WTT with a view to TTC in Sept/Oct/Nov - looking for a TTC buddy!

Hi ladies sorry only quick message as off out!

Just to let you know scan went amazing yesterday:) the pictures weren't great as baby was camera shy! We found out were having a lovely little boy :) we are keeping it secret just me and oh! So happy that baby is healthy and well! No more scans now next time we see baby will be birthday!

Hope you are all well and will respond properly later xxx
Not long till your scan sunshine! Are you going to find out the sex? So exited for you.

Knowledgeable, thanks but don't feel it. I feel like I miss so much and so many of his cues but guess it's all a learning curve. Sleeping is much the same but we're introducing a day sleeping schedule now which is quite simply in theory, practise is another matter! From feed, 1.5hrs activity time then down for a nap, anything up to 1.5hr then repeat! We're day two and working ok so far.

Almost - can't believe you've got 7 weeks left! How are you feeling?

Jem - how're your beautiful girls doing?

Presh - and yours?

We are all doing great! Today is my first day back at work, though, so that's kind of depressing. But Zoe is such a great baby. If she were sleeping all night she would be 100% perfect! :)

She is on that schedule, Sonia. She will wake up and eat, then play for 1-1.5 hours then nap again for 30-60mins, sometimes longer, then start the process all over again. It is SO nice to have her be so predictable! My first was not this way at all. She stopped napping at 8 weeks old which was awful. But she did sleep through the night starting at 10 weeks, so I guess that made up for it??

Having two is quite crazy, though. It's so much work!! But its great. Jem, I can't imagine having three!!

Almost - so happy that you are getting so close to the end!!
Oh sunshine a beaut baby boy. Congratulations xxxx

Presh I found my first grey hair at 29 years
Who has your girls while you work? Did i read your a school teacher? Do you get lots of holidays like they do here? Hope your day went ok xx

I've never heard of that routine, will google it.
Ruby has been simular to that routine actually, but only this week. She has been going to sleep at 8ish- means i get to paint my nails, lol.

How often does Archie and Zoe wake in the night? X
Hey everyone! It's been a long while since I've posted on here, whoops!

I've only read the last couple of pages so sorry if something really exciting or important has happened and I've missed it!

First off, yaaaay sunshine, another little boy for our team, congrats! Have you got any names yet? I kind of wished that we'd kept it secret from others, but are you not worried you'll accidentally let it slip?

Almost, fantastic news that you've got your house in time, I think it will really help with the feeling that you're a family now, if that makes sense? I can't believe you have only 6 weeks til your due date, it has just flown by! Can't wait to hear of his safe arrival. It's pants how little time you get to spend with baby over there though, I will have had a year off when I go back (although not all paid, and what is is a massive pay drop, but still, it's better than what you get)

I've seen that you are going back Presh, bet you will miss the extra time you had with Quinn as well as Zoe?

I saw on fb that you are back now Sonia, how are you finding it? I'm dreading going back, but not because I can't bare to be away from Seth, just because I'm that used to not going now, and in all honesty just can't be arsed! I will definitely be going back though, if only to save ready for baby number 2! I'm sure it'll be fine once I'm there though, be like I was never off. Looking forward to some adult conversation though, and I think my days there will make my time with Seth more precious.

I can't believe I have a 6 month old, how did that happen?!?! Well I know how it happened lol ;) but wow it's going so fast. Be planning his first birthday party before I know it o.o He is really starting to develop a lovely little personality now though. He is so cheeky, and just can't keep still! He is semi-mobile, can scoot himself around to get toys etc and rolls all over the place, but no actual crawling yet (don't think he's too far off though) He's really strong on his legs and loves being stood up holding on to us. If you hold his hands he can push himself up to standing. Fairly worried as David was walking at 8 months, I'm so not ready for Seth to take after his daddy and be walking in 2 months!!!!

