WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Oh my, can't believe you ladies have to work until the end. Do you have no choice in the matter? Granted I finished work at 39 weeks this time but it's nice to at least have the option to go earlier.
I only get 12 weeks leave, so I COULD go out right now if I wanted to, but then that would mean that much less time after she comes. So that's why we work until the end, so every bit of leave will be spent with the little one. It's brutal!
I was actually denied my short term disability due to my ivf procedures which makes me sick to my stomach, trying to fight it...but I would have gotten 6 months partial paid mat. leave
Ladies in the US - I have seen a couple of ladies refer to the short term disability pay, do you all qualify for this when pregnant?
Yes, Sonia. But it isn't that great. This is how it works where I work: I get 6 weeks STD, but really it's only 5 weeks because you have to use a week of sick time before that can kick in and it counts towards STD... So, once that 6 weeks runs out we either go back to work or we can use our other paid time off, like vacation, personal days, etc. Once all the paid time runs out then we can go unpaid until we reach the 12 week mark. So I think this time I will go unpaid for 3 weeks at the end. Then I come back to work in April with no vacation or personal time left and with only 5 days of sick time for the rest of the year.

The only way you can get more leave is if there is something wrong and your doctor will sign you out. For how long I've been at my company, I think I have 26 weeks of STD to use, but it has to be signed off on by the doctor. So if I had some major complication and needed to go out now, all that would be covered. Or if something happens during the birth or after, then I can be signed out for that, too. But obviously we don't want that to happen! So yeah...it really sucks!
Wow that does suck, I thought ours was bad! So you always have to go back after 12 weeks or be signed off?

Ours isn't great, we get 90% pay for the first 6 weeks and then £130 odd a week thereafter for a further 33 weeks I think. We can have up to one year off on that pay, and if that's the case have to take 13 weeks as unpaid. The conditions to return to work are more favourable if you return before or at 6 / 9 months, same job, same pay, same terms etc. if a full year then they can change your role etc.

Some companies have private mat schemes and some of my friends have full pay for six months. In my old job I would have got something similar to that but moved to where I am now where I just get the basic as above.
Wow you guys in the US get it tough! We get 14 weeks paid parental leave which works out at around $800 a fortnight, or your salary (whichever is lower), then depending on how long you've been in your job you can top that up unpaid to 28 or 54 weeks. My work tops up the parental leave to our full wage for the first 14 weeks too.

This baby is behaving bady, I'm puking again, had to start maternity leave early due to contractions any time I do anything, and am so over pregnancy! I am never doing this again!!!!! And don't get me started on the cervix kicks!!!

Hope everyone is going well! xxxx
Hi ladies

Hope everyone is ok?

Well been to see my consultant and she palpated and wasn't sure so got a presentation scan. Had to wait ages for it and in the end she got inpatient with the sonographers so look me up to delivery suite and scanned me herself. Glad to say delivery suite was very quite! I thought oh god no screamers pls!

Well baby has turned, is nicely head down and engaged. I actually wonder if he was breech to start with as he said is heartbeat is in line with my naval which may have confused my midwife, but definitely down and engaged. She didn't think he would turn now!

She said they wouldn't book c section based on his size as at last scan was in average range, albeit at the top of the range. I'm pleased as means I can at least try naturally
Sonia that is awesome!! Such great news! And I'm glad your mw won't induce based on size. Your body is totally capable of birthing a 'larger' baby! Here in the US they induce for that reason all the time and 9 times out of 10 its an average sized baby lol. I am a very tiny person and had an 8 pounder with no problem. So don't stress! So glad you get to have a go at natural birth. It's amazing and even fun believe it or not ;-)
wonderful news sonia! i am sooo jealous how far ahead you and presh are, I want to be close to birth, eek!!
I'm starting to get nervous now, very nervous and anxious. Tomorrow's job is to pack hospital bag - strict instructions from the consultant!

I've had a lot of pressure in my bits tonight, front and back so think baby is getting even further engaged maybe? I have also been really emotional - I had my hair cut today and whilst I wanted a good trim as it needed it, she took about 5/6 inches off and now I feel like a boy :( I was dreading showing DH as he was like don't get it cut too short and I spent ages walking around the shops afterwards as didn't want to come home. I do prefer it now that I've washed, dried, straightened and styled it myself but it is a lot shorter than I wanted. I know it will grow back and I am one of the least vain people I know but when your feeling self concious as it is, hugely pregnant, huge boobs, waddling around, the last thing you need is another thing to think about. It sounds so trivial I know x
I know how you feel Sonia! I cut my hair in my first pregnancy and vowed I would never do that again! If I reach my weightloss goals by June, then I will cut it off as a reward :) I like my hair short, but need to be skinny to have it that way lol.

I also know what you mean about the pain/pressure in your bits! I've had that going on for months now and it's only getting worse. Not sure how to survive the next 5 or so weeks as I'm still certain I will go way overdue. Oh well!!

I hope everyone else is doing well! I have to work M-F this week and then Monday and Tuesday next week and then I'm off for 2 weeks!! EEK!! Then I come back to work on Jan 2nd, ten days before due date so that should be funny. I bet I can't even walk by then lol.
sooo jealous sonia! although I am more than sure you need that time off more than me right now as you are almost there!

have very bad cold/phlem/cough/congestion with blocked ear....praying for it to not be an ear infection comming on....2nd try at hearing baby on doppler....have not heard babys hb since 7 weeks and that was from a transvaginal ultrasound so I am super nervous and excited all at once! Baby was stubborn and did not let us have a hear a few weeks ago!
Oooh these due dates are getting so close!!!! :) Very exciting! then it's my turn :) Can't wait for this baby to be evicted, I want my newborn snuggles now! My best friend is due in 4 weeks so I'll get nice newborn snuggle fix to keep me going until Feb :)
Hey ladies, sorry have been reading!
Thanks for your update Sonia, so glad He is all ok and you get to try naturally.
Bet you just can't wait for mat leave- I did 38 weeks first time round and it was torture!

Poor you Presh, I really feel for you ladies, that maternity does not make sense! So unfair! Hope your getting to rest up a little?

Almost, hope little bean let's you hear the heartbeat- when do you find out the sex?

Emz, not sure I commented but River is beautiful.
And it's her first Xmas :)

I'm feeling real rough today, my lower back is aching so bad- not sure why but a hot bath has not helped. My poor three year has square eyes from too much tv but I'm feeling to poorly to do too much. Not a nice feeling.

I had the wc jab last night don't know if it's that or something else?
Hi Jem, sorry you are not feeling well! And my gender/20 week scan is less than a month away! Jan 9th!!!

I had a horrid sleep-I read that not only should I not sleep on my stomach, but not flat on my back either. I am a tummy sleeper, but finally got used to sleeping on my back and now just my sides are aloud. I'll ask my doctor about it today.
Almost - you can sleep on your back, especially at this point. Baby doesn't weigh enough yet to do anything. And they say that as long as you don't get dizzy, you can sleep on your back your whole pregnancy. Sometimes I have to these days, but baby hates it, so I'm confined to my sides for the most part. So sleep on your back now while it's comfortable! haha. I saw your bump pics on your other thread...looking good and pregnant now! YAYAYAYAAAAY!!!

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