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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Why are you girls weighing yourselves? Naughty pregnant women, there's plenty of time to worry about weight after bubs is born. And 5lb is probably just water weight!

I'm waiting to buy my buggy until we're pretty much at delivery, because I want to see how mogling is walking before deciding whether to get a hardcore double or an occasional double. I've already bought another car seat though.
elow can you add me im due the 9th april, there will be a 21 month age gap xx
i figure the weight gain is for the best cause ever, so its worth it to have wide hips and a fat butt. i usually gain a ton in every tri. didnt lose all the weight from last pg though so i havent gained any yet. i still look about 5-6 mos pg anyways so it really doesnt matter that i havent gained any:dohh:
Im not sure how much ive gained.. my scales died just after i found out i was pregnant! :dohh: lol
When are you going to start buying things this time? Like the buggy etc. Last time I waited until I was viable at 24 weeks but this time I am so much more relaxed and might just start after the 12 weeks. Plus I want to get the buggy before you lot buy all the stock up :rofl: :rofl: TheNewWife I know you've bought Heidi's going home outfit, anything else?

First of all, yay for the scan! I didn't get mine until 18+1 and won't have another, but it was lovely :)

I've restrained myself buying too much, although today I am sorting through a friend's old baby clothes as she had a winter baby so there should be some good finds in there. Her daughter will be turning 2 when Heidi is born. Mostly we will be buying things for Emma - a new bedroom set, etc. and getting our basement organized for a proper playroom so that Emma will have a safe place to play while I am nursing and can't be chasing around after her. We've started shopping for Emma's new bedroom furniture already and plan to have her moved around the end of October.

Other than that, there's really not much that I need. Too bad! :rofl:
Hey all. I was at my BF support group today and one of my friends there has a 3 year old and a 5 week old and she said she was on the edge :nope: I wanted to cry :haha: Then I thought ahhh well, I have to cope, you adapt because you have to, there's no choice in the matter :shrug: Plus Arf will be around 15 months so it's much different to a 3 year old. I'll cope! I'll cope! the one thing that is worrying me though is the BF issue. I've been going to this support group now since Arf was around 10/11 weeks and although I'm no longer BF (or in my case exclusively expressing) I still go because my support worker has insisted on it lol Plus, I've gotten chatting to new ladies that have come and have actually been able to offer a little help myself. I'm worried I'll have the same issues with BF that I did with Arf; him being on me all day long and hardly sleeping, just dozing on the boob and then waking up to feed and on and on. I don't know how I'd manage if the new baby is like that and I have a toddling Arf too :?:headspin: Determined to at least give it a shot though! :thumbup: xx
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Sorry to hear some of you are down, these damn pregnancy hormones... and pregnancy pounds!! I've put on a couple of pound so far but with how big my stomach feels, I do feel like a right frump!!

Pippin - Yay for your scan soon! That will be ace, it really does make a difference!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow... I'm feeling so nervous, which I know is normal but I just have a horrible feeling... I dunno it's probably silly, but I've felt so stressed the last few weeks, more so than I ever remember feeling. Sam had 2 ops in 6 weeks and I just feel that the whole of the last year or so has caught up with me and I'm worried this may have had an affect on the baby :( I guess I find out tomorrow though huh?

Anyone else got their 12 week scan soon?
Hey all. I was at my BF support group today and one of my friends there has a 3 year old and a 5 week old and she said she was on the edge :nope: I wanted to cry :haha: Then I thought ahhh well, I have to cope, you adapt because you have to, there's no choice in the matter :shrug: Plus Arf will be around 15 months so it's much different to a 3 year old. I'll cope! I'll cope! the one thing that is worrying me though is the BF issue. I've been going to this support group now since Arf was around 10/11 weeks and although I'm no longer BF (or in my case exclusively expressing) I still go because my support worker has insisted on it lol Plus, I've gotten chatting to new ladies that have come and have actually been able to offer a little help myself. I'm worried I'll have the same issues with BF that I did with Arf; him being on me all day long and hardly sleeping, just dozing on the boob and then waking up to feed and on and on. I don't know how I'd manage if the new baby is like that and I have a toddling Arf too :?:headspin: Determined to at least give it a shot though! :thumbup: xx

hiya, I want to breastfeed this time (tried with Sam but with being tube fed and intitially bottlefed and with zero support it didn't work out) and I'm worried too that it won't be practical. Do all BF babies just feed ALL the time at the beginning? Or does it vary from baby to baby just as it would with FF?

