WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Ah glad you got to tell them hun. So nice to be able to share it with them now.

I am doing ok. Well I guess that isn't too true. I'm really down today, had midwife check at 34 + 2 and baby is back to being breach. She said she thought he may have tried to turn at last scan as was transverse but perhaps changed his mind. She said he may still try but I would know about it as there is no space, so if he does it will be gradual. I'm also now measuring way way way ahead, 41 weeks according to her. I guess I'm more upset about that as I feel as though I'm failing my unborn child already when trying to be so good. I'm watching what I eat, have lost more than a stone since conceiving and feel generally like a bit of a failure. I know it looks like I'll have a c section which I don't mind as much as kind of used to the idea now but feel like I'm failing as a mother. Please please please do not take that the wrong way, I completely have absolutely nothing against c sections at all, I think it's maybe a combination of all of it in one go. She did say to me be prepared for him to come at any point, don't venture too far and get that bag packed.

I'm back at consultant on dec 7 so they should decide then I guess. I did have a scan booked but they cancelled it. Maybe they'll do another one now to see position and size. She booked me to see her for the 14 dec but said I don't expect to see you to be honest.

I'm ok, just a little down and shattered which isn't helping. Hardly seeing DH as he is on nights so have my gorgeous niece here tonight to keep me company and cheer me up xx
sonia I am so sorry you are feeling so down =( HUGS!!!
I think you can only control weight gain in pregnancy so much-my little bean is measuring 2 days ahead this early on, so I may be in the same boat as you! I have gained at least 8 lbs already, but I feel it is because baby needs me to eat eat eat! I feel pukey if I do not eat enough, so I have been stuffing my face and just listening to my body. Unfortunately I have been craving french fries but I am trying to stay away from them a little bit hehe

Hope baby moves soon-) know the sound of a c-section can be scarey, so let's hope you can go natural! Looks like there is still time!
Sooo glad you finally got to announce your lovely news to dome family.... Will be a relief to announce to OH's family soon.
Can't believe your 13 weeks!
Sorry if this sounds ignorant but can you explain Thanksgiving.... Is it like Christmas? And do you still celebrate christmas?

Sonia to sorry to read your feeling down.
I really don't think you can control that weight you put on lose in pregnancy! You have done amazingly well to lose any weight when you have at least a 7lber in your tummy as well as all the water, ect!
And you haven't failed at all, your growing a beautiful little boy, that's amazing! As for a c section, I can believe that must be a little scary. I think I get what your saying about a c sec.. I had an epidural at the end of my first birth and a forceps delivery- all out of my control- but I felt all sorts of emotions and that I wasn't a 'real' woman because l didn't get the end result like most of us want... But I don't feel like that now and I soon got over myself and saw what amazing little being my body created.

Why does your midwife think you will have him early? Because your measuring bigger than they say your ment too? What did he weigh at your last scan?
Try and keep smiling and you know we are all here for you xxx
Thanks ladies. I think he'll be early. At my 32 week scan he was 5lb 5oz which was two pounds more than the 28 scan so gained that they expected, the half a lb a week. So assuming the weight gain is the same he would now be 6lb 6 and 7lb 6 when I go to consultant at 36 weeks and at full term possibly 9lb 6, if not more. She did say he is very long and whilst he is on the top end of the scale he is within the normal scale. He has super long legs.

I feel like you say Jem about kind of not completing the journey but time for things to change I guess x
I think I wrote this before? Sorry if I'm repeating... Isla was 6lb at 36 weeks and was born at 40+6 and she still only weighed 6lb 12oz... I'd put on nearly half a stone between that time... So Im not saying there wring just that the scans may not be accurate??
If you think little man will come early are you able to take maternity a little earlier... As you said your not sleeping?

I'm really stressing about money, its going to be tight when in leave now we have a new car. And Shaun mum, who has our girls two days a week has not mentioned if she will have our third baby? We obviously don't expect her too and would never take her for granted but I don't what we will do if she doesn't offer?

Isla will start school in September and Demi can start preschool in Feb- but I won't send her until September (dint want Demi to feel pushed out with a new baby coming and then us sending her off) so Shauns mum could potentially only have one girlie and sometimes two. I can probly change my job to term time hours. Just so tough right now xx
I'm there with you on the money hun. With DH changing job we are down about £800 a month. It's not easy but we'll get by, one way or another. Hopefully like you say you may be able to change your hours in term time etc.

I think I will be early, I've always thought that and especially since he is measuring bigger, at one point he'll want out I guess :) no not really sleeping well as getting used to DH being away at nights and can't get comfortable, wee trips etc. I can take mat leave early as I'm on annual leave from dec 14 till jan 1 and my mat starts jan 2 so could bring it all forward. Work is manic though, but baby has to come first. X
haha jems no worries!! Thanksgiving is just a US tradition (canada may celebrate as well? hmm) where families get together and have a giant feast-it varies but my family does Turkey (thanksgiving is nick named turkey day haha) stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc. It is just a nice time to sit eat with family and be together! Christmas is more of a religious holiday, whereas thankgiving really is not. I am christian so yes I celebrate christmas!! =)

I am also nervous with money-always have, but after IVF and paying 86 extra a month to store our frozen embryos, plus HUGE college bills, plus baby and hopefully a house we are nervous. Luckily we have only one car payment and are hoping to move early next year to a town where we can get free cable and internet since my husband is a cable tech. Luckily he has been getting raises multiple times a year, but my preschool teacher salary is basically crap, although I love my job the pay really stinks :/
I'm taking mat leave at 35 weeks instead of 38 weeks but have three weeks holiday before that. So three night shifts next weeks and two random NVQ days in December and that's it. My boss is pushing for a return date, hoping to win the lotto so I dot have to answer her!

