WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

I haven't really managed to nap when he sleeps as have been trying to keep on top of things at home, which I now realise can wait and will definitely be sleeping when he does or at least trying to. We've also had loads of early morning appointments which has meant that I've had to get up but could quite easily go straight back to sleep when he settles x
Hi ladies, glad to see you all back on here! Miss you ladies.
Firstly Elz, goodluck for this month, I've everything crossed for you xxx

Sonia, you sound like your doing a fab job... I know what its like when the jobs mount up at home... You feel you have to do them, especially if visitors are still coming. Are you still breast feeding? I hear tongue tie is super common, hope he recovers once Archie has had his op.

Sunshine, regardless that your pregnant, walking that amount of miles is crazy! It's not like it's easy to walk in it either! And it's not about getting in, it's the walk home in the dark... Your safety!
So don't feel guilty.
Don't envy your pregnancy signs but look at it that it's all positive.

Presh hope your doing well! Can't wait to hear your birth story!

As for the snow it's quite bad... My mum does the job I do in the NHS and she is expected to drive the 17 miles to this house and has no choice but to drive through some lanes- and this is night work! And to make her feel more pressured the family of the child ahe is giving rest bite care too have been texting her trying to encourage her to work! So my mum is giving herself an hour an a half to get there- will work 9.5 hours over night and how ever long it takes to get home!
So glad I'm on mat leave coz that would be me!

No news from me, 38 weeks Tomoz and zero signs!

Hope all the other mummies are safe but enjoying the snow xxx
Jem - can't believe you are 38 weeks, that's really creeped up, can't wait for your news.

Presh - hope you and Zoe are well?

I'm formula feeding at the moment as he cannot latch properly. I'm not sure ill go back to it once the snip has been done as he is quite settled on a bottle and I'm more relaxed plus he had the colostrum so thinking I'll stay as we are.
Hi ladies.

Elz lots of baby dust to you x

Sonia, it's so hard in the first few weeks. It's the lack of sleep. You sound like you're going well though.

Jem, wow you could go any day. Can't believe how quickly all of the pregnancies have gone!

As for us all is good. River is only feeding once a night now thank goodness. Kai has started pre school. A few tears the poor love but he says he likes it lol

In other news when River was born we were asked to be in an NHS DVD for our hospital. It's info from first tri to bringing baby home. We did the new baby at home segment. We were invited to watch the screening of it on wednesday at the hospital. The film is brilliant and really well done. They chose River to be on the front of the DVD and the cover lol It's all very surreal. Once it's up on their website I'll let you ladies know so you can watch :)
Hey everyone! I need to go back and catch up on all your posts over the past five days... But for now, here is my birth story :)

Zoe's fast and furious birth story...

On Friday January 11th, at 39w 6d pregnant, I had a rather vigorous membrane sweep at my midwife appointment around noon. I immediately started losing parts of my plug and had a few Braxton hicks contractions throughout the rest of the day, but nothing out of the ordinary. At midnight a painful contraction woke me up and totally took me by surprise. It didn't just 'kind of' hurt, it HURT. They kept coming about 15-30 minutes apart, but never got closer than that and stayed the same strength. I was able to remain lying down during them, just had to really relax and breathe through them. Luckily I was able to sleep in between them as well.

Saturday morning I decided to just get up and get moving to see if they would pick up or slow down. For a while they seemed to pick up so we sent Quinn to her grandparents in case this was the real deal. Not long after she left, they basically stopped. Of course!! So we decided to go walk around the mall since it was one degree outside, but that didn't do anything either. I had a few contractions, but very very few! So then we got a call that Quinn was sick and throwing up so we decided to go get her since obviously I was not in labor. The rest of the evening was pretty calm.

Around 11pm I started having contractions again while in bed. This time I had to get out of bed and squat to get through them, though. They were again 15-30 mins apart. I tried walking and that didn't stop or speed them up, so I got in the shower. While in there I had a total meltdown. I had basically been in false labor for over 24 hours already and I was starting to realize that an epidural would be the only way I could make it through the rest of the labor and delivery. I have nothing against epis, but I loved my birth experience with Quinn and I really wanted to have another great experience, hopefully an even better one this time. Anywho, I got out of the shower and woke up Scott to make him listen to my pity rant and he was very understanding. The contractions continued for the rest of the night, and I had to get out of bed and squat for every. Single. One. How was I to go into proper labor after not sleeping for two nights?? I was a total mess.

