WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Oh my, just seem this- don't kno when you posted??? So excite for you!!!! Will be stalking now xxxx

Elz I'm sorry it may not be your month?? You never know... Please keep in touch, I know it will happen xxx
Just waiting a little bit longer, ten start to push. Was fully at 13.30 ish just waiting for a little more descent. Sorry for the random live updates, feel like a right drama queen.
Hi ladies. Archie George Allen, born 4.56pm weighing 7lb 12oz, labour started at 4.45, fully dilated, spend two hours resting, started pushing at 4pm, consultant came in at 4.30 and said if by 5pm he not here we'll do instrumental - NO CHANCE! He arrived at 4.56pm.

Pics on FB ladies, feel free to post on here if you like so others can see them x
Yay congrats Sonia! Well done you, all that worrying about his size and how you won't be able to do it... Your did it and I hope you feel amazing! Enjoy this special time with Archie and your husband xxxx
Hey everyone, happy new year! It's been a long time since I posted on here. Never get chance to go on comp but got an iPad for Xmas so should make it easier for me to pop on when Seth is giving me a break!

First off, congratulations to Sonia, well done you! I've seen Archie's pic on Facebook and he is lurvely!! You were worried about how big he was going to be, and yet he ended up smaller than Seth! Enjoy every last second, he won't stay little for long. The cuddles on your chest like he's a tree frog are the best! The first 4-6 weeks are going to be hard, I didn't know what had hit me, but it really is true when they say it gets easier.

Secondly, YAAAAAAY Sunshine!! Absolutely delighted for you. September will be here before you know it.

Elz, I really hope you get your turn soon, you have been so patient and really deserve it. You've been on here throughout the pregnancies and never shown an ounce of bitterness, I don't know if I can say I'd have been the same.

2013 is going to be the year when we ALL have our babies in our arms. Between you lot and me, we may even try for a second later on this year, which is probably complete and utter madness! I miss my bump though, and I even want to give birth again even though labour was horrendous! Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd+) time around must be so difficult though, I hold my hands up to Missbroody, Emz, Presh and Jem! All I did towards the end was chill out, now I have Seth I can't imagine how tiring it must be when you don't have the option to relax because you have other little ones to look after! And the sleepless nights with a newborn when you have a toddler to entertain during the day, eek!!

Presh and Jem, not long for either of you now. Can't wait to see your little girlies. Love the name Ruby. I can't remember if you mentioned a name at all Presh?

Almost, wow pretty much 20 weeks already! It's amazing how quickly time passes isn't it? It's nearly a year now since I got my bfp, madness! Looking forward to finding out if baby B is pink or blue. My gut instinct says girl but I know of a few people who had IVF and they all had boys, I've heard it increases your chances slightly?

As for me, I can't believe Seth will be 3 months old on Thursday! He is growing up so quickly, he's almost too big for his crib now and may have to move into his own room soon :-( He is such a little character, he chats away to us with a cheeky smile on his face, and he only tends to cry if we are a little slow preparing his bottle or when he is tired during the day. He fights his naps as he's afraid he'll miss something. We don't have a problem getting him to sleep at night though, which I'm grateful for. He's nearly sleeping through, I'm hoping he will be in the next couple of months.

Here's a pic of him driving his car like a big boy....

Sorry for the mammoth post!!



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Agh maz he is just gorgeous!! So lovely to hear from you and I'm glad your loving being a mummy! So your broody already! Ha ha, so when you thinking of
I started and fell immediately when Isla, our first, was 7 months but
Had a miscarriage- there would have been a 17 month age gap. I luckily fell pregnant with Demi soon after and there is 20 months between these two.
I absolutely love the age gap, just so perfect am now they mostly play so lovely together, yes they argue or snatch but mainly they have a beautiful relationship.
Third time pregnancy and two kiddies is by far the hardest and I know it's going to harder, looking forward to my little arrival but not the stress of it all. Xx
Maz so glad to here things are going well with your family! Is your son sleeping in his truck? LOL very cute!

IVF increases chances of twins even with only putting one embryo, but idk if I have heard it increases male sex...although sounds familiar! Only 3 more sleeps away from finding out the sex soooo excited! I went to the baby registry and picked out a ton of stuff! =) I can't wait for my baby shower now! LOL...next Sunday I am putting on my gendered like things so I am excited =)
And CONGRATS SONIA!! He is gorgeous and not as big as you were fearing!! hehee
Omg Sonia I can't believe you were updating whilst in labour :rofl: amazing! Congratulations on the safe arrival of Archie :hugs: now the fun really begins :D

Elz I am so hoping your BFP comes soon. Let us know how the docs go :hugs:

Jem, is Ruby the name that you've chosen for your little girl? I live that name. River was nearly Ruby.

