WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Congrats on your little bundles of joy iow and jem!!!

OMG am I really next?! Is it really only 16 weeks left to go? I can't even beleive it!!!

Sorry I have been MIA I threw up for the past 13 hours straight starting yesterday afternoon-still in recovery-def. got the flu-it was HORRID. I hope it stays away from you all. MY poor little one was kicking mommy the whole time and got the hiccups-I hope he wasnt too uncomfortable :(
congrats to Jem and iow!:)

how is everyone doing? ive not been online as i have been ill, i have hyperemesis and been signed off work- im nearly 10 weeks now so hope it will stop soon. I have lost about 10lbs so really been struggling, feel awful for not keeping in touch, but i hope all mummies, new babies and bumps are doing well.

Have a lovely day x
sunshine-sorry to hear you are not doing so hot-hope you feel better soon and start gaining that weight for baby! When I got the stomach bug I lost about 4 lbs...gaining it back very easily...lol....25 weeks today, soooo excited!!!!
Thanks almost :) can't believe how you have only 16 weeks to go time has flown.

Definatly can sympathise with the stomach bug I'm not a sicky person at all and last week I was sick 3 times in 3 hours so as soon as I was eating then it was all lost when sick (sorry tmi) but I'm eating little and often and am feeling better than I was for sure. :) I'm being prepared healthy and nutritious food by my lovely oh and family so I'm sure ill be fine soon never expected to get HG but even princess Kate got it so it shows anyone can get it. Luckily I'm not small so I have plenty of reserves to buffer what I have lost but I love food so hope I get my love of food back soon!

Are you buying lots for baby now then are you prepared for arrival, I am looking forward to second tri and go shopping!!! :)

Hello ladies, sorry only just got five mins.
How are you all?
Congratulations Low, how are you finding it having two children?

Elz, how are you doing?

Sunshine, I can't believe your ten weeks! Sorry to hear you have that sickness-
Not going to try an spell it- hope your work are sympathetic?

Almost, not long! So so exciting! Bet your loving going boy shopping.

Sonia, how are you?

And Presh, love those photos on facebook.

Quick birth story:-
So thursday 7th I wake up and feel strange.
I take Isla to school and Demi to toddlers and do all the normal stuff... But all along I'm waiting for my contractions to start. I've got a slight tummy ache and my bump just feels heavy...
So I wash my hair and climb into bed at 7:30 and sleep... Wake up at 10:45 with a uncomfy contraction... Every ten mins they start, so called Shauns mum round ad she arrives at 11:30pm.
Basically all night me and Shauns mum stay awake and I have strong and painful contractions lasting a minute but getting no closer than six mins apart!
Shaun is snoring on the sofa!

It gets to about 6am and I'm trying to rest in-between contractions and eventually they stop at about 8am- with the odd random contraction that hurts.

Shauns mum takes the girls off for the day and my midwife is due at 11am to give me a sweep- she was coming anyway, thankgodness!

She examines me and I'm scared she will say nothing is going on... But she says I'm 4-5cm and my waters are bulging! I cried with relief!

I'm still having random contractions about 20 mins apart and as
Demi was born after half an hour of my waters breaking, I decided that hospital is where I want to be.

12:30 we arrive, contractions are about every 7 mins...
The midwife said 'they will sit on me and see what happens!' so I'm frantically pacing up and down the room to get these contractions going... 3pm I ask for gas and air coz although they are still every 7 mins they were hurting lots.

I was told no, because I'm not inestablished labour, so I got given some parcetamol!
At 3:45 I beg for gas and air and to be examined...
While she was gone and me bouncing away on the ball, I hear a pop sound- I know it's my waters...
The midwife comes in and examines and whilst my waters are coming out- she says- 'I can barely stretch you to 5cm :(
I'm about to cry but I have a very intense contraction do I suck on gas and air- then I have another one almost straight away... So I ask for the pool to be filled because this baby is coming 'now'!!!
I get in the pool and just have contractions on top of each other... I am still calm at this point and just sucking the gas and air and briefly checking in on Shaun who is sitiing opposite me whilst I'm on all fours in the water.

At 4:27pm Rubys head is out and I feel he turn her head- very strange.
I'm able to talk and joke at this point and I push her body and she is in my arms at 4:30pm :)

Ruby has the chord wrapped round her neck and I'm gently rubbing her body and after ten seconds she cries :)
Shaun was a bit panicked at this point because of our first birth but Ruby is fine and just beautiful.
We stay in the pool for 20 mins and I get out to deliver the placenta on the toilet- that's was strange too.
I'm checked for cuts an I got away with just graze that's doesn't even hurt!
The water was amazing and I'd defo recommend it.
So at 4:10pm I'm told I'm only 5cm to having a baby in my arms 20 mins later!
I found the labour was not as painful because the contractions were only every 7 mins, the whole thing was amazing with amazing midwives. Perfect experience for my last baby :)

Love to you all xx
Aww Jem, what a lovely birth story! :) I'm really glad that baby Ruby made it safe and sound and I hope you're doing well! How are Isla and Demi with Ruby?
As for me, I'm on CD12 and still waiting patiently for my BFP! lol If nothing happens this cycle then I'm definitely going to make an appointment to see the doctor.

Hope everyone else is well! X
Hi ladies!
I'm loving being a Mum to 2 children.... so much so that I now want another one despite swearing blind I was never being pregnant again few weeks ago! Hubby is yet to be convinced on #3 though!!
Noah is gorgeous, we had some family pics done this week and I've attached the pikkie I got as a sneak peek. He's a much easier baby than Tilly was :) and does a lot of sleeping! Labour was easier this time too.