My MIL was very helpful in telling me it wouldn't be possible to manage it with having Sam to look after too, but the way I see it, with FF I would need the time for sterilising, making up bottles, etc, whereas with BF they'll be none of that!

What do others think on this?
hello my little boy will be two and two months when my baby is born. Im due on the 18th of feb!
Question for you all

When are you going to start buying things this time? Like the buggy etc. Last time I waited until I was viable at 24 weeks but this time I am so much more relaxed and might just start after the 12 weeks. Plus I want to get the buggy before you lot buy all the stock up :rofl: :rofl: TheNewWife I know you've bought Heidi's going home outfit, anything else?

To be honest, I don't know when I'll buy stuff. I'm still trying to figure out what I can reuse from last time. :rofl: I have made a wishlist on one website I purchase diaper stuff from so I have enough diapers for the baby. Mind you, there are lots of different stuff I found that was cute and want to get.

I just thought of something. For a number of us, our other children were born in the summer and these ones will be in the winter/early spring. That being the case, some of the early clothes we had won't help (such as lots of short sleeves).

Still need to get a pram though to accomodate two children and a new moses basket/bassinet. Probably will start scouring around the second hand stores again!

The down feeling that I had yesterday is pretty much all gone now. Maybe that ice cream I had last night helped. Gotta love NSA (no-sugar added) chocolate. :dance:
Hey all. I was at my BF support group today and one of my friends there has a 3 year old and a 5 week old and she said she was on the edge :nope: I wanted to cry :haha: Then I thought ahhh well, I have to cope, you adapt because you have to, there's no choice in the matter :shrug: Plus Arf will be around 15 months so it's much different to a 3 year old. I'll cope! I'll cope! the one thing that is worrying me though is the BF issue. I've been going to this support group now since Arf was around 10/11 weeks and although I'm no longer BF (or in my case exclusively expressing) I still go because my support worker has insisted on it lol Plus, I've gotten chatting to new ladies that have come and have actually been able to offer a little help myself. I'm worried I'll have the same issues with BF that I did with Arf; him being on me all day long and hardly sleeping, just dozing on the boob and then waking up to feed and on and on. I don't know how I'd manage if the new baby is like that and I have a toddling Arf too :?:headspin: Determined to at least give it a shot though! :thumbup: xx

hiya, I want to breastfeed this time (tried with Sam but with being tube fed and intitially bottlefed and with zero support it didn't work out) and I'm worried too that it won't be practical. Do all BF babies just feed ALL the time at the beginning? Or does it vary from baby to baby just as it would with FF?

My MIL was very helpful in telling me it wouldn't be possible to manage it with having Sam to look after too, but the way I see it, with FF I would need the time for sterilising, making up bottles, etc, whereas with BF they'll be none of that!

What do others think on this?

No, please don't be put off :hugs: Not all BF babies are like that at all and I blame myself mostly for giving up and going on to exclusively expressing, which I did up until Arf was 6 months. Honestly, they're not all like that, all the other mamas I know from my BF support group haven't had that issue past like 4 or 5 weeks and they seemed to cope fine, which just made me feel even worse lol :blush: I wish I'd had the foresight to see it really wasn't gonna be forever and if I just went with it it would get better. This time I'm gonna be much much better prepared. Good luck hun :hugs: xx
Why are you girls weighing yourselves? Naughty pregnant women, there's plenty of time to worry about weight after bubs is born. And 5lb is probably just water weight!

I'm waiting to buy my buggy until we're pretty much at delivery, because I want to see how mogling is walking before deciding whether to get a hardcore double or an occasional double. I've already bought another car seat though.

