WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Loving that name! I think he'll have hair. Every scan we've had they've all said oh he's got a lot of hair - if I believe in the heart burn theory then he should have loads although that's kindly disappeared the last few days, I was thinking maybe he'd dropped and midwife confirmed 3/5's on Friday compared to not engaged the previous Friday.

I think he'll also be quite dark skinned as both DH and I are of olive complexion with dark hair. I've had to write in my notes that Mongolian birthmarks are quite common in my family as don't want them freaking out! I think he'll be quite long too, with long legs!

Name wise we have Archie, so Archie Allen and not sure on a middle name yet, maybe George after my best friend or Kenneth after my grandad, think we'll decide at the time.

I'm had a bit of a I can't do this moment earlier when thinking about labour etc. I've been trying all these wives' tales to bring him on early and then think why do I want to do that any sooner than I have to? Also the what if I can't do it, can't cope etc. hoping that's normal, right?
how exciting you all have names to finalize and are imagining what baby may look like!

I announce to the world on fb last night....finally the news is officially completely out!
Thank you Sonia! AND OMG!!!! Sonia-only 5 or so more days til baby comes-how exciting-your pregnancy really flew by-I hope you are feeling as well as you possibley can at this point! <3 Hope all others are well too-almost 2013...my year to meet baby, soooooooo excited!!!
I know crazy isn't it? I can't believe how quick it has gone and now I am so impatient, I just want my little man here!
Can't believe u are 18 weeks, Almost!! Almost half way there!! And 2 weeks until your gender scan, right??

Sonia...I hope you deliver soon! I can't wait to hear the news!!
wow presh you are almost to delivery time too eeek! And yes presh 12 days ahhh!!!
It's all getting close! Eeeek, can't wait to hear the arrivals and find out the sex of your baby almost. Sooo exciting! Hope you all had a fab holiday xxx
Wow, Presh and Sonia I can't believe how close you are to having your babies. That's mad. Seems like yesterday you announced. Good luck x

All good here. Hope you all had a lovely Xmas x x

Hey ladies.

Hope everyone is doing ok and had a wonderful Xmas?

Had midwife and she has booked me in to see consultant at 40+2 to discuss delivery options as in c section based on measurements (43 at 39 weeks) and induction plan if not c section as doesn't think I should be left to go 10 days over. She seemed to be the first person to actually listen to my concerns over size and anxiousness towards possibly complications but no doubt I'll be fobbed off again next week by consultant. They've told me to take my bags in case the have a 'slot' for either that day! Of course if I make it that far. She said she thought it probably was my plug but as no blood it would probably reform and is normal to lose it and it reform at this stage. Baby is no more engaged than he was last week 3/5th's and she thinks maybe more fluid than baby but wanted to do right by my feelings.

I'm a little annoyed that they've left it this late to start listening to me, every time I've tried to bring it up I get fobbed off with the nature will only grow a baby you can naturally deliver. I'm now worried that I'll go into labour before next Friday - which if that is the case she said call them and say you were due to discuss elective cs on Friday due to size concerns. I'm now getting myself worked up about next week as know I'll have a battle on my hands with consultant and tend to get myself upset.
Very cute pic emz!!!

Sonia-I am so sorry this is all happening so last minute and so fast for you-I hope all goes well in the end and that a healthy baby is the result-natural, or CS. <3

Jem-hope you are feeling well! You too Presh and all other ladies!!! =)
Very cute pic emz!!!

Sonia-I am so sorry this is all happening so last minute and so fast for you-I hope all goes well in the end and that a healthy baby is the result-natural, or CS. <3

Jem-hope you are feeling well! You too Presh and all other ladies!!! =)

Thanks hun, is just so annoying that they are only now listening when so near to due date. They won't scan based on measuring larger than dates and just know ill be fobbed off again nxt week like I was last time.

Can't wait for your gender scan x
Oh Sonia, hope you get what you want.
As foe the plug, I lost mine during the afternoon and was in very early labour by midnight. I had no blood either.
Keep us posted, I'm sure your body will be fine with the baby- but I do understand your anxiousness.
Keep positive!

Emz lovely photo! Bet it seems like ages since your birth? Are you planning on having anymore? Hope you don't mind me asking?

Almost how was DH's family when you announced? Did they have any suspicions? X
Jem-no suspicions as we were two countries apart during my early pregnancy!!! my MIL did notice my stomach at the airport but did not want to ask and embarrass me in case it was just weight gain LOL-both MIL and FIL are very excited-and we found out dh's cousin's edd is only 6 days before mine!!
Hey ladies, hope you've had a great Xmas! I can't believe we're going to have new babies in this thread soon! So exciting! Hope everything goes ok for you Sonia!
Have a lovely new year all!
Hi Elz :wave: hope you had a lovely Xmas.

Jem, think that's it for us Hun. Although I always wanted three x
hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Sonia: Can you take DH to appointment? Would that help. So sorry to hear you're having these issues, last thing you need right now xxx
Happy new year ladies!
Sonia this time next week I'm sure you will have your baby in your arms! So exciting!

Presh, hope your taking it easy.

Low, how are you doing? Got your bags packed? I must do mine, but then I know our arrival will be close- scared!

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