WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Will do personals later-but i am sooo tired tn-yes I wanted healthy first off, then BOY first-I want two boys and a girl =)
I don´t know why I don´t receive emails to tell me when someone has posted anymore!! I´ve just had to read all the posts since mid December! Luckily I´d seen all about the new arrival on facebook!

Sonia - it sounds like you´re doing great! Regarding bf, as Emz said, expressing won´t be half as efficient as Archie is. I have loads of milk, more than Emma needs a lot of the time but when I try to pump, it takes me hours just to get 150ml! It leaves my boobs far more tender than Emma does too. Emma also cluster fed in the evenings. Between 6-9 she was on the boob almost every half hour! That doesn´t last too long though. Emma´s 4 months old now and still exclusively breast fed so don´t hesitate to ask me whatever you might need to know and I´ll try and help.

It sounds like your labour wasn´t too bad. Lucky you! Epidurals are the best! I was planning on not having one but after getting to 7cm without not even gas and air, it was a lifesaver!

Almost - a boy!!! Congratulations!! I can´t believe you´re halfway there already!

Jem - Ruby is a lovely name. It´ll be perfect if she also has red hair!

Elz - sorry to here about your BFN. It must be heartbreaking. Try and stay positive. It will happen one day. It´s just not fair that you´re having to wait so long xx


As for us, well Emma is still getting worse but she isn´t bad enough to need the op yet. I think it´ll be soon though. We have 5 different doctor appointments this month so we´ll see what they all say. I don´t know if I´ve mentioned it in earlier posts but we´ve had a few scary moments regarding her medication. Her cardiologists prescribed her 5 times less what she should have been taking at first and more recently her new medicine arrived and was a completely different concentration to what it normally is so I almost gave her over double what she needs!!

If you saw her you would never have any idea she was so ill though. She´s a lovely smiley little girl, a bit moody at times, but feeds great and sleeps right through the night so I´m not complaining. I could spend all day just cuddling and kissing her...until she starts pulling my hair that is!
Almost - congratulations on your little boy. Boys are lovely. Well so are girls but my little boy is so funny and cute. Now you can go shopping properly :D x

Miss M - Emma is gorgeous. Too cute x
Oh she is adorable. I'm sorry they got her meds wrong and I hope the appointments go well, she sounds like she is a real fighter!

Thanks for the advice hun, really appreciate it. I'm better today as know after two mins of the pump that I have milk so know he is getting some, which was my main worry. I think he's just a hungry boy!
Sonia, sounds like things are going pretty well!! My last time around, I would pump after EVERY feeding just to get my supply up. It worked wonders and I started to over produce, which was fine by me! Hoping I can do the same this time...it's a lot of work, but worth it.

Almost - Congrats on the BOY!! EEEK!! It's so great to know, isnt it?!?! And it's Liam, right? LOVE that name. LOVVE.

I think someone asked a few days ago about what we are naming this little girl - it's Zoe Renee. She needs to hurry up and come out! She's getting bigger and bigger every day....good for her, but bad for me and giving birth lol.
Oh presh I love your name choice! And yes my son will most likely be named liam michael!

Cute picture of emma!
Hi ladies.

Thanks for your advice re feeding. I'm struggling to be honest. It's not the latching, it's the supply (and im trying techniques to boost that), he just isn't getting enough. Last night I supplemented with some formula and he did an oz and a half, I've know way of gaging it but I don't think he was/is getting anywhere near that from me and was just comfort sucking after getting what i did have which was making me sore and frustrated. I also felt that DH was missing out as was not able to feed him and he would only settle with me really, he now is so much more content and settles instantly. I will tandem for now and see what happens. He also wanted pooing or weeing, once a day each if at all so knew he wasn't getting much. Hope I've done the right thing, I'm worried people will judge me but I'm more concerned about him actually getting something x
Nobody is going to judge you but it is normal for breastfed babies to poo only once a day or even less. I know because I was worried about thAt too! Emma once went three days! Regards the comfort sucking, maybe it's because he's not that hungry and just wants that comfort. Emma does the same when she's tired. Do whatever is best for you but I just don't want you to worry that he's not feeding enough when he might be doing fine. Obviously you'll find out more when he's next weighed but don't worry too much in the meantime. It all sounds normal to me! x
When he starts to.comfort suck have you tried popping in a dummy? My pediatrician said that it's nonsense that breast fed babies shouldn't be given.one x
Hello lovely ladies.

I feel awful about how little I write on here now. I read everything and always say I'll write when the kiddos are in bed but something always comes up! There's so much to respond to, I hope I don't forget anything.

Can you believe we've been chatting to eachother for 17 months?! It feels a lifetime ago I started this thread.

Sonia - I congratulated you on FB but congratulations again, Archie is so so gorgeous and you're doing really well. Breastfeeding is such hard work and so tiring and demanding. I only managed 3 weeks with Harrison and was so ill after having Reuben that he only had my colustrum - I didn't beat myself up over it this time. I take my hat off to breastfeeding mummies! Message anytime :flower:

Maria - wow I can't believe you may try again this year!! You brave, brave lady :haha: I can definitely see the advantages of having a small age gap. Hard work! But they'd be so close! I'm pleased with the age gap we have, Harrison has adapted so well, though I was hoping I would have had just the one in nappies by now...

Almost - you got your boy!! YAY!! so exciting :happydance: I'm so pleased for you.

So many babies due sooon!!! :cloud9: What babies do we have altogether, I lose track! Lots of baby boys...and how many baby girls, 3..?