My waters broke at 1.45am, I went to the loo and felt a weird pop but nothing came out. Went back to bed and just got comfy when I felta big gush and managed to leap out of bed in time to save the matress. Stood in shock for a minute, then dashed to the toilet to sort myself out a bit. Woke hubby up and he was more interested in the bed and floor than thefact I was in labour, then asked if he could go back to bed!! I was buzzing so no chance I could go back to sleep.... and my waters were leaking horribly too, so I phoned my Dad in the UK and had a chat :) Contractions started about an hour after my waters broke and I phoned the midwife at 4am when they were fairly regular. Woke up hubby and we went to the hospital, leaving Mum at home with Tilly (who was still fast asleep)!
Walking to the hospital from the carpark was fairly fun, I had to stop every few minutes to have a contraction with a bath towel wedged between my legs so I didn't leak all over the floor.... I'm still amazed at how much liquid is in there with baby!!
Went on the CTG for a while while they established that I was actually in labour, then had to wait around while they organised my section. I'd have appreciated a bit of gas & air by 8am, but wasn't offered anything and I didn't ask so I went without. Finally got to theatre at about 9am, took them ages to get my epi/spinal in place, they managed to bend one needle on my back muscle!!! Too much figure skating when I was younger!! Finally Noah was born by c-section at 10.07am :) I got skin to skin straight away, which made such a difference to my bonding with baby this time.
Completely in love with my little man!! Breastfeeding is going really well and we're all settling down nicely as a family of four :)


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Jem & Iow-what lovely birth stories-I am so glad all is well and that you both could enjoy the meeting of your babies! Congrats mamas!

AFM I FINALLY found the perfect house (well-for our current price range lol) and it is wonderful-we did a drive by of the neighborhood and house yesterday morning-called our realtor telling her we want to check it out asap (it was only on the market for 2 days as of yesterday) then we go to our condo-put in a solid offer as we did not want to mess around-but it was below asking price-got a call back-no counter offer the place was ours about only hours after putting in our offer. 12 couples had set up to look at this home, we were the 2nd, a 3rd looked after us-thank goodness she didnt even care to look at their offers-when she heard our story of loving her house so much right away and needing a house for baby on the way she gladly accepted our offer. I am SO excited....comes with ALL appliances eeeek!!!! =) I can't wait to set up babies nursery in April!!!!
Hi ladies.

Jem & IOW amazing birth stories, so happy for you both. Hope you are both well.

IOW - gorgeous pic!

Almost - amazing news :dance:

Afm, we are ok. Tired beyond belief but ok. Archie was diagnosed with what they thought was reflux but I'm not sure. The gavisgon infant seemed ok for the first day / night, he slept 12-8 (!) but since has been back to being really agitated during feeds, frantic on the bottle but starving, wont settle to sleep, sleeps for ten mins then wakes up screaming.
I don't think it's colic but have some gripe water I'm going to try. Any thoughts? We've tried different teats, different flows, different feeding positions, different sleeping positions - I'm just out of ideas now, poor little man.

He is at Nanny's tonight and I am now on my second glass of wine to ensure I sleep!
Sonia have you tried different formulas? That happened with my first and all was well
After we tried different kinds..
Looks like you both had pretty great birth experiences!

Iow, that photo of Noah is adorable!

Almost, bet you are so relieved and excited that you've found the perfect house in time. I don't envy you having to move while quite heavily pregnant tho, it's hard enough when your not!

Sonia, Seth had those sort of symptoms for a few weeks and I thought it was reflux at the time but now I'm convinced it wasn't. What I found helped him was going onto the comfort milk and having gripe water or dentinox with each bottle. I then put him on hungry milk and he's been fine since December.

sonia-I hope things get sorted with babies feeding and crying!

maz-thank you-yes dh and I are looking forward to being all moved in...no so much with the move! LOL...luckily I am not super big and this is a very easy pregnancy compared to others I have read about! I hope it will be as smooth of a transition as possible...house inspection is tomorrow hours after our ultrasound...I am off to work after the u.s. so DH will be going to the inspection-those are never fun, always boring, so I am glad I get to skip out of that ;) If we have the money we will hire people to take down all the wallpaper in the house along with painting the inside of the house for us-it is small so hopefully will get done fast, easy, and at a good cost!
oh boy-yes if we do not move until april 15th (our closing date may get moved sooner which would be better) then I will be VERY pregnant.....goodness!
Thanks ladies, we've switched him to aptamil comfort tonight and he seemed more settled during the feed but still a bit ratty. He has been fighting sleep for the last hr though which is quite normal for him. He really scared mr just now, was really struggling to breath like something was stuck in his throat, then did this massive gag/heave and seems fine now, umm mummy won't be sleeping much tonight!

Am also trying gripe where needed x
Glad your getting your future house all sorted almost, hope you get to move soon... I had to pack up our flat when our first was weeks old and that was stress as she was a demanding baby. Bet you can't wait decorate the babies room.

Sonia, sorry your having a hard time.. I can't really offer advice as I don't really know? Like Presh said- switching formula- which you done.
And you have tried all the other things like the teats, etc.

I put Isla on hungrier baby milk and she never seemed satisfied in between feeds.
Hope you get some rest x
Sonia Your 46 weeks pregnant!!! Oh my, could you just imagine! Ha
Sonia: Have you tried swaddling him to get him to sleep. Google "Happiest baby on the block" the 5S's helped me load with Tilly. I have no idea about formula, but maybe a few of those methods might help him settle at night and stay asleep once you've put him to bed. xxxx

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