I only weigh myself on the WiiFit and not really getting depressed about it. In all honesty, I'm amused when it goes up and the machine asks me why my weight is going up. Too bad they don't have the 'I'm pregnant' option. Ah well. I'll change my 'goal' to be higher and then it won't chastise me anymore. :rofl:
I havent even started to think about buying things. Most of my stuff from Caeden was past down to Logan so i didnt have to buy much at all throughout my last pregnancy. This time ill pretty much need to start again though as most things especially clothes wont really manage another pass down and moses basket etc i got rid of as i didnt plan on having another for a long time!

Ill probably wait another few weeks yet though before thinking about that.

I BF my first til he was 6 months, but he had just turned 2 when Logan was born and i found it near impossible on my own (Single mum) Logan was so demanding with BF and Caeden was jealous as he wasnt getting much attention. I wasnt sleeping and i found myself just crying all the time as i couldnt give them both the attention they needed, so i gave up when he was about 5-6 weeks. I felt so guilty and took me a while to get out of the 'ive failed him' state of mind but i couldnt see any other way around it.

I will try to BF again with this baby as my two are at nursery now so ill have more time but im certainly not pressuring myself into anything. If i cant cope i will stop, for my own sanity! :haha:
Hey all. I was at my BF support group today and one of my friends there has a 3 year old and a 5 week old and she said she was on the edge :nope: I wanted to cry :haha: Then I thought ahhh well, I have to cope, you adapt because you have to, there's no choice in the matter :shrug: Plus Arf will be around 15 months so it's much different to a 3 year old. I'll cope! I'll cope! the one thing that is worrying me though is the BF issue. I've been going to this support group now since Arf was around 10/11 weeks and although I'm no longer BF (or in my case exclusively expressing) I still go because my support worker has insisted on it lol Plus, I've gotten chatting to new ladies that have come and have actually been able to offer a little help myself. I'm worried I'll have the same issues with BF that I did with Arf; him being on me all day long and hardly sleeping, just dozing on the boob and then waking up to feed and on and on. I don't know how I'd manage if the new baby is like that and I have a toddling Arf too :?:headspin: Determined to at least give it a shot though! :thumbup: xx

hiya, I want to breastfeed this time (tried with Sam but with being tube fed and intitially bottlefed and with zero support it didn't work out) and I'm worried too that it won't be practical. Do all BF babies just feed ALL the time at the beginning? Or does it vary from baby to baby just as it would with FF?

My MIL was very helpful in telling me it wouldn't be possible to manage it with having Sam to look after too, but the way I see it, with FF I would need the time for sterilising, making up bottles, etc, whereas with BF they'll be none of that!

What do others think on this?

No, please don't be put off :hugs: Not all BF babies are like that at all and I blame myself mostly for giving up and going on to exclusively expressing, which I did up until Arf was 6 months. Honestly, they're not all like that, all the other mamas I know from my BF support group haven't had that issue past like 4 or 5 weeks and they seemed to cope fine, which just made me feel even worse lol :blush: I wish I'd had the foresight to see it really wasn't gonna be forever and if I just went with it it would get better. This time I'm gonna be much much better prepared. Good luck hun :hugs: xx

Thanks for this MrsB, I really don't think you should be so hard on yourself, you did so well!! I couldn't even get Sam to feed and lasted about 3 to 4 days of trying before I gave up. I think because he was so tiny and had been in hospital etc, I was just panicking that while I was trying to get him to latch he was going to lose weight. You did sooooo well with expressing, I could only manage utnil 6 weeks, I think I may have been too hard on my poor boobs, the last day of doing it I looked down and the milk was red my nipples were bleeding so much so the milk was no good and I just couldn't do it any more!! Haha! So 6 months is such an accomplishment, expressing is hard, it's like you're feeding 2 babies really with the time to express then the time to feed your LO!!

I think the best thing to do is just try and ask for as much help as possible and give it my best shot, I really want to breastfeed this time, so I have to give it a go!

Thanks again hun :hug:
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Sorry to hear some of you are down, these damn pregnancy hormones... and pregnancy pounds!! I've put on a couple of pound so far but with how big my stomach feels, I do feel like a right frump!!

