WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Elz I'm sorry for you feeling rubbish. I'm glad your DH is there for and a little cry helped your feelings. My friend was ttc for three and a half years, about to begin IVF and she fell naturally! Not that I think you need IVF- just wanted to share a positive story of ttc.
Oh Elz that made me tear up :hugs: I can only imagine how upsetting it is to want something so much and still be waiting.

Like Jem a good friend of mine had been trying for a year with one loss on the way. Her and her husband were literally going ahead with some simple tests through their GP and they got their BFP. It will come to you I know it x x
Elz-I know from personal experience that nothing I can say will help. I just hope you see those 2 pink lines soon! you are very strong-I cried every single month when I didnt get a BFP starting at month 2 or 3 of ttc!!! The BFNs month after month take a lot out of a woman emotionally in my opinion, and it is no easy thing to cope with thats for sure! <3 BIG HUGS <3
maz: don't count on it taking the same amount of time with #2! We took a year to get out BFP with Tilly, and then this one we BDed once the second month, thought we were out and boom!

Elz: We tried for a year with Tilly, had all the forms for our initial fertility tests and got preggy that month. Hope it happens for you soon babe xxx

Sonia: Massive congratulations!!! :) so pleased you got a nice labour and your mid labour updates were awesome!

Almost: Looking forward to seeing your gender scan results!!!

Thank you IOW-I hope all is well with you! Only 1 more sleep until my big day eeek!
Looking forward to meeting this baby now!! Have had bad braxton hicks for weeks, was told at hospital I could go anytime now, and have section booked for 7th Feb. I'll Race you Jembug!! xxx
Hi ladies.

Thanks for all your kind words, Archie and I plus daddy are doing well. Midwife been today and she is happy, he is feeding well and feeds every 3/4 hrs, sometimes with a few little feeds in between followed by a big one and then sleeps for a good 4/5 hrs. Finding the feeding ok apart from the tender nipples but that soon goes once he is on.

I think Steve is feeling like a bit of a spare part as can't help with the feeds etc do I leave him to do all the other bits like nappy changes :) dressing etc do they can bond, I also leave him ho settle him once he's fed as he just smells my milk otherwise (Archie that is not Steve! Lol) and wants more, so Steve settles him which they both love.

Hope everyone is doing ok, I'll catch up on the thread soon x
Sounds like your doing amazingly!! Hope the nipples stop hurting soon!
Congrats again Sonia!
So do I! The boy loves to feed and they are fine once he is on properly but boy are they sore afterwards. I think it's normal though isn't it? They aren't creaked etc just very tender. The midwife checked them and said they look fine so assume all is ok. I am worried that he isn't getting enough as he seems to feed a lot, I would say he cluster feeds, not sure if that is the correct term but he has 3/4 little feeds like ten mins each side and sleeps short periods in between or is awake and alert and then has a good 20/30 mins each side and then crashes for 3/4 hrs.

I've also noticed that his nappies aren't overly wet, I will make a note to mention it to midwife but she said you would know if he wasn't feeding because his colour would change, he'd probably be jaundicy and would be unhappy / unsettled.

I think it's going to take time to settle, am happy to feed on demand for now to make sure that he is hopefully getting what he needs when he needs it.
Congrats Sonia :happydance::hugs:.....you must a busy mom....glad to know you all are doing good......
I can't advise on breast feeding as I used the bottle. Sounds like your doing amazingly well and a natural :) xx
Umm I spoke to soon, after a long night I'm ready to send for the formula! He just doesn't seem to be getting any which makes me worry, I don't know if he is or not do might try my pump and we'll see?
Just wanted to pop in and say our early prediction was correct...we are having a boy! We are over the moon with excitement and happiness! Please don't mention the sex on facebook as we want to tell friends and family in person first!

Sonia I hope your feeding goes well with the pump!
Sonia, a pump won't get out milk anywhere near what Archie can achieve so pumping will not indicate what your supply is like, especially so early on.

He will feed constantly some days and that's completely normal. He is building your supply up. As long as his nappies are wet every couple of hours (doesnt mean soaking wet) and he's pooing then he is getting what he needs. Remember his stomach is really tiny at the mo so he only needs a small amount. Has your milk come in yet?

Use lansinoh for the nipples. It's a godsend. If you're worried or have any BF questions feel free to PM me. But it sounds like normal BF newborn behaviour x
And forgot to say, they usually cluster feed ALOT in the evening/night x
Yay Almost how perfect!!! So happy you got your little boy! Congratulations to you and your husband :)

Sounds like good advice Emz, not that I know anything! Keep going Sonia, I'm sure his fine and your being a natural worrying mummy :) xx
Yippee congrats almost, your thoughts were right!

Emz, thanks for the amazing advice! We've had a much better day, he has had two wet nappies and a big poo, which I think is right for his age. He has a really healthy colour to his skin so think all is well. My mum helped me earlier, I feed him and then expressed for a few mins after and the pre milk was flowing so at least I know he is getting some. I think it's just a case of feeding when he needs at the moment, which is sometimes 2 hrs sometimes 3, sometimes 4. I then pass him to DH to wind and put down as he settles better, with me he just smells milk and wants more, this system seems to be working. As of now I will be sleeping when he sleeps as have even trying to but not with much success.

Thanks again Emz as everyone else x
Yay Almost, you wanted a boy first didn't you? Congrats, now you can start going mad buying things! Are you sticking with Liam?

Sonia I can't really offer any advice on the BF as I gave up after 2 days! I didn't feel like he was getting enough as he wouldn't stay on for long before he started crying and bobbing on and off. I made the decision to change to formula as I felt I could monitor what he was getting more. I think I was just a new unexperienced mum worrying over nothing though and he would've been getting plenty, so if you really want to BF, just persevere you are doing a brilliant job!

I think it's a good idea to let your hubby do plenty of the other 'jobs' to help him bond, and it also will give you a little break as being the sole feeder will become tiring very quickly. I think that was something else that made me change to formula too, what with the contractions, labour and then his first night, I hadn't really slept for 3 days and the thought of another night doing it myself was too much! If you don't mind him having a bottle at some point though, you can always express and get him to help out with the night feeds eventually.

Can't wait for the rest of these babies to be born!

It's such hard work in the beginning. I gave up after two weeks with Kai, it was too overwhelming. This time I was ready for it. I think it was the sleepless nights that killed me last time. I can see why so many of us give up.

Yep feed on demand. 3-4 hours is excellent. River just seemed to be attached to me in the early days. Every 2 hours for sure. As he builds up your supply he'll start becoming more satisfied over the coming weeks. Try and get him to feed for at least 10 mins on one side. They fall asleep a lot lol so hard to wake up! You're doing fab x x

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