Worried after getting positive result...


Mum to 1boy 1girl 3angels
Sep 1, 2009
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I had an ectopic pregnancy about 6 months ago and since that time, my partner and I decided to start TTC a few months ago. I am very fortunate to have gotten a positive result 2 days ago, but am now so worried that things aren't going right... I got the faintest shadow of a positive result on the pregnancy test the day my period was due (on Thursday 18 Feb). If I hadn't already used about 50 of these tests in the last few months I wouldn't even have recognised it as a positive result it was so faint. As of today (20 Feb), the result is still incredibly faint, though an actual line now, so it would appear that the hcg is increasing, but seems to me to be less than it should be at this stage (the tests measure results at 10 mIU/ml). I've had really achey breasts for the last week, until today when they suddenly stopped hurting, and I started getting the feeling of a "stitch" in my side and a rather unusual lower backache yesterday. I'm worried that maybe the pregnancy isn't progressing as it should. Unfortunately, my GP's office is closed until Monday and since I'm not in any actual pain, I certainly can't justify a trip to the A&E over a pregnancy that's barely begun. I'm worried and wonder if there is any wisdom or advice on offer that might help me get some perspective while waiting for nature to take its course and all to be revealled. I'm trying to keep my thoughts and emotions neutral at the moment (not hopeful or disappointed) but it's hard going as I'm sure you can imagine.
Given your hisyory of eptopic I reckon you could call A&E and ask to speak to a doctor - even if they can get the first blood sample for quantative hcg and get you an appointment for epu on Monday ( they often seem to be closed on the weekend you might be lucky and be able to go straight there ). When I had to have my 3rd hcg blood sample it was a sunday so the gynae ward did this then so they should be able to a least kick off the blood tests. This would mean that on Monday they would have a much better picture - waiting till Monday means you'll poss be waiting till Wednesday.

It'll most likely be fine - fxd - but checking won't hurt. Many women do have symptons that come and go and twinges and everythings fine so don't lose hope.

Good luck and hope it's good news hx
I would call a&e however its very early to diagnose an ectopic, however better to get it checked.

My ectopic started like a stitch, so that would set the alarm bells ringing for me.

Very best of luck, thinking of you. X
I would call NHS Direct as they're pretty good at advising whether or not A&E is the best place to go. I really hope you're ok - let us know how you get on.
hun eptopic can be fatal (obviously in extreme cases) but a+e would totally understand especially since youve had an eptopic pregnancy before give them a ring see what they say they will more than likely advise you to go down massive hugs and i hope everythings ok xx
Thank you girls for the advice and support. I am feeling better about everything today, though still haven't seen a doctor. I did call the EPU yesterday. They said that my GP would have to refer me before they could see me (Grrr) but to go to A&E if I was in pain (which I can't really say I am - it's just intermittent mild discomfort). I'll be calling the GP as soon as they open tomorrow. I have, in the meantime, consoled myself with some information I gleened off the wonderful web. Apparently, the mild cramping I'm experiencing could be due to the corpus luteum being swollen and active which is normal in early pregnancy. I am not going to fool myself into thinking that's all it is, I'm definitely speaking with my GP tomorrow, but at least there is hope that it could be a normal ache and doesn't definitely mean it's another ectopic. Dear lord, I hope not. I don't know how I would cope with another loss. Anyway, I'm trying to stick with relaxed happy thoughts for the mo while waiting for doctor's business hours to resume. Thanks again for all of the advice and support. xox
Hi there - just wondered if the tests you have used are internet cheapies?? Even though they say they are 10mui they sometimes aren't as sensitive as some 25mu ones. With me I had really really strong positives on superdrug and frer but my ics still showed really faint even though more sensitive.

Good luck at the docs, fingers crossed is all absolutely fine xx
Yeah, they are internet cheapies actually. I just picked up some Wilko cheapies today though which I plan to use tomorrow morning. They are supposed to be 25 mIU. I figured if anything registers on them then it would be a good sign. Not that it makes any difference to the outcome, I'm just a pee-stick junkie. Hah.

