wtt #1 in Dec/Jan

Jaspie that would be amazing if we were. Fingers crossed for all of us. Hi spicy i am good thanks i have been thinking of how i want to decorate spare room its giving me something to think about. How much weight do you want to lose? I have been eating healthier this week to prepare my body too
Hi ladies 

Can I join in?

We’re in the same boat as you; we have a DD who just turned 3; she is the light of my life. DH is currently studying/retraining (he finishes this December), so I’m going to be crossing my fingers that the while finding a job thing won’t take too long, as we don’t really want to wait too much longer due to the sibling age gap widening with every month that passes. Also, I have polycystic ovaries, so who knows how long it’ll take to get pg (first time round it took 9 months NTNP). It’s good to have people to wait with, as it’s the only thing on my mind lately! 

Keeping a healthy diet is good – I was (incidentally, as we weren’t AT) the healthiest I’ve ever been when DD was conceived.

Sooo my question to you all is: how much of the day do you spend daydreaming about getting pg/having a baby (or even TTC)? I spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about baby names. ;-)
Jaspie that would be so cool wouldn't it.my dh is sure it will happen straight away which makes me nervous,I hope it harkens quick.
N8 I'm aiming to loose about a stone, bikini body for my holiday in September.
Hi pandabub! Welcome! At the moment i am spending a lot of time daydreaming because it's the closest it's ever been! I can't get enough!

Spicyorange my OH also thinks it will happen straight away. We spend all of our lives trying not to get pregnant so he thinks it will be immediate as soon as we stop using protection! I hope he is right! ;)
A friend of ours convinced her dh to ttc before they were really ready because it"could take time " and she got pg straight away (which put them in a bit of hot water) my dh isn't prepared to try a moment earlier because he is sure it will happen first try but I'm not so sure. We were quite reckless when we first dated and just used pull out and I didn't get pg so I'm a bit worried it will take ages.
Same here my oh is convinced we will fall straight away but in not so convinced. I think it will take a while which is why i am going to use opks. Anyone else putting savings away?
Welcome panda! I think we would have a 4 year age gap too if we were to have 2 children. All i do is think about babies all the time!
Savings haha, I wish I could but paying off the credit card would be the best I can hope for. We haven't given too much thought to when we would have a second. We want 2 but I don't know when we want the second yet. Play that one by ear I think.I'm determined not to be straight back on here when baby is only weeks old
Yea same here i want to enjoy first child for a few years i don't understand the urge people get to try straight after having one guess i don't have any experience to how that feels yet.
We will start paying off the credit card and overdraft as of next month! Once our debt has gone we will be able to save.

I bought some folic acid today :-D Tesco has it on 3 for 2 at the moment so I have ended up with enough to last until February!
Our wedding loan comes to an end in June so we can start to really attack our debts. I don't think we will be debt free but they are manageable on one income and dh is an accountant so we should be fine.roll on the end of this year. Would be ace if we all moved over to ttc and then got our bfp's at the same time wouldn't it.
Sounds like we have a similar financial situation spicy. For us we just need to at least make a start on paying some of it off, this will make my partner feel much more ready.
It would be amazing if we all got our bfps at the same time! I can't wait for December!
Finance has been the main thing holding us back although I think it's been a good excuse to give dh the time he needed to get used to the idea. Feels like we are just waiting our this year then we are all good. Exciting times
I don't have debt actually just need save for maternity leave cover as my wages will be so low on it. I know would be amazing if we did all get bfps around same time. Who realistically thinks they will catch straight away? I dont
I'm seriously hoping for first three months.I swing bitten thinking it will be straight away to thinking it will take ages
There are a few reasons why we are waiting until December/Jan to start TTC. We are moving across country in less than a month (Phoenix to Chicago), and neither of us have secured a job (though of course we are trying). We will be living in an apartment with DH's brother rent-free for about a year (thank God, in-laws are so generous). We want to pay off our credit cards and start saving up for a mortgage. I want to be at a job for about 6 months before we start trying, partly because I will need the insurance for prenatal visits, and partly so there that I will have been there the required time (1 year) to qualify for any maternity leave type benefits.

I've been pretty broody for the past couple weeks. DH keeps reminding me that I don't *actually* want to start TTC for the above reasons. My sanity is dwindling lol.
I know when my mom and "dad" started TTC for me, it was super fast. It was also right after a miscarriage, and my brother and I are a little less than a year apart. I hope it doesn't take a long time to conceive, but with all the changes in our life right now, it wouldn't be the worst thing to have it take a while. At least we would be on the road.
Also my health is another reason to wait. (Sorry, 3 posts in a row). I was *finally* diagnosed with a thyroid condition. I've gone gluten free (the disorder is majorly affected by gluten), and have been for 3 weeks. I'm already feeling tons better, but I still haven't lost any weight yet. If I got pregnant at my current weight, it wouldn't be horrible, but I'm not at the point where there's no real weight-related risk. That's 30 pounds away. This effing thyroid condition has something like 6 key symptoms, and what are two of them? Well, weight gain and inability to lose weight of course!!! So I'm going to try specific vitamins next in addition to being gluten-free. Praying this works man!
Good luck with the weight loss apreslaube :) it's hard sometimes to remember the reasons for waiting and to remember that it's for the best!

I'm also hoping for the first 3 months. My cycles are regular and I get ovulation symptoms and pain so I usually know when I'm ovulating. So it seems like everything is fine. Unless there's something I don't know about, either with me or OH of course! Both my parents and OHs parents got pregnant straight away so am hoping we have good genes god knows if there's any truth in that though!
It's a worry too as I have never been pregnant so have no idea if there's anything wrong or not but I've also never tried to be pregnant in fact have actively avoided it so hoping it's just my doubting mind! I believe in the power of positive thinking so am visualising that bfp in Dec/Jan!

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