MnD I looooooove your avatar. Seth is gorgeous. Honestly it's not that bad next time round but balancing time between the toddler and the baby can be difficult at times. But it is fun :)

As for us I've slacked this time round and have had no routine! Had one with Kai. But River bless her has been going to bed at 10pm and its getting ridiculous lol so routine it is. She still wakes loads during the night :( she thinks I'm her personal dummy! Oh the joys x
Oh yea I forgot to say how it really annoys me when the midwives etc say oooooh your baby will be massive and scare mums. In my experience everybody who was told that had average sized babies.
Part of me wants to start now but I think the age gap would be too close together and a lot of hard work. Thinking maybe around July time, Seth will be 9 months old so would be 18 months minimum between them if I fell straight away (which I don't think I would) Think that would be an ok age gap as he'll have a little bit of independence by then and may be content to play by himself for a short time while I tended to his brother or sister. I reckon it'd take at least a couple of months though like it did first time round, so would be more like 21-24 months in between. I'll also be 30 in July and don't want to wait too long to try and have a second, as if we decided to have any more after that, I don't really want to be having any past 34/35. Gives me 4 or 5 years max to pop 2 out lol.

3 under the age of 4 is going to be hard work for you I bet, but very rewarding at the same time. Especially with all 3 being girls, they should have a great bond when they're grown up. I keep reading about how hard 2 under 2 is but I think the small age gap will be great in the long term when the harder first few years are over. David's mum had twin girls 2 years after she had him, and she coped fine with 3 kids at the age of 23 so I'm sure I'd manage?!

Almost, he just blinked when the flash went off! He's a bit like his mummy, I always close my eyes in photos! So excited for you to find out. Have you picked any names yet?

Emz, that's the other thing that worries me. Seth has my sole attention and love at the minute (well bar my husband but he doesn't count!) and I can't imagine what it'll be like trying to share that equally when another comes along. A newborn takes up so much time and I'd hate Seth to feel pushed out. I don't want him to be an only child like me though, I loved getting all the attention from my mum and grandparents, but would've loved the company of a brother or sister.

Seth is just starting to settle into a daytime routine now, he goes around 3 hours between feeds in the daytime and will ALWAYS want a nap around 11am. He naps during the afternoon and evening as well but these can vary. He has his last feed around 9.30 and goes to bed straight after. My task over the next few months is to try to gradually get this down to 8pm. His nights are still a little erratic, he can go til 6.30am without a feed and does it fairly often, but is still waking at random times most nights (although he will only want feeding the once, whatever time it happens to be, I'm not having to do more than 1 night feed and haven't for a while). Hoping that he will sleep through properly soon. Everything seems so much easier after a good nights sleep!

Ruby is our name! But apart from my husband only you ladies know and the Feb bunch.

I got my Demi into a routine but she still took three months to get to sleep at 7ish and still wakes during the night now! And I put Isla in a bed at 16 months... Attempted Demi at the same age and she just kept getting out! So I made the mistake of assuming what worked for one will work for the other!
Won't be doing that again, I'm sure this little lady will have her own views and demands!

Even though I found it sooooo hard with my first, I remember crying in the bath just wishing she would shhhhh for a min so could sit in peace. Ha ha, they certainly turn your life upside down no matter how prepared you think you are?

It's actually the past two months my two have got on so well... Mainly because Isla's imagination has grown and she loves role play. So poor Demi has to go along (she loves it) either playing fireman Sam, doctors or babies... Having two has just about got easier?
And now the next one comes along... Eeek

I'm sure Seth will love a sibling when ever you decide and he will never remember the time before if you keep it close... You will just hold those precious memories in your head.

Sonia, hope Archie let's you rest, bet you can't take your eyes off him!
And I was thinking that Emz, midwives, in my opinion talk a lot of rubbish! They say 'oh you won't make it to your due date... Then your a week late! Ha ha

Almost, what do you think your having?? Have you checked te heartbeat out or done te ring test, etc?
All the tests I did said this baby was a boy! So unless I'm proved wrong at delivery? X
Ruby is such a sweet name jem! And I think I am having a boy-the ultrasound tech told us at our almost 13 week viability scan that she thought a boy but to not hold her to it-she seemed very unsure. So of course now I think boy and little one looks like a mini dh in the scans too LOL. No real testing yet-we opted out of the 12 week testing so just waiting for our glucose test to come around...gender scan is wednesday...eeeek!

Maz-sounds like it would be very hard work! But I am sure well worth it if it is what you want <3 We have picked Liam Michael if it is a boy but stopped at that...so if a girl we need to continue our name search!
Haha I really loved Bryce-but dh said no way-so I am glad we easily agreed on our set boy name now =)

Today my mom (knowing I like the name but not knowing the name we chose for a boy) said to me-the one name i cant stand is liam-i got a tid bit upset since its the name i chose-but everyone has dif. taste and opinions so i brushed it off and laughed to myself and just thought-my baby, my name choice!
CONGRATS SONIA!! I can't believe you were updating us during your labour! haha that made me chuckle!

Maz- thank you for those kind words :) I could never be bitter towards someone else's happiness :flower:

Thanks also for the support from all of you - my TTC journey has been smoother with you ladies to chat to!!

Another BFN this morning and still no sign of AF. I had a bit (ok, a lot!) of a cry last night with DH. It's the first time during TTC that I've been that upset about not getting a BFP. It just seems that every where I look there are babies...even on rug adverts for crying out loud!! lol So yeah, had a bit of a cry and a whinge and I feel a bit better today. I haven't cried in ages so it felt good to let it all out!!

Enough about me anyway! I'm glad everyone is doing ok- babies and bumps growing beautifully! :D

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