WTT 30's Club


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2009
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So as Hobnob said, I have just opened a new thread so we can start our club. We can post here if its alright with you all.

President of Club: Calm. I am now your Leader, Queen and Mistress. You have to do everything as I say if not, you with be banished from this club and I will see it that you will never be able to enter a similar club in BnB again.

(Okay, maybe power does not suit me, lets not have a president)

So Members: me, Elphaba, Belgiansunset, Hobnob, xxxjacquixxx, amberlindsay7,AnnaBanana9,Norris,workaholic. Any new members please be free to join (unless you are twenty something or less, if so you can go and make your own club :growlmad:, if any of you younguns trespass you must be prepared to pay the price :grr:)

Even though some of you already did so, I suppose we could start by introducing ourselves etc. And anyone post what you see fit. Lets get loads of positive PMA going on here.

Well, I have just turned 33 in June. I want to be TTC in the next 6 months to 1 year, which it the estimated time to be a more anxiety free person.

I have been married since I was 29, and with my DH living together and everything for quite a few years before that. But my hubby is 7 years younger than me, and at this moment is only 25 going for 26. He is actually the responsible one in our relationship even if i am older than him. He was born old! Even though with one thing and the other, it hasn't been the right time for TTC, I think I am glad in a way, as I would have felt a bit mean making him a dad before he was even 25. Now would be a great time to start so I am trying to put my life into order.

I am a teacher, before primary, now academy teaching all ages, I have 2 cats, I am half Spanish/half English. I have lost in the last 2 years around 20 kilos which I put on whilst taking medication for my anxiety (don't take it now). Want to lose another 7 kilos, and be a baggy 12 tight 10 size.

You do worry when you read about people being 25 and thinking they are getting too old. You do worry when you think: gosh, what if I can't get pregnant? What if my clock will stop before I get down to it? But we don't want thoughts like that... we want PMA !!!!
Mistress Calm :haha:

I turned 30 in March and it really felt like that was a trigger for my body clock starting to tick big time. Didn't help that I was made redundant a few weeks before and broke my arm a few weeks after - all of which made me do some rethinking of what I wanted in life.

I've been married for four years, although have been with my husband since I was 18. I never wanted to rush to have kids really but part of me was always scared I wouldn't feel 'ready' until it was too late. I now feel like the time is right and so does DH.

Most of our married friends now have at least one, if not two children - like wise with our siblings. There seemed to be a spell of 2007 babies amongst people we know of our age. Although I wasn't 'ready' for kids at that time, I think I did feel a bit jealous and 'left out' :blush:

So that's me. I'm still job hunting. I live with DH and our 2 cats. And we're going to TTC after Christmas.

K x
Hi all I turned 33 in June, Hubby turns 34 later this year. We met nearly 8 years ago, we were set up by a friend who thinks she's Cilla Black! We've been living together for 7 years and got married in 2007. I work as a teaching assistant and he's a full time student studying Creative Industries (Film and TV) at uni. He's got another 6 months to go, this is the reason we're WTT, because we both agree that it'd be far too stressful to have a baby in the house whilst he's studying, especially in his final year!

We have 5 nephews and 2 nieces, who are making us very broody indeed! In fact, we started talking marriage and babies after only being together a few months, I just knew I'd found the right person for me

We'd like to TTC about December 09, we figure that if I got pregnant as soon as we start TTC, it wouldn't matter too much as I'd only be in the early stages of pregnancy when the end of his uni year comes round, he finishes in Feb 10. I came off the pill in June after being on it since 1994. I had a period after 30 days, which shocked me as I'd convinced myself that it'd take ages for me to have a period. We'll be using condoms until December as we really can't afford to get pregnant right now but I want to get the pill out of my system and see if my periods settle into a regular cycle.

Calm, I know exactly what you mean about worrying about our age, I worry that my periods won't settle into a regular pattern, I worry that we might not be able to get pregnant too. But having said this, I have a friend who turned 40 earlier this year who's pregnant with baby number 4, only took a month or so to fall pregnant, so there's hope for all of us! :D
Hi girls! :hi: So great to have a place for us all.

I'm Anna. I turned 33 last week, and have been married to my wonderful hubby for almost 10 years now. We had our first child, Alyssa, in February this year - so I was the ripe old age of 32. I felt a bit bad every time I would read about a 20-something saying she felt "too old". We're hoping to be TTC in June/July of 2010, so if we get pregnant straight away (which we were fortunate enough to have happen with Alyssa) then baby #2 would be due in February or March of 2011, giving us a 2 year age gap between children.

