My family was poor growing up and they raised me to be non-materialistic and I'm kind of ashamed to say not having money was the worst part of my childhood.
I never got birthday parties like other kids in my class, didn't have nice clothes, never went on any school trips and when we went back to school and all the kids were sharing what they did over their summer holidays, I never had any cool things to share. When I got invited to birthday parties of other kids I didn't even bother asking my parents because I knew we couldn't afford a gift.
My parents were great and did the best that they could, but I'd never want that for my kids just because I wanted a lot of them because I know h much it sucks to be different.
Yeah, that was all the same for me too. I could def tell that we had nothing, and I would even lie to cover up some things. Like why we had no food etc.
Yes this. We had NOTHING. Sadly we were also neglected and the little money my mum did get (from benefits) went on weed and drink mostly. I was severely bullied at school because I was the tramp kid. Heck, I'd probably have bullied me too. Literally trampy. I wet the bed til I was maybe 12ish, definitely in senior school. My mum never changed my sheets, nor had she taught us about personal hygiene or would step in to make us wash etc. So I'd go to school, stinking of piss, teeth coated in grime, hungry, hair matted and full of lice, in manky old clothes from charity shops that were NOT fashionable cuts etc. Never having the money to get a proper school branded jumper or bag etc. Never doing PE because I didn't have a PE kit. Dreading it raining because I'd have to tie a plastic bag over my shoe else my feet would get wet. Never going on school trips. Never going to parties, mostly because I wasn't invited. Even at junior school etc.
I learned about personal hygiene from the nasty words thrown at me and what people would say about me. Heck I even had second hand pants and we'd be told to turn them inside out the next day. Yes we, my little sister and I had to share. I'm painting a pretty picture right.
My point is, I KNOW that money wasn't why I had such a bad childhood. Why my stepmom wouldnt let me play with my step siblings until I'd bathed when I went to stay, why she'd not let us share drinks (I was too dirty). Why my Nan and Dad had special clothes that we'd wear at their houses, just there, because they were too ashamed of what Mum sent us in. But, I do link a lack of money, with the childhood I had. I therefore link having sufficient money as being a step further to making sure my own babies never have even a hint of the childhood I had.
I'd not want people to think I am materialistic. I'm not, just I came from nothing and I want to keep my children as far from that as I can. I want to give them everything and every experience I never had. For them but also I think as a small step to make it up to childhood me in some small way.
Yeah, that.
Also, I talk a lot on here on how my life is now and how happy I am with it etc. I'd hope this helps explain why. I'm never being false or fake or rubbing people's faces in things. I'm just so happy, and frankly shocked, that as miserable as my life was then is as amazing as it mostly is now. And having everyone see how shit my childhood was, well I like to share the good shit now too.
Also also. While I'm making this all about me. WHY did my Nan and Dad see what we were living like and never do a single thing to make things better or alert the authorities etc?