WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

I think I just requested you??? But forgot to put my name jemma Parfitt xx
Ha Jem, I just said to Gary 'who's Jemma P' and then it clicked doh lol

He adores her and 'protects' her. 'No River you can't eat that you'll choke' lol he asks when is she going to walk. He can get jealous though especially as I still BF her. But generally he's really good with her x
Hi ladies! So nice to hear updates from most everyone....sunshine....preshfest, elz...and anyone else I missed-let us know how you are all doing!!

AFM I am in third tri yes-less than 10 weeks to go now-thursday will be the 9 week countdown as it is my 31 week mark omgshhhh!!! Still does not feel like I will have a baby in that short of time...the baby shower made it feel more real for me (my mom tricked me-threw a surprise shower yesterday for me it was so sweet!!) Also-moving in to the new house end of April, so I think once that happens and I can set up the nursery it will feel more real. All my baby stuff aside from some clothing is all stored in my parents basement as we are trying to sell our condo still and need it clutter free!!

Sonia-you sound excited to get back to work-I hope it will be as easy of a transition back for you as possible!

Maz-SO exciting you will be ttc for #2 soon wow I can't believe it is almost that time for you again!!!

Emz-it wont let me watch from either link-says I need to pay and be a member...

Jem-glad to hear the girls are adjusting well to your new little girlie!
30 weeks already Kayla, that's mad! Cannot wait to hear your birth story :) good luck with the move.
Thank you emz-I finally got the movie working then lost the page-but I will check the rest out later-it was very lovely. I LOVE listening to the voice over too b.c the accent is just so beautiful!
Hello lovely ladies! :)

This is just a quick post because I need to get my ironing done! I'm just procrastinating for a little while just to psych myself up! haha!
I'm really if I forget to mention anyone but this is all I can remeber on the spot!!:
Sonia- if going back to work feels right for you then who cares what anybody else thinks!! Good luck hun x
Maz- I can't believe you're already thinking of TTC#2!! Time is flying by so quickly!
Almost- same goes for you regarding time!! I can't believe you're in third tri! Wow!!
Jem- Hope your girls will get through this difficult stage! I'm sure it's just a phase they're going through!!
Emz- that video was lovely! River looked sooo tiny! And I agree with the girls- your house is spotless!! haha
Presh- how are you getting on?

I'm sorry if I've forgotten someone-my brain hurts trying to think any more! haha

As for me, still no news! AF is due on Sunday so if she arrives I'll be going in to cycle 19? or is it 20?! I don't know, I've lost count now! haaha Still keeping positive though...I'm just concentrating on losing weight again and getting fitter for the summer!! So far I've lost 20lbs. I'd like to lose another 20lbs by the summer so I'm going to increase my exercising this week! This weather isn't helping my motivation though-it's FREEZING!!

Anyways, I hope you're all well and have a lovely easter! X
Hi ladies

Lovely to hear your updates!

Yes, I'm back at work, working four days a week. Still full time so longer days - Archie is with my mum Monday's and then Steve looks after him wed - fri, it's working out ok for now but dh has had a few stressful moments due to Archie's reflux and colic.

Jem - I've been doing KIT days but now back. I think that you loss your smp for the day for the KIT day so you effectively get the difference between the two I think.

Almost - can't believe how quick your pregnancy has gone. The next 9 wks are going to fly by and then you'll have your little boy in your arms.

Emz - I'm Sonia Allen. Will req you when I'm online.

Maz - wow number 2, so exciting!

Elz - well done on the weight loss, that it a fan result and I'm sure it will help, every little counts x
Elz-I hope no sign of af for you!!

Sonia-nice to hear from you as always-I feel so bad that archie has reflux and colic....it must be very hard on you and daddy and baby for sure.

AFM anxious to meet my son as usual-hehe sooo unpatient....still waiting to close on house to...
Hi frdz..sorry for the long silence.. I had to move to my mom's place in the 8th month...as my hospital was vrry far from my house..my waterbag burst when I was 36 weeks and had to be rushed to the hospital. I had a c section. I have a baby boy..
Glad to know you all have adjusted with your babes....
Hello ladies!!!

I am so sorry i havent been online for ages!

How are you all? Hope all mummys, mummys to be, bumps and babies are doing well! :)

Im doing well, feeling much better with the sickness now which is great! Having a few issues with high bp episodes and being monitored by the obstetrician have to see them again at 28 weeks!

Had our first scan on 5th March and it was amazing! Little one was so active and wouldnt stay in the right place for the sonographer lol!

They dated me as EDD 10th September although i know from bd and cbfm that after the 12th Sept is more likely due date, but apparently they can be a couple of days out so pretty accurate- amazing! :) so I am approaching 17 weeks now!!!

Having the 20 week scan a little early on 16th April as OH will be offshore when i am 20 weeks so we both want him to be there for the scans!

Its such an amazing feeling, totally in love with baby already, and starting to feel the little bubbles and flutters now! :)

I will try and post some of the scan pics up- did try a moment ago and lost my whole post lol!