Sunday morning we had Quinn go with her grandparents again so Scott and I could try to rest. I called my midwife to tell her about having these contractions for so long and she said it sounded like prodromal labor and I needed to get as much rest as possible for when my body decided to switch over to the real thing. The contractions stayed the same and were spread out and sporadic, so we decided to watch a few episodes of Dexter. The contractions seemed to speed up while I was sitting so I figured I'd just stand up and they would stop. Nope. At 1pm they were even stronger and 6 minutes apart consistently. Scott was timing them without my knowledge since I was still figuring it was false labor. Then suddenly he turns of the tv, gets in the shower and starts cleaning the house. He definitely knew something I didn't! I hopped in the shower again and that slowed them for a bit, but not by much. They were getting even more painful at this time, but still 6 minutes apart. I was REALLY working hard to get through them. Still squatting for each one and using my hypnobirthing techniques. I had to pee constantly, so I ended up squatting over a towel so I could just totally relax during contractions instead of holding in my pee, so yes, I peed!

Around 5:30p I had a few contractions mixed in that were 4-5 mins apart and I was getting pretty uncomfortable so I decided call the midwife and lie about the timing of the contractions. I wasn't supposed to go in until they were 4 minutes apart, one minute long for one hour. So that's what I told her, even thought it wasn't true. At this point I also tried to check my cervix and I swear I felt her head!

We left the house at six o'clock and I was praying contractions would slow while we were in the car since sitting made them hurt much more. No. Such. Luck. They sped up to 3-4 mins apart which meant I had about 9 in the car! I was breathing deeper and deeper with each one and moaning louder and louder. Ouch.

We got to the hospital at 6:32. Scott parked illegally right at the entrance and fought with the security guard to allow him to move the car after he got me to triage. He got me up there and headed back down. They wanted me to sit on the bed while they hooked me up to a monitor and I fought them tooth and nail. The nurse was ready to punch me, I'm sure. I was finally able to do it, they strapped the monitor and and the midwife showed up seconds later to check me. I was NINE centimeters. NINE. They tried to get me to sit in a wheelchair, and in hindsight, I should have, but I fought that one as well. Finally Scott got back and we had to go upstairs one floor to labor and delivery. We hopped in the elevator and I had another major contraction where I had to squat and basically yell through. My body was totally taking over... The midwife said that this was the first time she left her gloves on because she thought the baby would be born in the elevator.

Once out of the elevator we rounded the corner and another contraction. I squatted again and this time I felt her move way down. They were trying to get me back up and walking to my room, but I was certain she was coming so I told them there was no way as she was rightthere! This sent everyone into a panic. Nurses running from all directions to help deliver the baby in the hallway. The first responder was an anesthesiologist, which made the midwife laugh as he was of no use at this point. They talked me in to crawling into a nearby room so I could have privacy. Once there she checked me again and said we still had time to make it to my room. So they talked me into walking again. I was wearing a dress and it was up over my belly and I had nothing else on. Blood and goo were oozing from me...there were innocent bystanders in the hall watching this all go down! I was only able to walk a bit further as this time baby WAS coming. So again, we popped into another room that was not mine! I saw a nurse with a blanket that she was putting on the floor and I was on it in no time flat. My body just started pushing on its own...strangest feeling ever! I was basically roaring with each push. My legs were so tired of squatting so I tried to lie on the bed. I got as far as my hands and knees on the end of the bed and my body was pushing again. This time I could feel every inch of Zoe inside me. My ass felt like it was going to bust wide open! I asked what was up with the ass pain and they all laughed at me. Seconds later she was out! I heard them all marveling since she was born in her sac. They broke it since there was meconium in it and they placed her underneath me as I was on my hands and knees. They kept telling me to pick her up, but I was frozen from the shock! I said hi and happy bday to her, but could not get myself to move a muscle. So they must have given her to Scott, I have no idea. Then my midwife had to force me to sit down so they could monitor my placenta and bleeding. I was totally shocked that it was over and I was just laughing saying, 'what just happened?' And 'did that really just happen??' We checked into the hospital at 6:40 and Zoe was born at 7:06. My placenta came out easily within 10 minutes, I was fine, Zoe was fine...omg. I'm still trying to get my head around the whole thing! We thought I would be sent home once we got there since I lied about my contractions. And good thing I did! She was so close to being born at home or in the car on that freeeeezing night! We checked out of the hospital 25 hours later -the shortest stay any of the nurses had ever seen. But since I didn't labor there at all, that cut the time significantly. It was a total whirlwind. And it was perfect. It was a great experience despite going thru transition in the car/triage/hallway!
Press - wow, what an experience! I'm now in floods of tears reading it, very touching and you should feel very proud. Zoe is amazing and I bet Quinn is the doting big sister! X

I will get around to posting my birth story x
Just love it Presh! Thank god you lied! Otherwise your poor husband :)
Out of interest why did you squat? Never heard of that, did it feel better? I may try it, ha ha. What a lovely birth, although painful, just amazing! Well done you!

