WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

sorry for the lightening pains ladies! Is the pain in your eh hem?

sounds more painful than my sciatic nerve pain i've been getting from baby every day! owchie it hurts and a lightening bolt is a good way to describe it too...sharp shooting pain in my ass literally lol on the right side and my right leg.
I described like someone had put a knife up there and was twisting it around. Ouchy x
ouch! well this morning I threw up-I took sudafed last night so not sure why I got sick if it was from that, a flu, or from a possible kidney stone as I have throbbing pain in my left side almost in my back since last night and still this am....waiting to get hold of the doctors...
sorry for the lightening pains ladies! Is the pain in your eh hem?

sounds more painful than my sciatic nerve pain i've been getting from baby every day! owchie it hurts and a lightening bolt is a good way to describe it too...sharp shooting pain in my ass literally lol on the right side and my right leg.

I had major sciatica with my first pregnancy from weeks 10-19. But after that it went away for the most part and would only flare up here and there. So hopefully you are the same! My guess is right now you are getting it now because of your pelvis relaxing and shifting to irritate the nerve. So hopefully you grow past it!

And for the lightning....it's worse than sciatica. I would describe it as someone taking an electrified razor blade to my urinary tract!! lol
oh gosh ladies you are making my cringe!! i hope your lady bits relax for you all soon! lol

my dr. told me i am safe to fly as no fluid build up that she could see. she said blocked ears with cold and congestion are common in pregnancy. she also said the sudafed is prob my reason for throwing up and getting chills and my side pain could be from constipation. :/
Had midwife today for 37 check, I told her how I felt fobbed off by consultant re elective c section due to baby size. She said we'll measure you and see where we are. At 34 weeks I was measuring 41 and today at 37 I'm measuring 42, so have grown 1 week baby wise in three weeks. She wasn't concerned as said his growth is slowing, she did say if next week still ahead she'll book me a growth scan. Also said she'll do a sweep jan 2 which is due date.

Baby is head down, not engaged and currently back to back. She said the lightening pains are probably his head trying to engage but can't so it just bounced off of pelvis and cervix - ouch! Got lots of exercises to try and turn him.
Sonia- All the best! you are so close. dont worry everything will go well. The pain sound really bad.
Ugh. Sciatica hit me on Saturday and has been killing me ever since! This is NOT fun!!!

Also, I was measuring 3 weeks behind at my appt on Friday.. Not sure how that's possible. I was there 2 weeks ago and was measuring right on. So if it happens again this friday I will have to go for ultrasound.. I'm sure everything is fine, though. I think it's becasue she is so low that they just can't get a proper measurement sometimes. We shall see!!

Sonia, how are you doing? Any luck turning him?
Hey hun.

Hopefully on Friday you will measure ok. Can't see how you can be three weeks behind now but was ok last week? Maybe she's just changed position? I was measuring 41 at 34 and then 42 and 37 so only grew 1 week baby wise in three weeks real time, midwife said it's due to baby's position.

Not sure, I think he may still be back to back as all the normal body bits, well things I think are body bits I.e legs etc are where they normally are. Back to midwife Friday.

I'm feeling ok but a bit odd today. I'm just shattered all of a sudden, went for a lovely walk earlier and then lunch with my girlfriends and have come home shattered. Baby is also very quite today so maybe this is the calm before the storm? I've been trying to sleep this afternoon but the bloody phone keeps ringing and also have my niece's panto to go to at 5, I really want to go too but will probably be asleep in the back row. My house also looks like a bomb has gone off x

How are you?
Today I work until 1pm and then I'm off until January 2nd! YAY! I have a hair appointment this afternoon, a massage tomorrow and monday, and then I will have to throw in a pedi and facial at some point, too. I'm all about the pampering lately! 3.5 weeks until due date... I can do this! I hope...haha.
Agh Presh I'm super jealous of that pampering! Hope you enjoy. And get some rest over the Xmas period. Is your girlie super excited about Xmas day? Isla can't wait but being 3 and a half she has no concept of time so every morning she thinks Santa has been :(

I'm 33+4 and defo getting towards the end. Had enough of heartburn and aching under my boobs and top of bump? Whatever that is?
Went to have my blood test today and the silly nurse left before she did mine so I've got to go back on Thursday. It's to see if I'm aneamic, which I know I am....
I nearly cried when they said the nurse had just gone.