Thanks Almost, sounds like fun :)
Good knows why I got into childcare the money is rubbish! Nannying here is good money but often 12 hours a day and I don't want to do that now I have my own children- felt like I was always doing the same thong everyday.
My job now Is about the same as Nannying salary, so good, but that's because I get night enhancement and my fuel paid.

Is this your husbands new job Sonia? How is he finding nights? Im still not use to it now and I've been doing it 11 months! X
I'll share a lotto win with you ladies anyday :) my boss is pushing my for a return date and I lost it earlier and said I don't have to legally tell you yet so drop it.

Yes his new job Jem, he is struggling with the nights as says he feels like he is constantly jet lagged. He does manage to sleep most days 9am - 5 ish but think its just that complete flip of routine.

Sonia: Sorry to read that you're feeling so down about everything. I understand exactly where your coming from with the possibility of a section. I had to have a section after a long long labour and failure to progress. I actually ended up grieving for the labour I had hoped and planned for. At least you know it's a possibility and have the chance to let the idea sink in a bit. I'm opting for a section this time (for various reasons) and feel a lot better about it this time as I know it's going to happen. The weight estimate with ultrasound is pretty inaccurate, it's only a rough guide. Measuring ahead doesn't mean that you're a bad Mum at all. My wee one is measuring 2 weeks ahead, and it's nothing I have done, it's just the way baby is growing. Take care babe and don't be too hard on yourself!!

Almost: Yay for announcing to your family!! So exciting!!!! :) and yay for nearly being in the 2nd tri!

Jem: I'm with you on the money! I have had to stop work early due to irritable uterus, it sucks!!! We're going to be struggling a lot, but hey ho, baby is worth it! :)

We're all good here, baby growing nicely but after a scare and a trip to labour ward last week with contractions, I've decided to call it a day with work and I'm on maternity leave now. It's kinda nice to get a bit of one on one time with Tilly before new baby comes along :)

Hugs to everyone x x x
Sorry to hear you had a scare* iow_bird! But glad to hear you get a nice long mat leave to relax-happy to hear baby is right on track =)
Good! Feeling totally not pregnant anymore, although my stomach kind of looks it now-just hoping my baby is okay...will find out at next apt. on the 11th, over a week away, ugh!!! I need to hear baby on the doppler big time :/
I'm ok thanks Emz how are you?

Can't believe how close I am now! Baby is still breech so have consultant on Friday who I hope will decide if I'm having a c section or not, I don't really want them to attempt the turn him.
Almost, 14 weeks already!!!! Wow! That's gone so fast. When do you find out the sex?

Sonia, only 4 weeks left. Where has the time gone? I really hope baby turns for you. Lots of cleaning floors on your hands and knees.

All good here. Enjoying my time off with the children. River is getting huge now!


Omgsh emz she is just adorable!! love love love the pics! And I find out the sex days before week 20, so Jan 9th!!! I go on over 2 week vacation to see DH's parents who live outside the U.S. so by the time we get back we will only have a week wait to find out I am dying to know. At our 12 week viability scan I asked the sex and the woman guessed boy but did not seem so sure, so we will see if this holds true!

Sonia-omgsh 4 weeks...thats crazy close!!!! eeeek!
Hey everyone!! Almost, you are so close to finding out the sex! I know it doesn't seem like it, but it will go by fast.

Sonia, sorry that baby is still breech! You should go to spinningbabies.com and try doing some things to get it to turn on your own. I also hear that chiropractors can really help out with that. For me, I would definitely attempt to get him turned. It will be uncomfortable, but very quick!

AFM, I had to have a cervical check on friday because I was having SO many contractions, but everything is closed up tight, so that was a relief. I now have a major cold, though and I am being such a big baby about it! I'm shocked I even came into work today.. I just want to go to sleeeeep! Less than 6 weeks until due date, though!! Crazy how fast it's gone, but these last few weeks feel like they are dragging. I've started on raspberry leaf tea and will start evening primrose oil in a few weeks. I'm determined for this baby to just fly right on out of there when the time comes lol.

I hope the rest of you are well!!! Emz, River is SO adorable!!! I just want to snuggle her :)
Presh sorry you're not too well :( when do you start mat leave? How was your first labour with your daughter? They say the second is usually faster!

Almost, do you have any 'feelings' re the sex of your baby? Will be interesting to see if they were right at your first scan :D
I'm in the US, so here we don't start leave until the bitter end!! With my last pregnancy I stopped working at 41 weeks and she was born at 41+2. My labor with her was only 10 hours from the time my water broke until she was born and it was 'easy' as far as labor goes, I guess. But this time I'm doing hypnobirthing and waterbirth and anything and everything else I can to make it even easier. I feel that is a huge bonus about being a 2nd timer.... I fully understand the hard work that goes into it, so if there is anyhthing I can do to make it even remotely easier, I will do it! So I'm hoping for labor to be about 6 hours this time. Not that I can control it, but I'm sure gonna try lol.
Glad to hear from you presh.

Emz I originally thought girl I've had two dreams its a girl but then when I look at the us it looks like a mini dh so no idea what to expect! Hehe sorry for short post hardly slept and at work feel so icky. Presh ill be working til the bitter end as well oh joy! Lol

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