WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

How are you doing, Jem? How's that baby??

Mines fussy a lot and driving me batty. She's six weeks now so at least I'm getting closer to the fun stage :)
Hey ladies, great reading the updates. How are you all?

Well today I was housebound as Kai is ill and I spent the day washing as Kai has sickness and diarrhoea. It's hideous, I feel so sorry for him :(

I think River is having another growth spurt as she's feeding ever two hours like she's a newborn and waking in the night. I'm grateful that I co sleep :sleep:
Glad to hear your babies are doing well ladies! Sorry to hear kai is sick though emz =(

afm I have been SWAMPED between working full time, trying to get my condo sold, and trying to apply for a mortgage since DH and I got an accepted offer last Saturday on a house! We also got an accepted offer on our condo so that will be official by Sunday after the couple buying from us does the inspection and then 2 weeks from today or tomorrow we will have our mortgage app. results back-hope they give us the loan! We were already preapproved with the same bank, so hopefully all goes well! AND hopefully baby doesnt come before we move beginning of April!!! LOL

Hope all others are well! <3
Can not believe your 26 weeks!!! Crazy! Loved your bump picture on FB.
Fingers crossed your house and mortgage all go through, so exciting and stressful at the same time.

Ah poor Kai, hope his better today and River doesnt catch it. Is River on solids properly yet? Boo hoo for waking up in the night, especially if she was sleeping through!

Hey Presh, six weeks old!!!! What's she fussy about? Ha ha, got a little personality already! How many times does she wake during the night?
How old was she when she smiled? I can't wait for smiles!

At two and a half weeks old, Ruby is this dream baby!!! She barely cries out and settles herself. She feeds every four hours at night- I've had one bad night where I was up every two hours... I've never had such a contented baby, but I know that could change at any point so I'm just enjoying the moment! Ha ha

Having all three girls is hard work! hard trying to give time to each one and do stuff about the house. I think I'm doing ok, DH went back to work yesterday but today is just another day- all starts again!

My three year old is being a monkey, lovely to her sisters but talking and hitting out at me- obviously the change is effecting her... Makes me feel stressed when she is naughty to me, we had a chat last night so I'm hoping things will improve?

Hope the others are ok, xxxx
Good luck Almost. I love moving. Very exciting. How's the little man doing?

Jem, we are mostly baby led weaning with River. She's not keen on being spoon fed so
I mostly let her feed herself. She's eating small amounts 3 times a day but still loves her milk.

We also had the hitting with Kai. He'd get really angry with me. It was definitely the change and it's settled down now. Oh and River gave a real smile around 4 weeks, so you shouldn't have to wait much longer :)
My two year just bit my friends child. This is definatly the back lash of a new baby :(
oh no Jem-sorry to hear about the biting-it could be a call out for attention because of baby or sometimes children that age get frustrated or angry or upset with their friend if their friend is not understanding their communication so they turn to biting so say hello why aren't you listening to me?! This happens in the younger preschool aged groups here and there! And thanks I took lots of bump pics to update family and friends through FB...they kept nagging me! hehe =)

emz-the little one is doing good-def changed positions-I had to get a transvaginal scan on top of my regular US because his head was so low it was blocking an image of my cervix! Since he lowered and is head down-I feel a lot less strong kicks and more just like movement and fluttering kind of. Like his is swimming in there or something lol. I am just dying to meet him it feels like forever away still! Once the nursery is all set up next month I think that will make change look more obvious and that he is really on his way here soon! =)
How is everyone? Do any of you journals going on so I can stalk you? Hope your all ok.
All fine here, still adjusting to a family of five, not sure my
Ears ever will tbh, ha ha x
Hi Jem I am doing okay-just found out my friend who previously got pregnant on accident the second month I was trying myself with dh to get pregnant is now "accidentally" pregnant again. Not confirmed by a dr. but her test is dark as all heck. I seriously feel sick, I don't get how she did it by mistake again while supposidly on birth control. Idk if she got preg b.c I am and was jealous or what (maybe she really did just mistakenly do it again) but she doesnt even have a boyfriend i am just so frustrated...wishing she would just grow up-at least it is with the same guy as before and not some one night stander she doesnt know. Ugh sorry for the ranting. And yes I have a journal-one that i share on facebook and another on here =)
Hey Jem, how are the girls adjusting now? How are you feeling?