Sonia, hope little man has moved, he can still move in labour... Failing that they will have your legs up whilst in labour, like I did- not pleasant but it worked.

My friend that had her baby last weeks got to 8cm and it was only then discovered that the baby was actually breech and in trouble so they had to whisk her down for emergency c section! She was a week late too- I didn't relise that babies can tuen that late? Unless the midwife didn't check her properly at her last appointment?

Made me think that I want to be checked the baby is in the correct position, etc xx
Glad all is well ladies. Well, a couple days ago i took a bad hard fall (the side of my stomach did hit the ground) from black ice stepping out of the car. I had a doppler apt to make sure baby was okay for my own peace of mind since i had no mc symptoms (abdominal pain, cramping). All was wonderful from what we could hear-movement and loud strong hb!

I am very sore and stiff from my fall still-especially my arm shoulder to wrist. I am flying to Brazil tomorrow which is about 23/24 hours of travel...sooo not looking forward to that long almost 10 hour flight!! BUT it is what it is. I have mommy and daddy to be shirts ready so dhs parents will findo ut our big secret-then after that the whole world can know....lol thinking of maybe doing a FB announcement next year! Will miss you ladies-enjoy your winter breaks from work and happy holidays and new year!
Glad your ok ish almost, how scary!
Oh wow enjoy your holidays and how exciting finally announcing your news! Can't wait to hear how excited they will be!
Have a fab Christmas xx
thank you jem-they are the last of our must tell in person category lol and then while we are away, i am having my parents mail out announcement cards to some distant family that we are not able to visit currently so those will be sent out tomorrow, yay!
Urge I'm having a complete meltdown!
I've been out with a friend today and know I've overdone it as I'm now shattered, really emotional and ratty!

My whole body is hurting, my hips are killing, my feet hurt, my boobs hurt, my nipples are on fire, my nose is bunged up, my backaches -
I feel like I've really hit a brick wall today, physically and emotionally! Not sure I could take much more. I've been asleep and DH woke me up and then said something not even nasty and I started crying. I've sat here listening to him moan about foot cramp. FOOT CRAMP?!? I'll give you bloody foot cramp mate!

ARGGGHHH, sorry ladies and I know I've not articulated that very well but I AM WELL AND TRULY DONE!
Hey Sonia, how are you now? I really feel your pain... I'm fine now but reached your point with my first, I went 6 days overdue.

Try to keep positive and just think it's nearly over and your little baby will be in your arms very soon.
Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas... Hope to see a BFP for Elz and Sunshine maybe over Xmas or in the new year!

Enjoy your first Christmas to all the babies born this year :)
Hi Jem. I am ok thanks, although I seem to be having this emotional cycle and nearly had one of those days again today. Hoping I'm nearing the end now.

How are you feeling? X
All good here thankyou. Nearly ready for Xmas, got the food, just need to wrap the presents.
Think I'm starting to want to nest, I've got a mental list of stuff that I think Shaun should do before baby arrives....
What do you think your baby will look like- love thinking about that- I kept thinking about it in labour to keep me going.
As Isla has blonde hair and Demi has red- both curly, I'm wandering if this one will be brown haired? Also both my girls had loads of hair, imagine if this one is bald?
Wonder if your boy with have hair? Do you have a name? I'm sure you said but I've forgotten?
We are defo having Ruby Skye- although only me and Shaun kno you you ladies. The family know it's four letters Like my girls. They keep coming up with Lola or Rose... X

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