Anyway ladies take care and will try and get back online soon

a couple of our first scan pictures xx


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very exciting sunshine and what a beautiful scan!!! Glad to hear all is well. My son is having super active day number 2...he usually goes a couple days quiet then a couple days super active hahaha. He must know its Easter Sunday and that he got a pack and play from grammy and grampy yay!! LOL Hope all are well-sorry for the short post but my mothers computer is suuuuper slow....enjoy the holiday today if you celebrate-if not, i still hope you have a nice day of course!! =)
Thank you Almost! i love our pictures we bought 8 and they are 4 pounds each! ;)
I cannot believe you are so close to meeting you little boy, all those movements sounds amazing - really cannot wait to experience those! I bet its lovely getting presents for little one and knowing he will be playing with them soon.:)
Hope you are keeping well, it seems like you are all ready to move then, new home and new baby exciting times!
Belated happy easter to you too! Have enjoyed the long weekend!

Lots of love xxx
Congrats Shradra! What's his name?

Sunshine - lovely pics. Glad they are monitoring your BP, do they know what's caused/is causing it?

We are all fine here, Archie is doing well. I just wish he would sleep more! We are still up 2/3 times a night for feeding! I've been dabbling with dream feeds, some successful some not. I wonder whether he just wakes for the comfort and doesn't necessarily want feeding, he is hand chewing though which makes me think he is hungry but only takes 2/3oz, I may try to comfort him back to sleep to see if that works. If not I may try him on some baby rice before bed once 4 months - 4 weeks to go, now that is crazy!
Thanks Emz :)

Thanks Sonia! No they arent sure whats causing it its seems to have gone back down now which is good its not textbook but lots better- they have done lots of tests ruled out kidney probs etc which is good! Back to obstetrician at 28 weeks - that will be here before we know it- pregnancy definately does fly by! im about 17+4 ish now- i get confused as my us and lmp dates are 10th and 12th sept and if i go by my ovulation dates on my clearblue fertility monitor then 15th respectively! So a tad confused! But as i read dating scans aren't always exact- baby will be here between 37-42 weeks mw keeps telling me!! lol!

Pleased to hear that you are doing well, hope that little Archie starts sleeping better for you soon lovely, awww 4 months almost thats amazing. You sound so knowledgable mummy - i hope i pick it all up as well as you have. :hugs:

Have anomaly scan on 16th hope it all goes okay bit nervous but so looking forward to it too! xx
Not long till your scan sunshine! Are you going to find out the sex? So exited for you.

Knowledgeable, thanks but don't feel it. I feel like I miss so much and so many of his cues but guess it's all a learning curve. Sleeping is much the same but we're introducing a day sleeping schedule now which is quite simply in theory, practise is another matter! From feed, 1.5hrs activity time then down for a nap, anything up to 1.5hr then repeat! We're day two and working ok so far.

Almost - can't believe you've got 7 weeks left! How are you feeling?

Jem - how're your beautiful girls doing?

Presh - and yours?
Sonia-I really can't. We became official home buyers for the first time on the 11th of this month and already painted a room and got our nursery furniture in another. The nursery and house looks amazing-better than I thought it would and I am just thrilled to bring baby into this wonderful home. I finally got to rock baby in my tummy in the gliding chair and it was just amazing-he must have liked it as he kept kicking =)

Hope everyone is doing well.....and I am ready for my son to come a couple weeks early, that is for sure!!! haha
Hi lovelies.

Sonia how is full time work and Archie? What's you day sleep routine? Ruby still here there and ecerywhere! No pattern, although this week she has been going Down at 8ish and sleeping through till 4ish or even 6am!!!

Sunshine im sure your scan will be fine, make sure you update. Lovely scan photos, you finding out the sex?

Almost, so pleased your house has gone through. What a lovely feeling, a new house and baby. What's your mat leave situation?

Presh, how are you? You had to go back to work already? Love the photos on fb.

Maz, how you doing?

Elz, hope your well and keeping positive.

Emz hope your well, nice to ser you on fb and your kiddie winks.

All good here, still playing catch up on house work, ironing, etc. Hard work but worth it, love my girlies. Ruby has her jabs tomoz, not looking forward to that.

Love to all, sorry if I've missed anyone xxx
Aw Jem-good luck with rubys jabs-no fun to do I am sure =( Glad to hear you are enjoying your girlies even with lots of housework keeping you busy too!

My mat leave is NADA....because of IVF they refused my disability for maternity pay. I am working up until the baby is born and then missing about 1month or so of work-then us teachers have off for 7 weeks-so I will have almost 3 months with my son...wish it was much more but I can't afford to not work since no mat/ pay.

The nursery is basically all done and we just need one room in the house stripped and painted, and a rug ripped out to refinished the hardwood floors underneath. Some other small things here and there, but once rooms and floors are finished we can officially move out of our condo and into our house. It feels amazing to finally have my sons nursery to nest in!!! =)

sunshine, scan tomorrow-yay good luck!

presh-I second Jem on the FB photos--your daughters are just adorable!!!!

to all others-hope you are doing well and to hear from you soon <3

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