I've gone off Cheryl too. I felt sorry for her to begin with and believed her front that she put on. This series she seems to have shown another side to her. Aint pretty.
I think Cher will be good this week tbh, club stuff is what she'll love doing.
I hope Matt recovers.
I read a quote in the papers that was meant to be from that weird Derek person she is dating and he's not happy about how mean people are to her.
It was a "friend of the couple" quote, so I did take it with a pinch of salt but they were saying how he is furious about the backlash she got when she confronted Wagner live on air and how he thinks people should remember she had a terrible year with a divorce and an illness and be nicer to her now.
Now I do feel sorry for her, what her husband did was vile and malaria is a nasty illness, but I don't think those things are a "get out of jail free" card that means nobody can say a bad word or disagree with her.
And honestly I haven't liked her since she got that conviction for punching that woman.
And out of interest, now she has had malaria, is she doing anything to help the charities that give aid to people with malaria/malaria prevention in the third world? That would be her chance to do something positive with her experience and make people more inclined to listen to her boyfriend insist they are nicer to her because she was ill.
I'm interested to see what they come up with for Club Classics, especially for Matt, Mary and Rebecca. For some reason I keep having visions of Mary singing "No Limits"