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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Afternoon ladies :wave:

Sorry to hear some of you are down, these damn pregnancy hormones... and pregnancy pounds!! I've put on a couple of pound so far but with how big my stomach feels, I do feel like a right frump!!

Pippin - Yay for your scan soon! That will be ace, it really does make a difference!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow... I'm feeling so nervous, which I know is normal but I just have a horrible feeling... I dunno it's probably silly, but I've felt so stressed the last few weeks, more so than I ever remember feeling. Sam had 2 ops in 6 weeks and I just feel that the whole of the last year or so has caught up with me and I'm worried this may have had an affect on the baby :( I guess I find out tomorrow though huh?
Anyone else got their 12 week scan soon?

I totally relate - I am only 6 weeks and I am anxiously waiting the scans. I am so so so scared. I don't know what I would do if it happened again. I know I would get through it, but that is not easy!

Are you likely to run into problems again? Is sam's issues genetic?

Hiya Em :)

We met with a geneticist a couple of weeks ago and they couldn't find a genetic condition that correlated with Sam's issues - well, apart from the extra toes he was born with, this has them completely stumped - so they put us at a 2% risk of it happening again. So from that point of view it's highly unlikely, but there's this niggle, and I can't shake it! And I won't be able to until baby is in my arms I don't think!! I guess once it happens to you, that becomes normal, so to have a 'normal' baby just wouldn't seem 'normal'! haha sorry that probably doesn't make sense!

Is your LO's problems a genetic thing? I totally feel for you, will you not get extra scans or anything? We didn't but we are under a consultant and I would hope you are too? They should automatically mark your pregnancy as high risk so that you get the care of a high risk pregnancy, even though it's in the huge hope of everything being ok :hugs:
I failed at bf last time, due to Tom being tube fed mainly. I stuck at it for three months but I dried up long before I gave up:( I am determined to do it this time but I am also worried about how clingy it might make the baby. Tom was so independent. I remember when I started bottle feeding that that was more hassle than bfing!!

Wow 3 months, you gave it your utmost best shot by the sound of it!!
I am worried about the clingy issue too, not because Sam is independent, although he is in some ways, but not in others, but I just worry about the new baby dominating me and me not having enough time to share myself out! Do you worry about this? Or do you think Tom is old enough now that you can explain to him what's happening so he has the benefit of understanding?
I BF my first til he was 6 months, but he had just turned 2 when Logan was born and i found it near impossible on my own (Single mum) Logan was so demanding with BF and Caeden was jealous as he wasnt getting much attention. I wasnt sleeping and i found myself just crying all the time as i couldnt give them both the attention they needed, so i gave up when he was about 5-6 weeks. I felt so guilty and took me a while to get out of the 'ive failed him' state of mind but i couldnt see any other way around it.

Gosh I'm so sorry you had such a rough time of it, it does sound really, really tough. I think you made the right decision with stopping, a miserable mommy isn't good for your LO's so you did what was best for them in the end. Choosing to BF clearly isn't such a cut and dried decision by the sounds of it, there are so many other factors to take into consideration! I wouldn't see it as 'giving up' either, you had to find another way that worked for your family and took the immense stress off!!

I truly hope you get a better shot at it this time as your circumstances seem a bit more on your side!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh and I really need to learn how to multi-quote, too many posts from me!! :haha:
I BF my first til he was 6 months, but he had just turned 2 when Logan was born and i found it near impossible on my own (Single mum) Logan was so demanding with BF and Caeden was jealous as he wasnt getting much attention. I wasnt sleeping and i found myself just crying all the time as i couldnt give them both the attention they needed, so i gave up when he was about 5-6 weeks. I felt so guilty and took me a while to get out of the 'ive failed him' state of mind but i couldnt see any other way around it.

Gosh I'm so sorry you had such a rough time of it, it does sound really, really tough. I think you made the right decision with stopping, a miserable mommy isn't good for your LO's so you did what was best for them in the end. Choosing to BF clearly isn't such a cut and dried decision by the sounds of it, there are so many other factors to take into consideration! I wouldn't see it as 'giving up' either, you had to find another way that worked for your family and took the immense stress off!!

I truly hope you get a better shot at it this time as your circumstances seem a bit more on your side!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks hun :hugs:
Too true blessedmomma we are all individual and different things suit each of us. Sam's still on formula milk now at bed and in the morning, I've tried to cut down nap time milk as he's eating well and getting a bit on the porky side. He lost interest in my boobs about aged 9 1/2 months and saw them more as play thing than meal time....... It was at that point I decided to wean him off :rofl:

:rofl: pippin! my husbands aunt said her son would try to lift her shirt at the store to play with them. i cant even imagine how funny that would have been to see
Hi Everyone!