What was Quinn like when she met her sister? I'm very nervous about this!
Your family photo on Facebook- you look amazing!

Yes, Sonia, can't wait to hear your whole birth story... It's just dawned on me that I'm next! Eeeeeeek! Scared, excited, more scared I won't cope with the pain- although I did it before, what if I'm not that brave again?
She has been really hurting my mini moo tonight, I've decided she feels that low that I no longer want to dtd- the husband can wait now! Ha xx
I squatted too and found quite a lot of relief with it and also think it helped get him quite low so pushing was shorter.

I love your mini moo reference, that's what we use with my niece :)
Well done Presh. Brilliant birth story. Must have been crazy to be in the hallway labouring. I also found this time round my body took over which I found weird as that didn't really happen first time.

Hope you are all settling in well at home x
Wow presh what a nicely written birth story-it had me on my toes! I though you were about to give birth in the hallway of the hospital! LOL! Since I am now over halfway to my own birth story, I am starting to get very nervous!!!!
Wow Presh, what an amazing birth story! Congrats once again! X
Great birth story presh! Something to tell Zoe when she's older! How are things going at home now you have got two of them?!

Sonia- just seen on Facebook that you're leaving archie with his nan for the night. You are so brave!! I've only left Emma for 5 hours on two occasions and both times returned home sooner than planned like a big wuss!
Yes, Archie went to Nanny's for his first sleepover and mummy was a blubbering wreck all night :cry: I don't think it was the fact that he was there and not here I think that maybe just topped it off.

I had this really panic like attack with 'I'm not sure I can do this?' 'I'm not a good mummy / what if I'm not a good mummy?' 'He's poorly because of me' (he's not poorly as such but has really acidic smelling poo, like vinegar - any thoughts ladies?). Poor. DH didn't know what hit him when he asked if I was ok, the floodgates burst!

I'm ok this morning, had a good nights sleep, although did wake up a few times but managed to drop back off again. He's been an angel for my mum, good feeds in the night and slept quite well, she must have the magic nanny touch.
sonia-sorry to hear about your panic-but sending him to your nan's was the perfect solution so you could keep you cool! Hope all is well now!

afm I feel like my second half of pregnancy is just dragging on....actually...since 19 weeks LOL....I just want to be 6 months already, what's taking so darn long?! hehe....I think I am just really excited to meet my son and losing all patience!!! Day off from work today, so hoping to go shopping with DH before it starts to snow like crazy...one more day off from work tomorrow would be very appreciated snow ;)
Sonia you have that magic touch too! Hope you had some good old sleep!

Almost so exciting, what you buying shopping wise?

Our snow has been bad but we got out today :) x
Well we've bought almost all we need-minus the house-still waiting for homes to pop up in our price range-putting our condo up for sale by feb 1st the latest to sell so getting closer! Today we bought baby's 8 piece bedding set as it was on sale, a super cute onesie, and a homecoming outfit. I bought a diaper bag yesterday. We already have crib, night stand and dresser too! The main big things left to get are the pack and play, stroller and extra car seat base, and feeding chair! =)
Ahh you got out of work early? I doubt I will get a snow day tomorrow although it would be quite lovely! We had lots of closed schools last week, including in my town, BUT the town I work in was open, so i went in to work!
Ooh almost it's so exciting! So your moving house too? How much stress!
We moved when our first was 9 weeks old and DH was useless at the legal stuff so I had to sort all that out- never want to move again! X
Hahaha it is so stressful-especially when it is crunch time and you have to SELL a place on top of finding one-oh dear! Keeping positive and just waiting for homes to pop pop on the market soon!
Hi all

Hope everyone is well?

Presh - hope all is well with you and Zoe? I bet Quinn is smitten?

Jem - not long now, any signs?

Almost - I hope the house sale / finding somewhere new doesn't take too long

Hope everyone else is well?

Archie's tongue tie was done today and it was just horrible. He screamed, I cried, my mum cried - it was emotional lol! Hopefully he'll feed better now. Think we're in for a long night! Although having said that he has just woken from a 3.5 hr sleep, he is feeding better although he guzzles his bottle down so quick, 4oz in about 5-10 mins I wonder if it touches the sides sometimes! He's off to my osteopath today for some cranial massage and realignment, should be interesting. Anyone else ever taken their little ones?

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