For anybody that wants to watch this is the link to the maternity film we agreed to feature in when River was born. She's so teeny, I can't believe how quickly time has gone. So glad we tidied up beforehand lol


Click the 'postnatal' link under English
It won't let me watch it- is it coz I'm on my I phone?
Hi Emz

Will defo watch it when I get online! Glad to hear you are doing well.

Jem - how's you and your gorgeous girls?

We are doing ok, we have good days and tough days, I wouldn't change any of it though. Archie is growing by the second and each day brings something new. I am hoping that he will start to sleep longer soon, two feeds a night normally 1am and 4am and then up at 6.30/7am is a killer! He doesn't really sleep much during the day either, unless we are out so it's go,go go!

I've decided to go back to work in May! My mum will be having Archie on Monday's, I'll have Tuesdays off and Steve will look after him Wednesday - Friday. I hope I don't offend anyone here but I need to go back. As much as I love being a mum, I need to be challenged mentally and work does that for me. I've been working every Monday for a few weeks and it's going well.

Almost - you're third trimester now aren't you? Can't believe how quick it's gone for you x
I hear ya Sonia. Ideally I would like to work 2 days a week as I NEED that adult interaction, plus I like my job weirdly lol

Re the sleep, it is so tiring but it does get better :hugs:
Aww Emz I've just watched that video, she looks gorgeous and sooo tiny! Love it when she's on the changing mat and does some little sneezes! Your house is spotless, wish mine looked like that and I've only got the mess from one child not 2!

Almost, can't believe you are third tri already, your pregnancy seems to have gone unbelievably fast (although I bet it doesn't feel like that to you?!) Baby Bit is going to be here before you know it.

Jem, the pics of Ruby that have been on fb recently are lovely, you can really see her big sisters in her now. How are you finding life as a mother of 3?

Sonia, I can completely understand why you feel ready to return to work, although I'm the opposite and really don't want to go back. I do miss the adult company though, but not the actual work. I love Seth so much but I love my weekends when I've got daddy at home and can actually have a two sided conversation!

I can't believe he is 5 months old today though, it's all going so quick! He'll be 1 before we know it, absolute madness. I think David and I have decided that that's when we'll start ttc number 2, eek!!

I finally have a second to write!!
Emz loved the film, your house is very lovely and tidy! Show home, wish mine resembled yours.

Maz, you dont want to work, but are you going back?

Sonia, I completely know where your coming from and I'm sure no one will judge you. I just read your back now on your Facebook?
Were those 'keeping in touch' days that you did?
I'm doing a night shift next week as a 'KIT' day, purely for extra cash. It will annoy me if I have to give back the government my smp money! So as much as I can't wait to have money again, I hope I can take the full time paid off?
Although my older two have started arguing this week, it's driving me crazy!!
I feel like I need a break so much. I'm getting my hair done tomoz- first time I've been away from all three girls in ten weeks!!!!

How's everyone and lo's?

Elz, any news?

Sunshine you had your scan?

Almost I'm trying to keep up on your journal now :)
Lots of love xxx
Jem I can assure you my house was tidy for one day and one day only lol how are the girls adjusting?

I miss the updates on here. If anybody wants to add me on FB I'm Emma Chandler. Profile pic is black and white. Just message me with your username so I know who you are x
Ohh I will add you... In the small hours no doubt.
Girls are adjusting fine, I think.
Although they have been little monkeys this last week. They keep arguing and hitting eachother. I'm sure it's the age but they were best friends and now it's all going wrong :(

Do Kai and River get along? I guess she is still too young to 'play' xx

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