I'm due to finish my maternity leave in 3 weeks' time, and go back to my full time job as a mortgage advisor for a major national bank. I'm dreading this, but keep reminding myself that Alyssa will be home with her daddy all day, every day. This is a decision that hubby and I made; I would work, and he would be a stay-at-home dad. Works for us. I am feeling VERY sad about going out to work again though; I wish the 3 of us could just stay at home together all the time... unfortunately, we haven't yet won the lottery :cry:

We wanted children from the moment we got together, but waited until I had a job with decent maternity leave and maternity pay, to ensure we could give our family the best start. It made us VERY broody 3 years ago when my younger sister (who was 28 at the time) announced she was expecting her first.... but here we are now, WTT for baby #2! :happydance:

I think the most difficult bit for us is being 3,500 miles away from family - I'm from Canada, and everyone dear to us lives over there, except for hubby's older brother. So "family time" is limited to the rare occasions we get to Toronto or they get here to the UK, as well as daily on the webcam and microphone. At least Alyssa gets to recognize her grandparents' faces and voices that way! Fingers crossed all goes to plan and we get there for a month over the Christmas and New Year's holidays!
Hi there...I just returned to WTT. I was in TTC for the last 3 months but was unsuccessful.

I turned 30 in March. Hubby is 29. We just got married on July 4. I'm back in WTT because hubby left yesterday for police training. He will be away until January 2010 so it will be over 5 months apart and in WTT.

We are both very broody and had hoped it would happen for us before he left. But sadly it did not and we'll start trying again as soon as we reunite!!

Excited about having the 30s 'club' in WTT!!
What's great about having a 30's club is:

- You know that there are loads of others like you in the 30's and WTT ( I don't mean misery likes company)
- People in their 20's can look over at this post and think: gosh I am so young, even if I don't get pregnant in my 20's I could always be part of that cool club.

Positive stories/statistics of the day:

-My husband's uncle (52) and his partner (40) have had their first this year, now 5months. She just NTNP for 9 months and there she came. She had a great pregnancy, great birth, great post natal, and a lovely healthy baby (and she smoked through pregnancy, before and after)

- My workmake at 35 after 5 years was very depressed as she couldn't get pregnant and keep a sticky bean (She had loads of different problems like killer cells, very difficult for her to get pregnant etc). She told me she had left it too long. She now has 3 children. (2 her biological children). She got pregnant with number 2 when she stopping stressing about it all

- My aunt got pregnant with number 2 at 38 and number 3 at 43.

- Most of my friends have had children at some point in their 30's
Welcome new member SpecialK (I am going to eat you uppp), sorry your hubby is away, you can concentrate this time on getting super positive and becoming a sex goddess. x
To add to your positive statistics, calm:

I fell pregnant with Alyssa at the age of almost 32 in our first month of trying :)
Hi girls! :hi: So great to have a place for us all.

I'm Anna. I turned 33 last week, and have been married to my wonderful hubby for almost 10 years now. We had our first child, Alyssa, in February this year - so I was the ripe old age of 32. I felt a bit bad every time I would read about a 20-something saying she felt "too old". We're hoping to be TTC in June/July of 2010, so if we get pregnant straight away (which we were fortunate enough to have happen with Alyssa) then baby #2 would be due in February or March of 2011, giving us a 2 year age gap between children.

I'm due to finish my maternity leave in 3 weeks' time, and go back to my full time job as a mortgage advisor for a major national bank. I'm dreading this, but keep reminding myself that Alyssa will be home with her daddy all day, every day. This is a decision that hubby and I made; I would work, and he would be a stay-at-home dad. Works for us. I am feeling VERY sad about going out to work again though; I wish the 3 of us could just stay at home together all the time... unfortunately, we haven't yet won the lottery :cry:

We wanted children from the moment we got together, but waited until I had a job with decent maternity leave and maternity pay, to ensure we could give our family the best start. It made us VERY broody 3 years ago when my younger sister (who was 28 at the time) announced she was expecting her first.... but here we are now, WTT for baby #2! :happydance:

I think the most difficult bit for us is being 3,500 miles away from family - I'm from Canada, and everyone dear to us lives over there, except for hubby's older brother. So "family time" is limited to the rare occasions we get to Toronto or they get here to the UK, as well as daily on the webcam and microphone. At least Alyssa gets to recognize her grandparents' faces and voices that way! Fingers crossed all goes to plan and we get there for a month over the Christmas and New Year's holidays!

She is so lovely your Alyssa! Sorry your family are far away, its the same with my parents, they are on the other end of Spain and I do miss them.On what you said before, I once read a girl of 19 saying she was getting too old, rather not read threads like that again, very depressing. Lovely to have you here as you have had you first in your 30's and WTT also in thirties. take care xxx
Thanks Calm. It's so lovely to have a group like this to belong to - to make friends of around the same age and same stage in life - to be there to cheer each other on! :)
Yeps I agree. The best thing about grouping by age is that in the end, we realize, that age is not an issue. People get pregnant at all ages, and others don't get pregnant (at any age younger or older). But we do have a lot more in common, and we can fight that taboo that comes if we reach over 35 and are WTT of being "Older Mother". It will be great to write and know the others really understand where we are coming from.