Question for 2nd/3rd time mummies. What were naps like for you at 6 months? He was having 2 or 3 a day after around 2/3 hours of awake time, but now he is awake for 4 hours, has half an hour, then he wakes up and has a cuddle with me and goes down for another 1-1.5 hours. He's then awake for around 4 more hours before he goes to bed. Is this ok? Can't get him to nap before 12 he just gets mardy if I try.

Nighttime sleeping is pretty good. He used to do 8.30 to around 6.30, sometimes as late as 8. He'd have a feed then go back down with me til 9ish. Then he started waking a few times in the night and having to come in with us which lasted a few weeks. He's now brought his bedtime forward to between 6.30 - 7.30 at the latest, and has been waking at 5ish but going back to sleep either by himself or in with me. Bottle between 6.30-7.30 and then cuddles and sleep before we get up for the day at 8.30. I can't complain at that really can I?! Be perfect if he dropped that one early wake up though! Think its partly because he's ready for his own space now. He's getting too big for his crib and I think he wants to starfish in his big boy cot. Think he is waking himself up by banging into the sides of the crib when he's moving around in his sleep. Just need to get rid of the massive pile of ironing that currently rents out his cot, and psyche myself up to make the move!

Sorry for the EPIC post, I'll try to get on here more regularly so that they can be much shorter in future! Xxx
Who has your girls while you work? Did i read your a school teacher? Do you get lots of holidays like they do here? Hope your day went ok xx

I've never heard of that routine, will google it.
Ruby has been simular to that routine actually, but only this week. She has been going to sleep at 8ish- means i get to paint my nails, lol.

How often does Archie and Zoe wake in the night? X

My girls are at a school/day care. Both at the same one, just in different classrooms. They have a curriculum starting at 6 weeks old! My oldest LOVES it there and she's such a smarty pants, so it's a great place. I hope Zoe likes it just as much.

I'm not a teacher... I'm a geoscience technician at an oil and gas company. I normally get 3 weeks vacation and 2 weeks sick time, but used up all of that but 1 week sick with my maternity leave. So this is going to be a loooong year!

Zoe usually wakes up around 1am to eat, then goes right back to sleep until about 4:30 then eats again and falls back asleep. SO happy she doesn't stay up and want to play or something!

How is Ruby doing at night?
Hi ladies xxx

Maz all babies are different. Both of mine slept morning and afternoon, I can't really remember how long? My first then slept after lunch until 3:30 and my second wanted a sleep at 11 ish until 1pm- she is the 'devil child' and if she sleeps past this time she won't go down at 7pm.
What your doing sounds fine to me.... Although your lie ins may not be forever. Mine both did that and now wake up at 6:30am.

Presh don't know who I got you mixed up with, lol.
I sure your Zoe will love the Nursery. Such a shame you have to go back so early, wish they paid you more maternity pay, so unfair.

Ruby goes down about 8ish and may wake about 4am for a bottle and sleeps until 7ish. Although a few times she has slept through now. So I m very lucky. Ruby is like my first baby in the sleep department. Thank goodness. My two year old still has me up often.

I'm thinking of moving Ruby into her cot soon? She is in a small Moses so she can't sleep there for ages. Although my ironing is taking over the her room to.

Hope your all ok xxxx
Congratulations sunshine on being team blue.

Almost glad your house is coming together.

Jem your girls are gorgeous. Love the FB pics. Hope you enjoyed fruit shoot gate lol in all the years I've been on FB I've luckily never had one but of drama but my 'friends' comments really made me mad. Idiots lol
Yes I did have to laugh. Ha ha, even funnier that you changed your profile pic. Tbh I'm pretty oblivious as to what goes in food. I try to give the girls home cooked stuff with 'treats' they drink water or milk... So I wouldnt have a clue what certain things in food can do things to your body- if that makes sense? Each to there own I guess... Defo not feeling the froot shoots though. X
Hi sorry for being MIA... my boy keeps me busy.... he loves to play after milk and then sleeps. At nights he has his timings at 12 am...2.30....4....6...8 and so on... sunshine congrats..yay for team blue.. you all must be so busy with lo's.
Almost how is your pregnancy going?
sorry as well for quick response but already running late for work-I had a measurement scan as I was not growing but they said baby was 5.5lbs last week in the 51st percentile and that all was well....welllll I was supposed to go in for a apt. next tuesday but they left a voicemail saying they switched me to next wed so that i could have ANOTHER ultrasound and to then follow up with my dr right after....hmmmmm worried-not sure if it is a measurement followup for baby or what....i wonder if he is going to be comming early?
Keep us posted Hun, I'm sure all is ok. I had a scan at 36 weeks with Isla and she was 6lb at that point. Xxx

