask her to leave and she got talking!) so he was wide awake at bedtime and wouldn't take his milk. He was still awake at half 8! It was the first time I'd gone out and entrusted bedtime to anyone else and now I don't want to do it again!

Fingers crossed for tonight. Wishing good restful sleep for you all!

He slept to 5am, took a feed and woke at 7.30am... So not too bad. Hubby had to tHe him into the garden to cool down apparently so I wonder if he was just too hot!!? It was such a shame after such a good day that they had with naps etc!
bad days all round it seems. Maria has been terrible at napping today, and refusing to eat all evening which I guess means she'll be up loads in the night to make up for it :( And she screamed at me for half an hour when I was walking home with the pram, I had to keep stopping and picking her up to calm her down.
Lucas has just woken for a feed, so his first stretch was 3 hrs. Didn't expect any better so this is probably gonna continue tonight. Ah well! Getting used to it :p i was just in bed myself but couldn't sleep cause it's very warm and i guess cause i knew he was gonna be waking up soon! Well not long and he'll be ready to go back down so night night everyone! Will keep everything crossed for you! :p
Ok scratch that! We're still up! He woke up about 10 minutes after i put him down. Daddy tried getting him back to sleep, got frustrated and came downstairs, then went back up tried again and he went to sleep but woke again after a couple of minutes so i went up and have been trying for about 20 minutes and just resorted to some more boobie time. Hopefully he'll go down well and he'll stay down for a couple of hours, rather than minutes after this!
hope he does better this time!

Maria is getting better at self settling now so I think we're coming out of this. I didn't even have to calm her down this time, just put her down and left her to it, she scratched the side of her bed for a while and fell asleep.
hihi, I take it it's not too warm in Finland then? Lucas is in just a nappy & bodysuit (or vest, whatever you wanna call it) and no blanket.... According to my baby monitor it's 27 degrees in his room!! :wacko:
She looks quite comfi there though!! :) Well done Maria!!!
The thermometer says 21.4 degrees but its right next to the open door to the balcony. Its prob a little warmer in her bed. When its hot like that here she sleeps in just a nappy or maybe a vest and a thin blanket.

Yeah she got herself all comfy! Hope she has a good night again like last night.
Well I'm pleasantly surprised! Louie woke at 5.45 for dummy and light show then up for the day at 8! Hoping it's the start of things going back to normal!

How is everyone spending the lovely weather today and what are you dressing your LO's in? I'm hoping to go look at a house with my mum, she's hoping to downsize and we're gonna walk. My pram has a sun shade but someone said on here yesterday no suncream on babies under 6 months but that worries me! He will be completely covered by the sunshade but I can't help but worry!

We didn't go back to sleep until 00.50 in the end....and then he woke up at 4.30 and then for the day at 7.30

I'm gonna set LO's tent/windscreen thingy up in the garden (it also has UV protection in it) and just relax in the garden I guess....(might get the pool out aswell)

I use nivea baby sunlotion on LO, he seems to be fine with that!
And he's wearing some cotton shorts and a bodysuit and a little waistcoat kinda thingy...

Oh and yay for Louie!!!!! :happydance:
How hot is it over there? Looks like our good weather is finally coming back, supposed to 25 tomorrow :) When its really hot and sunny I leave Maria in just a nappy in the pram with a thin cotton blanket over her to protect her from the sun. Otherwise she wears short sleeve vest and sleevless rompers or just the rompers.

Maria only wokr twice but took over an hour to settle after the first wake up, finally got her to sleep in bed with me but now I'm all stiff and achey :(
I thought I was gonna have a nice day in the garden but Lucas seems to think it's too hot or something....anyway he's not happy....took him back inside and he's still moaning......:dohh: what to do with this monkey ey!
Maria hates the heat too, just grumbles til it cools down
Yep, clearly too hot for the bubbas...Myka has been grumbling all day and has only managed a total of about 50 mins napping and even that was fitful.
It's pretty hot Natsku. I would say definitely high 20s, they're even possibly saying it might reach 30 degrees this afternoon. Louie is very sleepy and hot. I cooled him down earlier with a damp flannel, he really loved it. xx
Yep very hot, so I am inside doing my husbands books... Why does he just not do them as he goes???

Anyway popping a pic on of my weekend: I am in the Little Red Riding outfit, My sister is as a rag doll...


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