I was reading TTC the other day, and someone said that they were despairing from not getting pregnant, she was very young and she said, just imagine how I would feel if I was 30! (They are the threads we had better keep away from gosh!). PMA is everything, usually people don't mean to be hurtful to whoever might be reading them, they just don't think. Anyway, turned into a bit of a rant now. Take care all x
Yay - over 30s! Hi, I'm Lorraine, 33 yrs. I have lovely Emma. OH and I have been married 3 years, together 5 yrs. We miscarried a LO in Feb 07, then fell pregnant with Emm in July 07. TTC in Jan next year. I do think it's funny when other girls are worried about being too old when they're in their 20s! I'm glad I concentrated on my career, finding the right bloke, having some nice holidays, getting a house sorted and having some freedom before TTC. x
I was the same, career and everything. I wouldn't have minded at all being a mum in my 20's, so I do of course respect it, Its just the bit about them feeling too old that gets me (and makes me feel stressed I suppose)
Hi everyone

(yay from me too for the 30+ WTT group) :))

I'm new to this site (found it yesterday) and have been feeling ever so broody for the past few years, but especially since I turned 30 in December - so its great to find all of you lovely people on here with similar thoughts and anxieties.

I've been with my OH since we were both 18 and our 'plan' was to buy a house, OH to get a new job, me to get a pay rise and then we could seriously start planning our family...well I got the pay rise in May, we bought the house in June and OH started his new job last week - just need to sit down and discuss our situation now (I.e. whether we want to take the plunge very soon or do it the traditional way and get married first).

My heart wants to go with the second option because I'm old fashioned; which is kind of why I joined this group...I was getting worried that if we got married first then I would be leaving it too late etc - but it's really cheered me up seeing so many over 30s who are WTT or TTC (and stories of those that have) - I now know if we leave it another 12-18 months or so; it's not all doom and gloom (as so many people would have you believe) :))))

Amberlindsay xx

PS: Thanks for the other post telling me what a journal is...don't think I'm quite ready for one yet; but I'm sure that'll change once I read everyone elses :))
Hi everyone

(yay from me too for the 30+ WTT group) :happydance:

I'm new to this site (found it yesterday) and have been feeling ever so broody for the past few years, but especially since I turned 30 in December - so its great to find all of you lovely people on here with similar thoughts and anxieties.

I've been with my OH since we were both 18 and our 'plan' was to buy a house, OH to get a new job, me to get a pay rise and then we could seriously start planning our family...well I got the pay rise in May, we bought the house in June and OH started his new job last week - just need to sit down and discuss our situation now (I.e. whether we want to take the plunge very soon or do it the traditional way and get married first).

My heart wants to go with the second option because I'm old fashioned; which is kind of why I joined this group...I was getting worried that if we got married first then I would be leaving it too late etc - but it's really cheered me up seeing so many over 30s who are WTT or TTC (and stories of those that have) - I now know if we leave it another 12-18 months or so; it's not all doom and gloom (as so many people would have you believe) :))))

Amberlindsay xx

PS: Thanks for the other post telling me what a journal is...don't think I'm quite ready for one yet; but I'm sure that'll change once I read everyone elses :))
Thanked you twice amberlindsay7 haha, didn't want to leave you clon post without it. x Sounds like you are a ripe plum just ready for TTC. And no, if you waited a bit more, it would not be the end of the world. You just have to be ready and happy, everything else will flow. x
Ok here goes..

I am 35 and had my first baby in Feb this year, for those of you needing PMA like annabanana i got pg on my first cycle. I joined fertility friend and kinda studied how my body worked and observed my cycle as i never really noticed much before, I have PCOS so I have a long cycle but thankfully pretty regular. I am WTT till Feb 2010 for my second baby. SImilar again to annabanana i am from Scotland, living in Canada and we dont have any family here so regularly do the webcam thing with the grandparents, hoping to get back to Scotland for 1st birthday.

I am on maternity leave its awesome not due back till next year which is great, getting a little stressed out about childcare but lets not think about that.

It is great to have this thread with like minded people, i think i might be the oldest one here so far. Good luck to us all.
Lovely to have you here in our club goddess25, in love with Euan :)

It is very positive to read your experience. I wasn't going to do all that charting and temping etc at first, did you NTNP at all, or did you go straight on with the fertility friend page? (I was liking the option of , should I go from NTNP to TTC, peeing on a clearblue ovulation thingy and getting a smiley face), all that temping seems stressful and hard work, please tell. xxx
Hi goddess25 - I'm so jealous! Where in Canada are you living? I'm homesick now :rofl: Euan is utterly gorgeous - he's only 3 days younger than Alyssa, so you and I really are in very similar situations :hugs:

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