Hi ladies!!! So here is my birth story for Liam Michael who met the world Wednesday, June 5th at 2:01pm and weighed 7.9lbs and 21 inches long. I went to my ultrasound and prental appt monday morning. Scan was better than ever with great fluids, but my 24 hours urine test came back borderline preeclamptic. My dr. was on call that night, so she asked if I wanted induction that night or wait until wed or thurs. I decided since I still had no dilation that I prob. wouldnt dilate enough in a couple more days so I went in at 5pm Monday night. I was given an early induction method when there is no dilation-a balloon that stays in for 12 hours and usually dilates you to 3-4cm. Well, Tuesday morning rolled around and by 7am the balloon was removed and I was only 1-2cmdilated so they couldnt break my water yet. The hospital was so packed with woman in labor that I had to wait 5 hours before I could get my pitocin. I went all the way up to 20 in pitocin having back to back 2 minute long contractions each-owch!!! It was not too bad so I kept denying epidural. I dilated quite fast and so my dosage was dropped to 9 in pitocin...and my water was broken Wednesday-this made my contractions unbearable so I finally gave in and had the super painful epidural at 8cmdilation and 90 or so effacement! I almost fainted from the pain of the contractions while waiting for the epidural process to finish-that was no fun either. It was so good that I got the epidural, because I ended up having 4th degree tearing-so internal vaginal tearing along with rectal tearing even with my episiotomy. Liam had to get vaccumed out because his heart rate dropped to only 70...I was unable to see him until after the pediatrician and baby nurse checked him which made me sad, but they had to tap his back and get mucus out and such. I am now at home with a leg catheter since I could pee but I could not fully empty my bladder. I go to my ob monday for removal and if all is well I will be done with the catheter! Liam's first appt. is monday as well-sooo excited!!! Now, here is the other love of my life who we finally got to bring home lat night!