Hi Shrada xx
Almost- you are so close... my lo was born early at 36 weeks 6.5 lbs. I wish he could stay for 2 more weeks. I couldn't experience the body part showing from my belly. Dont worry even I didnt gain much weight. I was happy that lo was putting weight. You are doing good so far.

Jem- I am amazed. How do you and others take care of 3 kids...they are all small not much of age difference. . Here I am so busy with one child.
I take each day as it comes.

I think the biggest shock was going from 0 to 1 baby.
I was so anxious and worried all the time (even though I worked in a nursery looking after babies) when it's your own, you have the feelings attached.

Ruby Is a very good baby and never really cries, thank goodness.

Hi Sunshine, how's the 'bump?' xx
Hiya Jem:)

Hope you and your family are well- Ruby sounds such a good baby bless her- aww.

bump is fine, starting to feel movement now:) love it- just worry that they arent that regular at the moment! but i suppose 20 weeks is still fairly early- had a few hard kicks last week and all bit quieter this week!

i have been spending toooo much this weekend on baby things just cant help myself its fun!

do you have any knowledge of sacra iliac dysfunction i have been to physio as i have been having hip pain and they said its quite common? Also have a numb thigh as a nerve is being trapped from my growing size! Have been given crutches and a tubi grip bump support.

Ive been put on light duties at work but i am signed off for two weeks now by gp as i was still in lots of pain last week- i feel guilty a for leaving my original post and b for now being off sick on the lighter duties, but i have to think of baby and stop feeling guilty. After one day off work im feeling much better and less pain! Feel great in myself mind is willing body not so lol!!!

Cant believe im 5 months its so amazing and love this little boy so much. XXXXX
Time flies...trust me and soon you will be holding your boy in your arms. You just think about the baby and dont feel guilty. Now you need to take it easy and not stress yourself. Yay for the kicks... its such an amazing feeling. Its early. Once you enter 7th month the kicks
Will get regular and strong. At 8th month you will have to start counting the kicks. At 8 th month I used to feel wave like movements...actually baby was turning whole body..... have you thought about the name?
Its cool to spend on baby shopping. ...I too have the habit. Even now I shop. If you can afford it then why not.
Hello, is that spd? I've no experience or advice on that. Sorry.
But I've had friends who have had that-not quite bad enough for crutches but it's been bad. Don't feel guilty, it's one of those things you can't control.

As for movements, I could barely feel Ruby at this point, scary stuff. My placenta was at the front so that was why I was not feeling regular movement. Maybe its the same for you?

It's amazing how much you can love a little being so much already. I find it amazing that it's half of you and hall oh your dh growing inside your tummy.

Time does fly, Ruby is 11 weeks already. Feels like yesterday that I found out.
Her little personality is coming through, she giggled this week. Just because she is my third, I'm still amazed by her.

Enjoy spending and take it easy xxx
When was Ruby born? Looks like both our lo's are born close by. Shresh is entering 10th week. Tom he has 4 sets of vaccinations to be taken.
Ruby was born on the 8th Feb- 6 days late.
So about a weeks difference. There is a Feb mummy group who are all lovely if you fancy joining in.

Sorry about my poor grammar- it was 6am and last night I had a few drink to celebrate Rubys birth with friends. My brain was a bit frazzled x

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