On a positive note, I haven't felt any twinges in my ab for the last hour or so, which is encouraging. I'm really hoping that what I've been feeling are normal twinges (pregnancy or otherwise) or perhaps just the sight of the last ectopic playing up and nothing more. I am nervous and excited about seeing the doctor tomorrow. I'm worried that I will either get blown off (all too typical NHS response) and left without answers or that they will over respond and keep me in hospital overnight without notice again (outcome of first visit to GP with previous ectopic pregnancy). It's the unknown that's killing me here. Argh.

Thank you for the insight about the tests and well wishes. Best of luck to you as well. xox
Hey hun just been reading through your posts just wondered how it went?! xxx
Hi ladies. I thought I'd put an update in. I'm feeling really bummed out and worried right now. After 3 hcg tests (each 48 hours apart), my HCG levels are not looking good... the first test on 23 Feb was 171 (normal enough for 4.5 weeks pregnant), then rose to 281 (64% increase - could almost be normal as they are looking for it to go up 66-100%), then rose again to 396 (only 41% increase). I had a scan on the 23rd (I would have been 4wks 5days) and again today (5wks 4days) and they haven't been able to see anything except to identify the corpus luteum on the left side (where I am getting intermittent little twinges but no real pain) and they could see the endometrial lining is thickening, as it should. They weren't able to identify where the pregnancy is located and haven't ruled out an ectopic. I had more blood drawn today but don't know the outcome yet. It will probably just indicate more fuzzy grey areas. I am pretty bummed out because the blood tests alone indicate that something isn't right and that the pregnancy most likely isn't viable... I just don't know the extent of how bad it is yet and will probably be waiting for several more days/weeks to find out. I am feeling pretty low right now. This limbo sucks. I am trying not to cling to the idea that there is still a tiny chance it could be ok (today's blood test will give more frame of reference) but I can't help it. I don't want any medical intervention unless they can actually find an ectopic (which is looking less and less likely that they will see it) but that does possibly mean waiting it out for several more weeks. Anyone else been in this boat? It's awful. :(
Awww hun iv not been through this myself but I just wanted to let you know im thinking of you I cant imagine what a confusing and worrying time this is for you :hugs: please let us know how you get on I know what you mean about not wanting to cling on to the tiny hope that it might all be ok but i will be keeping my FX'd for you none the less

Aww luv just hold tight and dont give up hope I know it is soo hard but the numbers can change. Hope that all goes well thinking of u.
I just got a call from the hospital with the results of today's blood test. I can't believe it - My HCG level just went up 71% in the last 46.5 hours! That's the biggest increase it has made since they started testing. I am in shock, but happy hopeful shock. I could be letting myself in for another major disappointment if things don't carry on in a positive way but I am so thrilled to think that things could possibly turn out to be normal in the end. :happydance:

They want me back for another scan on Wednesday (they are watching for an ectopic, I am watching for a normal pregnancy) to see if they can find it. I will be about 6 weeks by then. Fingers crossed. Fingers are crossed sooo tight. :)
Oh muddledup - that is very hopeful news!!! :) fingers and toes are crossed. Keep thinking beany thoughts.

Beany well wishes to you

Awesome news. I will pray that all goes ok on Wed.
Good Luck- you bring us one tubers lots of hope.
That's brilliant news! :happydance: I have also been following this thread and am soooo pleased to see that update.

We are all crossing our fingers and toes for you, hun! Keep us posted!!!

M :hugs:
Good Luck hun that is really encouraging fingers tightly crossed for you!!! :) xxxxx
I had a ectopic and lost my right tube in jan this yr at 6wks pregnant and my hpts were deep pink right thru and look what happened, so i would not read too much into having a light positive ;-)

I hope all goes well for you. Me and my DH are ttc again next mth and i must admit i am terrified at the thought of a positive hpt even tho i would obviously be delighted if a scan showed our baby was in my womb... very difficult times esp after the horror or a ectopic and emergency surgery xxx

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