Pippin - Yay for your scan soon! That will be ace, it really does make a difference!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow... I'm feeling so nervous, which I know is normal but I just have a horrible feeling... I dunno it's probably silly, but I've felt so stressed the last few weeks, more so than I ever remember feeling. Sam had 2 ops in 6 weeks and I just feel that the whole of the last year or so has caught up with me and I'm worried this may have had an affect on the baby :( I guess I find out tomorrow though huh?
Anyone else got their 12 week scan soon?

I totally relate - I am only 6 weeks and I am anxiously waiting the scans. I am so so so scared. I don't know what I would do if it happened again. I know I would get through it, but that is not easy!

Are you likely to run into problems again? Is sam's issues genetic?
I failed at bf last time, due to Tom being tube fed mainly. I stuck at it for three months but I dried up long before I gave up:( I am determined to do it this time but I am also worried about how clingy it might make the baby. Tom was so independent. I remember when I started bottle feeding that that was more hassle than bfing!!
elow can you add me im due the 9th april, there will be a 21 month age gap xx

Done and :hi:

Why are you girls weighing yourselves? Naughty pregnant women, there's plenty of time to worry about weight after bubs is born. And 5lb is probably just water weight!

:rofl: yes Mum! :haha:

Hey all. I was at my BF support group today and one of my friends there has a 3 year old and a 5 week old and she said she was on the edge :nope: I wanted to cry :haha: Then I thought ahhh well, I have to cope, you adapt because you have to, there's no choice in the matter :shrug: Plus Arf will be around 15 months so it's much different to a 3 year old. I'll cope! I'll cope! the one thing that is worrying me though is the BF issue. I've been going to this support group now since Arf was around 10/11 weeks and although I'm no longer BF (or in my case exclusively expressing) I still go because my support worker has insisted on it lol Plus, I've gotten chatting to new ladies that have come and have actually been able to offer a little help myself. I'm worried I'll have the same issues with BF that I did with Arf; him being on me all day long and hardly sleeping, just dozing on the boob and then waking up to feed and on and on. I don't know how I'd manage if the new baby is like that and I have a toddling Arf too :?:headspin: Determined to at least give it a shot though! :thumbup: xx

Hon, don't worr :hugs: there will be high days and low days so we'll experience every emotion going but we will get there. As for the feeding, every baby is different. My friend had MASSIVE trouble with her first little girl but kept on going and then her little boy just took it straight away and fed like a dream. Completely new baby hon so don't look back on what happened before. I plan to feed this one too again as I did love the breastfeeding and it's a way of bonding for me personally. Also great for getting rid of the excess weight :haha: it burns 500 cals before you start :rofl:

hello my little boy will be two and two months when my baby is born. Im due on the 18th of feb!

Will do now :hi: and welcome.

As for the scan ladies, I am paying for it!!! £75 which is almost half of what I paid for an early scan with Sam so I'm pleased I'm saving already and it's just up the road. Wish I'd looked harder then. It gives me and husband piece of mind, I worry so much I might mmc. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it.
yay for the scan pippin!

sorry all the trouble with bf ladies! i am not physically able to, dont want to get into private details, but knew i would never be able to since i was young. i guess since i knew i never could, i never felt like a failure or anything. it was always the plan to ff. i hear all these horror stories and i dont think i am missing anything. i am very bonded with my babies, never prop up a bottle and sit them aside. i always rock each of them while they eat, every single time, and then lay them down for their naps.

i dont have anything bad to say about someone who does bf, i think its great! i do think that ff moms get a bad rap sometimes and it makes some women feel bad if they cant or try to bf and cant keep doing it. i have even heard rude comments from my own family who dont know my physical issues, that bf is the way "God intended". i know that it wasnt meant for me to bf, and God provided me another way to bond and feed my babies. the point is that the baby gets nourished and that you bond with this special new person.
its wonderful to be able to have a child and to love them with all your heart, the rest is just minor details to me
Too true blessedmomma we are all individual and different things suit each of us. Sam's still on formula milk now at bed and in the morning, I've tried to cut down nap time milk as he's eating well and getting a bit on the porky side. He lost interest in my boobs about aged 9 1/2 months and saw them more as play thing than meal time....... It was at that point I decided to wean him off :rofl:

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