WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

I´ve never heard of that Sonia. What do they do? Is it something that the doctors have recommended?
I also have never heard of either of the two things sonia! I hope all goes well and that archie is feeling better from his procedure!

Happy 22 weeks to me...obvi want to be 24 weeks already so I can hit my next month mark hehe..,..

Everyone is saying how much I popped since being away on winter vacation-I am happy to look pregnant finally!! hehe
Hi everyone :)

Havent had chance to come on here in weeks! Its lovely to see sonia and presh have had their bundles :) Congrats girls! Sorry if i've missed anyone else - i havent read back too far...

Happy 22 weeks almost! Where did the time go?! And congrats on your blue bundle. Have you thought of any names yet?

Harry and Poppy are 22 weeks on saturday. They are into everything now. Harry wants to stand all the time and Poppy is trying to roll over. They want mammy to sing, dance and play constantly now....leaving me with not much time to do anything else!!

I've only had time to come on here now as Poppy is playing happily in her Jumperoo and Harry in their door bouncer! Think i'm gunna make use of the time ive got with two hands free and make myself a hot cup of tea - fingers crossed i'll get to drink it hot!

Wow 22 weeks, where has that time gone? Glad to hear you're ok.

It is where the tongue is tied from the tip to the underside of the mouth, under the tongue. It prevents use of the tongue properly. They basically hold the town up and snip the piece if skin that is causing the tie with scissors :(
The son of one if the mums in the September mums group has the same but it had to be fixed under general anaesthetic! Glad that little Archie didn't need that!
Sonia-thanks for the details on that-sounds painful indeed! I hope he is healing up nicely!

babybumphope-poppy and harry-what cute names-especially together! I can't beleive it either, I am the same week pregnant as your 2 little ones are age wise-time truly does fly by! 6 months will be right around the corner ;) As for names-it will be a surprise at birth but I can tell you lovely ladies ;) Liam Michael unless we hear of a better name that we both like more!!
Sonia, hope Archie is ok the poor little mite. It's awful seeing them in pain. Hope you didn't miss him to much when he stayed with nanny.

Almost, your pregnancy is flying by. Liam is a cute name, it was really popular over here at one point because of a member of a band over here. Have you bought many clothes?

BBH the twins are beautiful. Love your avatar of them. How are you finding having two? It was bad enough chasing Kai around when he started walking so can't imagine two at the sane development stage! Wow

We start weaning River onto food this weekend. I can't believe it's weaning time already. Where has my newborn gone? :cry:
Weaning already? Is there a pause button Emz?!

As for clothes-I am ADDICTED to cute pieces I find and just have to have them! But we are actually all set-my mom got me hand me downs from this woman who had a son around the same time as my due date-so they are seasonally perfect and we have bin fulls for all ages up to 24 months!! We only have a fiew 18 month and 24 month pieces so we will be shopping more later. Also-I am off to babysit my two favorite boys Saturday just for 2 or 3 hours (have to pay for those baby clothes I purchased! hehe) So, we will be hopefully getting some hand me down things from that fam. as they offered if we had a boy :)
Hey ladies, glad to see your all ok.

Bbh, lovely avatar! And I love the name Poppy, is my fav, but Shaun is saying no! So Ruby she will be.

Almost your pregnancy is going so fast! Shaun wanted Liam for a boy, after his brother.
We have lots of hand me down clothes from friends, infact, the cot and the push chair is all hand me down stuff- all good :)

Emz, goodluck with the weaning. Does River sleep through the night yet?
I always video the girls when I weaned them.

Miss m, how are you?

Sonia, hope Archie is ok? Poor little pudding!
When Demi was four weeks she got admitted to hospital coz she bronchilotis- can't spell, and they had to put a feeding tube up her nose and down into her tummy. Just awful, I had to leave the ward coz she was screaming so much :(

I'm 39 weeks Tomoz! Although my due date was by my LMP is this Sunday... So we shall see?
Nothing to report except I just cant stop cleaning! I've polished the whole house and hovered. Cleaned the kitchen and changed all the bed sheets.
Although I'm giving now... Still desperate to clean the bathroom and kitchen floor, then there's the washing and ironing to finish...tomorrow is another day- I never had this with the others!!

I can't wait to meet Ruby, can't wait to see who she looks like? As there is me, Shaun and our girls to compare her too... Im quite nervous about when, how I will go into labour and the outcome. I've got it into my head that I will just breeze
Into the labour ward, give birth and be home within 6 hours! ( all depending on time, ect, the girls are staying at Shauns mum- although they wil think mummy and Daddy are going out for dinner and there having a Nanna sleep over)
I just want one night at home to take in our newborn baby and to relax a bit. Plus I've heard that 3rd time after pains are terrors??
Hope that doesn't sound selfish? I love my girls millions and there feelings are my priority- so the sleepover will only go ahead if we are able to keep Ruby's arrival quiet for 24 hours?

Presh hope your enjoying Zoe.

Love to all the other ladies
You don't sound selfish at all Jem. At the end of the day Ruby bless her is never really going to have you all to herself so it will be lively for you to bond on your own without feeling bad about the girls. And yes I heard after pains are worse with every birth. That alone is enough to put me off having any more. My ones after River were almost like labour again. Awful x
Jem wow you are due in a week-you must be so excited!! So if you have a boy next time-if you plan on having more children-is Liam a guaranteed name? I like Liam, but I love Bryce, but DH is not a big fan-it makes me sad because I really love that name!!
Never ever having anymore :) three Girlies is plenty, ha ha x
Think I have my second stomach bug in a matter of two months....they were not kidding when they said pregnancy makes your immune system weak :'( I got my first bug in brazil, now I have my second hear at home in the US
Hope you feel better soon Almost- that exact thing happened to me.
I had the bug twice in three weeks, not good! Drink lots. Maybe you need some extra vitamins? X
Not sure! My b-12 shot is due very soon...Feb 4th! And this bug was not nearly as bad as the one last month so that was good at least! =)
Thanks ladies! I was only sick that one weekend day thank goodness! Hope all are well =)

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