WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

I seem to be losing bits of my plug as we go so will be interested to see if they check on Friday when I go to the consultant
Oh Sonia, totally know what your saying! I think it's hard to visualise the babies being 'here' as we don't know what they look like? Plus its a big dream.... I can't imagine my life with another baby yet she will be here very soon. And it's true you do forget your life without thaws babies!

My Isla said to me today 'mummy I'm so excited for our new baby' made my heart melt!
My friend said my bump has dropped too and I've not seen her for two weeks! And tonight I felt hic cups in my Minnie moo- so she must be low?

Presh hope you get to rest during the evenings?
I can't leave the chocolate alone, Ruby will have a serious chocolate addiction!
Jem - you would die if you saw what my daughter does to my belly! She is absolutely obsessed with it. She says hi to it, hugs it, and calls it 'My Baby'. Lately she's been calling it 'baby sister'. So adorable! So when I go in to say goodnight to her, she hugs me, then hugs and kisses my belly and says goodnight to her baby sister. It's the cutest thing EVER! This morning she said, 'Are you taking my baby sister to work with you?' So I told her yes and she yells, 'Bye baby sister!!!' Seriously. Too cute to handle!
Oh so cute presh! When my niece sees me I get a kiss and a hug and then so does my bump, and the same when she goes. On Xmas day she wrote him a card and stuck it to my belly (we did have a conversation first about whether she could post it to him, in my mini mo!) and then threw a paddy when she didn't give my bump as kiss goodbye. So cute x
How lovely Presh! Think we are lucky though? My friend had a baby six weeks ago and her daughter turned 4 in September- her little girl never paid any attention to her belly or the now to the new baby!

When I held this six week old baby my girls were all over him and were being so affectionate, I was/am worried how Demi will react as she can't really tell me how she feels. But hopefully if Isla has a positive reaction then there is hope for Demi :)

Sonia, what time is your appointment Tomoz? Must keep us posted. X
I'm sure Demi will adore the baby when she comes along, and like you say if Isla does she will probably take her lead from her.

Appointment is 12.10, they are always late so will update when I can. They've told me to take my bags and my mum is convinced they'll take me in there and then. I think they'll send me home with a date to come back. I'd like to have some outcome tomorrow and not be told to just wait to see what happens, and allowed to go over by 10 days. I can't take no more.

I am more nervous about making it to the appointment tomorrow, I don't think anything will happen tonight, all quiet and normal here but I know that means nothing!
Goodluck will be thinking of you. Make sure you stick to your guns get what you want from the consultant x
I assume you've had your appt Sonia! I hope you get to meet that baby soon!!!

AFM, being at work is really doing a number on my mental state. While I'm here I focus on still being pregnant and it's driving me crazy. Going to ask to get my membranes stripped at my appt today, not sure they will do it this early, though. We shall see... Other than the vag pressure, I have zero signs of anything happening, so I'm getting frustrated. And I'm not even due yet!!!!!!
Well, that was as interesting as I thought it would be!

As usual running late and the clinic was heaving as high risk plus first one back after Xmas. Was first seen by midwife who did BP and urine, all fine and then said so you want to discuss your options for c section. She said to discuss with registrar but he may need to refer me to the consultant running the clinic but the wait was long.

Registrar was really nice and listened to my concerns and explained pros there are cons etc. He then went off to talk to consultant and came back with the option that I see a psychologist on Wednesday of next week to discuss my reasons etc and if I still want it afterwards I'll be booked in for the following week, at 41+??? I said I didn't need to see the psychologist as my mind was made up - off he went again.