Massive congratulations Sunshine!!! :hugs:

Jem - three gorgeous girls!! I love the name Ruby (sometimes call Reuben Ruby :blush: obviously won't do this when he's older lol)

Elz - I agree with what Mazndave wrote earlier in the thread - you are such a lovely lady and I'm so pleased you've stuck with us all and you haven't shown an ounce of jealousy, bitterness, resentment - I don't if I could have been the same. Your time WILL come :hugs: 100% sure of it. My parents tried for 2 years for me and my mum had pcos, an underactive thyroid, and one fallopian tube. You are so great for staying positive, loads and loads of baby dust to you :hugs:

I'm sure I've missed loads. I'm sorry. I will try and touch base more often. As for us, Harrison my big boy is 3 in April - craaazy! He's at such a funny age. Reuben is fab - he's 6 months on tuesday - again craaazy!! He's sitting unaided, rolling everywhere, babbling. They're both such happy, easy-going boys, I'm lucky :cloud9:

Take care everyone and have a great weekend xxx
No one will judge you hun, you need to do whatever you think is best for Archie and yourself. Don't feel guilty if you don't feel like you can continue bf, but dont give up if it's what you really want to do. Like Miss M says it's normal for them to go up to 3 days and then have a poo explosion, so 1 a day is fine. There should be a few wet nappies a day though so just speak to midwife when she comes for your next check and see what she thinks.

Miss M, Emma is so gorgeous and smiley! I'm sorry to hear that she isn't really improving, but it sounds like she is really thriving otherwise. Can't believe they messed her meds up twice though, that's terrible! I hear you with the hair pulling, he loves to yank on mine and it can really hurt! If I thought short hair would suit me I'd be cutting it off!! It's great that she is sttn for you. We had a few nights where he'd do this but it was always a one off. The last 2 nights in a row though he has gone 8-6 and 9-7 between feeds, and both mornings he went back down til 9.30! Hoping it's the start of a proper routine but it probably won't be xx
I forgot to add that Reuben would go 2-3 days without pooping as a newborn sometimes x
Sonia, don't beat your self up. No one will judge you Sonia. Just make sure it's the right decision for both of you and baby is happy and healthy.

I echo what Miss M said. River pooed every 10 days which is normal for bf babies. Pampers also do nappies with wetness indicator so you can see if they are weeing. Maybe try these. Once you start formula your supply will take a hit unless you pump at the times you formula feed. Baby may also start refusing the breast as a bottle is easier to get milk from. That doesn't happen all the time but does happen to some ladies so just be prepared.

When do you next get Archie weighed? That's when you'll get a proper idea of if he's feeding ok. And remember its normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their birth weight. As long as baby is fed whether breast or formula that's all that matters x
Maz - 8-6 and 9-7 isn't bad. Emma doesn't normally sleep until after 10 (very Spanish of her!) but let's me have a lie in every morning!

Emz - have you started weaning river yet? In the September mums group almost everyone has started already but my pediatrician thinks it's best to wait until 5 months. Not sure what to do.
Hi all

Saw midwife earlier and she believes he isn't feeding because he is severely tongue tide. He is booked in next week to have it cut, I will express what I have and give him that and top up with formula until he can have that done. I have tried him with a bottle and they are just do fast flowing for him, I'll have to see if I can get done different ones.

Thanks for all the advice ladies x
Awwww Sonia, TT is really common. I'm so glad you've found that out, it causes loads of feeding issues. Once it's sorted things should be much better for you x

Miss M - nope River hasn't been weaned yet. I'm doing it in two weeks time at 26 weeks. Kai was weaned at 25 weeks. My friend started weaning at 15 weeks because baby woke a lot during the night. It's not made any difference at all! I'm in no rush to wean because its so much easier giving just milk lol I'm so lazy. But wanted to wait until as close to 6 months so I can give all foods and not worry about meat and gluten etc not to mention being able to skip purées. Too much hard work :)
Hi lovely ladies!

Firstly many congrats Sonia on the birth of Archie :)

How is everyone?

Many thanks for all the congratulations too! We're so happy! I'm five weeks today! :)

Sorry I haven't been on this week as I set up a new account it got closed down as not supposed to have set up a new one it said if I had a inactive one! So been reinstating my original account! All too confusing!

Elz I second what other ladies have said it will happen and you deserve your turn now honey wishing you lots of baby dust. It's hard going I found the 14 months quite emotionally draining but you are going to get there I did and I thought it would never happen! :dust:

Has anyone got snow yet?!!! We have sleety rain in Bristol!

Oh we have snow here in Boston!! Haha.

Sunshine happy 5 weeks, how exciting!!

Today I announce gender to my parents over a nice breakfast outing, and then to friends over dinner tonight! SO excited, will be posting on FB tonight or tomorrow!

Sonia-so sorry to hear baby is tongue tied-I have never heard of this before-I hope the procedure to fix your sweet lo's tongue goes well!
Thanks Almost :)

Hope you have a great time with family and friends announcing gender! Cant believe how far you are! Enjoy! :hugs:

I just want to get to twelve weeks - I'm finding the af style cramps and wierd pains, backache a bit disconcerting! Also really worried by time I see MW at 8 weeks or so they'll tell me I'm not preg! Wierd I know thinking like that but my gp was happy to go with hpts and her words she said they're "pretty convincing" as they were three different brands all nicely strong positives!!! I find it strange they don't check levels when you go in! That doesn't seem the norm here! My bbs are so painful in the night but not so bad during the day, I've picked up a sinusy type cold and feel tired so I hope levels are right and all will be well!

Loving this so much though I still can't quite believe it!


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