Wonder Week 19... What a Bi@*h!

I'm glad Lucas doesn't need that! He just needs a rub on his back and lay on his side and he's usually fine.... (sorry ladies!)

He was being a bit of a pain when I was feeding him (after 20 minutes) he kept pulling off but then wanting more (and I couldn't get any burps out of him).... So I left him to it in his bed... then 2 minutes later he started crying and hubby went in after 5 minutes to try to get him off to sleep and he did it!! Yay for hubby!! :happydance:
So I'm off to bed now... Hopefully Lucas will do well tonight!!

Hope you girls will have a good night too! And well done Maria, for napping without the hoover!! :)
Don't have an iPhone - too old fashioned. She took a 2 hour nap this evening which was nice :)
Well done Maria :)

Well, Myka seems to be sleeping better although I never get my hopes up! Maybe this is just a sunny pause before the next 'storm' lol
Omg! I just woke up and realised lucas was crying but for some reason the monitor in our bedroom was off so i have no idea how long he'd been crying for. I can't remember waking up earlier and turning the monitor off (always have to turn it off when i go to feed him as we got the angelcare one with the movement sensor) so i'm not sure whether i woke up before, turned it off and fallen back asleep or for sone reason it turned itself off. So i don't know how long lucas had been crying for :cry: feel quite bad now! Poor little mobkey! I found him on his tummy btw, so he must've rolled over! :) (he's only just started doing that)

Anyways enough about us now, how arr you all doing? Getting any better yet?
Oh poor Lucas, hope he wasn't crying long.

Things seem better again now, she naps pretty well in the day - 3/4 naps usually around 1 and 1/2 hours and the last nap is sometimes 2 hours, and she is settling easier at night. Had to put the dummy back in a few times tonight but didn't have to rock her or cuddle her or put the vacuum on, she just played with her teddies and only whinged once she had thrown them all round the bed and wanted them back in place.
Gonna try a dreamfeed again tonight if she doesn't wake up before I go to bed.
Yay i think we might all actually be coming out of this, maybe there is an end after all?!
Lucas has been sleeping better since monday but last night was the best so far and hope he keeps it up (i might actually stop being so tired then if he does). He only woke that 1 time and he's woken just now but he probably will get up for the day after this feed. I woke up at 4 and 5 and was amazed that he was still asleep! Haha just can't get over how well he's done! Just hope it's not a one off! :p he also seems to be rolling more in his sleep cause i went in around 5 to check on him and see if he was on his tummy again, he wasn't, but he was laying on his other side (put him down on his right side and when i chexked.he was on his left side hihi)

Glad maria is sleeping better during the day aswell! Do you nap when she is napping? I would nap if i could but lucas only naps for half an hour. So i fall asleep sometimes but it's usually only for 10/15 minutes so i feel all groggy afterwards :dohh:

I think it's really cute maria plays with her teddies :) does she also chat to them?
She woke up for 2 hours to play last night argh!

Yeah she chats to them. She also scratches the side of bed and chatsto that too.

Hooray for a good night for Lucas! Hope it continues
Things are slipping here! I have started giving Louie a tiny bit of baby rice before his afternoon feed to see if that would help but last night was the worst so far! I can't believe we've gone from hearing not a peep from him for 13 hours to him waking up at odd times just to chat to himself for hours! I don't think it's hunger because it's happening at odd times, and he usually cries when he's hungry. Last night he woke up at 1.30am to have a little chat to himself. After 45 mins I crept in and shoved the dummy in and turned his lightshow on, then he went off again until about 3 when he woke up again, but I told myself I wouldn't go in unless he started crying which he didn't and so he drifted off again and woke at about 7ish and just chatted to himself for a little while before I gave up and got him up! It's affecting his daytime sleep because he's napping longer because he's tired. I would rather he didn't nap so much during the day and slept well at night like before!

I am at a loss at what to do!

Glad Lucas is sleeping better now Eltjuh.

I haven't been on here for a few days because tbh Dougie did amazingly at the beginning of the week and sttn (7.30 - 7) for 3 nights, oooh I got my hopes up and though yeo this is it...we are finally doing it... nope not last night!

He has been an absolute pleasure but the last two days is soooo whiney and clingy I can't bare it, he is totally exhausting me once again. They say the second leap comes around quickly and yep they are right!!!!

Time for a new thread lol!
I tried to nap when she was napping today but she woke up before I fell asleep :(

Oh no, hope its not the next leap already BubbaG!
Poor BubbaG!!!
Hope he won't be too much hassle to you like with WW19!!

I am not looking forward to the next leap, but I am looking forward to the end of it as I had a little look at the things they will learn and they're really exciting!! :happydance:
I haven't been on here for a few days because tbh Dougie did amazingly at the beginning of the week and sttn (7.30 - 7) for 3 nights, oooh I got my hopes up and though yeo this is it...we are finally doing it... nope not last night!

He has been an absolute pleasure but the last two days is soooo whiney and clingy I can't bare it, he is totally exhausting me once again. They say the second leap comes around quickly and yep they are right!!!!

Time for a new thread lol!

Exactly this! I think we are well on the way towards the next leap, except this one is worse as it's affecting his night-time sleep!

23rd January. You need to get a ticker Bubba, I keep forgetting how old your LO is! Can you tell me again, I think I already asked lol xxx
I tried but miserably failed... I am rubbish at stuff like that! He was born on the 13th of Feb but was due on the 3rd!
I tried but miserably failed... I am rubbish at stuff like that! He was born on the 13th of Feb but was due on the 3rd!

I agree with Blinkybaby.. ;)

I'll try to explain how to do it...
Go to www.lilypie.com then click on the one that says Baby & kids birthday (unless Dougie was premature, then click on premature baby).
Then you fill in Dougie's birthdate at the top, click next and then click next on the 'full size ticker' (the one on the right) then you can pick what you want your ticker to look like and what you want the baby on the ticker to look like. Then choose whether you want the ticker to count down to the first birthday or to tell you how old he is... then you can add a personal message or a picture or just click next and to get the right 'link' click on the 'PseudoHTML, UBBCode and BB Code' and then copy the link it shows

Then you go to your user CP on here, click on edit signature and then just past the code/link and save and that's it... Hope that made sense :p
I will give it a go later today, thank you so much! X agh poor you Natsku!

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