He came back this time with a new option of a sweep today plus induction Monday if nothing had happened, or option as above. I asked what would happen if sweep didn't work and I came in for induction still wanting a section and he said if you insist they will - I said but I'm insisting now and you're not listening to me. Also said what if I go into labour before Wednesday if opt to see psychologist and he again said insist. He then said if you had brought this up earlier we would have got you in to see someone earlier - at this point I burst saying I've been telling you this for weeks but no one listens and I'm continually fobbed off. By this point I'm hysterically crying having managed to keep it together. He was actually really nice and came over and hugged me, think DH was a little freaked out lol. He said I'm just following protocol, I'm not the boss man but if you insist they can't say no.

Anyway, some four hours later I opted for a sweep, cervix 2-3cm, soft, low and favourable, head fully engaged. Induction booked for Tuesday at 10, unless they get a cancellation Sunday or Monday, if they do they'll call. She said I doubt you'll make if to Monday let along tomorrow! Wishful thinking maybe. She did say I could have probably ruptured your membranes, I said why didn't you ?!?! If induction doesn't work then straight to section. Wouldn't do growth scan as inaccurate at this stage.

So as it stands am as I was yesterday. Hoping the sweep does something before the appointment. Can't see them listening if I ask for section when do go in, they didn't listen today and I was so assertive I thought the poor guy was going to run a mile.

Not really feeling much since sweep, a bit of a backache but other than that all ok, no bleeding / spotting. Sweep was ok, not painful just odd, I read in a leaflet it's one finger - umm not sure on that!

Sorry to drone ladies. Hope everyone is ok x
Oh my god are they actually having a joke! No wonder you was crying, how frustrating!!
The sweep sounds great though and your body sounds like it's ready for it! I'm really hoping this is it!
With both my girls when I went to hospital I was always only 3cm but had been in pain for hours before hand- so your body is amazing for getting that far already!

Keep us posted and try and enjoy what is hopefully your last night 'off'.
Goodluck with which way it goes
Thanks hun, and thank you to all of you for listening and being there with advice.

My nan just called and told my DH to use what he's been given to get things moving, think he was quite shocked lol :) but that is very much my nan!

I'm just getting things finally sorted at home. Not that there is much to do but DH wants to recheck bags, fuel car, check this, check that etc and I'm going to try and get an early night in the hope I wake up and it's started!

I was surprised at 2/3cm as have seen and heard of some ladies being in pain for hours and only being that. She did say she thought I'd be quite a quick delivery based on that and my bulging waters! I'm going to try bouncing around on my ball in a bit to see if that helps at all. Not sure if I am imagining it or not just am having some very short like tightenings that start at the lower uterus and kind of ripple up. But only last 5/10 second or so. Also still having those burning sensations down either side of tummy at the top.

We shall see. I'd be elated if he comes tomorrow as it's my nieces birthday x
I'm so excited for you- will be checking this thread for an update if you have chance? My insomnia has kicked awake for hours last night :( xx
I'll update as I can. Sleep . . . I miss it :( I was awake from 4am this morning.

Starting to bleed / spot lighter which she said was common, it's more mucusy though so maybe plug
Omg I'm gonna be keeping an eye on this Sonia. Sounds like things have started :) good luck x
That will be your show- I had mime just as I arrived at the hospital at 3cm! I defo think this is your night xxx
Yay Sonia! You are in your way for sure.

I had a sweep today and am only 1cm. But feeling like crap ever since so hopefully that's a good sign as this was how I felt when I did it with my first. Then I was 3cm., tho...
eeek GL sonia!!!!

afm I am finally HOME was so sick. my uterus is super achey-I ended up with the stomach bug which gave me horrid diahera sorry to lazy to spell haha and then I couldnt poop for 4 full days after that! I called my doctor from out of the country and told her my situation she told me to try some recommended stool softners/laxative-I ended up drinking this natural like floral/tea/herb mixed with water and had a very crampy poopy painful night. Not sure if this is why my uterus feels achey or if its just from the 3 flights and intense walking all vacation...hoping all is okay and I am awaiting my 20 week scan for wed!!!
Sonia- waiting for the good news...can't believe it's time..... All the best dear:hugs:....

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