My little bean is due on April 20th and my son will be 18 months old at the time of the new baby's birth.
Hi Everyone!

My little bean is due on April 20th and my son will be 18 months old at the time of the new baby's birth.

I've put you on the list and welcome! :hi:

Oh and I really need to learn how to multi-quote, too many posts from me!! :haha:

I just keep two windows open and copy and paste or just edit posts and add the next quote.

How's the birthday preparations going fir Sam? We ordered a cake yesterday and some party food, the decorations came yesterday but I think they look a bit mean, might have to go and buy some ribbon or something. Exciting though. Xxx

Too true blessedmomma we are all individual and different things suit each of us. Sam's still on formula milk now at bed and in the morning, I've tried to cut down nap time milk as he's eating well and getting a bit on the porky side. He lost interest in my boobs about aged 9 1/2 months and saw them more as play thing than meal time....... It was at that point I decided to wean him off :rofl:

:rofl: pippin! my husbands aunt said her son would try to lift her shirt at the store to play with them. i cant even imagine how funny that would have been to see

:rofl: yep had that happen too. Thankfully he's fir got that little trick :haha:
Woooo scan tomorrow ladies I cant wait, I think team blue again but everyone else thinks pink!

I have gained about 10 pound now! :( feel such a bloater!

I cant wait to BF again :D I BF Caine to 10 months when he wanted to stop, and am hoping to do same again xx

Hope your all well xx
Well, I'll BF this one as well - Mog gave up at four months, which in some ways was anoying, as I still had tons of milk and didn't really want to give up, but in others was great because it was so much easier to leave her with other people. I was always planning on giving up when I went back to work, so it was only a couple of months early really. Still can express milk now though, which is a bit odd :haha: I felt very lucky as Mog took to BF really well, but she never really went more than a couple of hours between feeds, which was a bit of a pain compared to FF, and she slept longer through the night once she was on formula, which was nice. I did miss it though. Oh, and I could FF with one hand, whereas my enormous BBs meant I always had to hold the wretched thing out of her face when she was eating - much easier with the bottle!
Unfortunately, I couldn't BF with Christian and probably won't be able to with this one. When speaking with a number of my relatives, including mum, they had issues too. I'm just hoping that at the hospital it won't be hell again when I couldn't BF. The nurses were horrid and I felt lower than dirt.

JMS, let us know how the scan goes!

Pippin, awesome on getting the scan date (sorry for being late on that one). Let us know how it goes too! As for little guy's first birthday, we've sent out invitations but haven't bought food yet as cash is slightly low. I dunno if we'll decorate my Mum's place much or no. It'll just be a regular BBQ with family.

Nat77, welcome to the group! :wave:

Jojo, I hear ya about the multi-quote. I end up making too may posts as well. :rofl:
As for little guy's first birthday, we've sent out invitations but haven't bought food yet as cash is slightly low. I dunno if we'll decorate my Mum's place much or no. It'll just be a regular BBQ with family.

That's what we're doing as well. I'm making cupcakes and rice krispie treats (cut with my new fairy tale cookie cutter set) and we've ordered some sandwich, veggie and meat & cheese platters.

It's "only" family but I think we're up to 30 people so far. :dohh:
As for little guy's first birthday, we've sent out invitations but haven't bought food yet as cash is slightly low. I dunno if we'll decorate my Mum's place much or no. It'll just be a regular BBQ with family.

That's what we're doing as well. I'm making cupcakes and rice krispie treats (cut with my new fairy tale cookie cutter set) and we've ordered some sandwich, veggie and meat & cheese platters.

It's "only" family but I think we're up to 30 people so far. :dohh:

I know what you mean. We're around the same numbers (although everyone hasn't responded yet). Hubby and I think FIL will be doing the BBQing. We'll also have a salad. Will need to get a cake and get some fruit to make a fruit tray.
Unfortunately, I couldn't BF with Christian and probably won't be able to with this one. I'm just hoping that at the hospital it won't be hell again when I couldn't BF. The nurses were horrid and I felt lower than dirt.

It's disgraceful that they get away with this; the amount of people I've spoken to who have said they felt condemned by the midwives because they weren't BF is unbelievable and it really shouldn't be this common. I even witnessed it for myself with the woman in the bed across from me on the ward. It took her asking four or five times before they gave in and let her ff her child. I know they're trained to encourage, guide and help you but they should also listen to the mother's views. :growlmad: xx
:hi: I'm sooo tired :sleep: so I apologise for such a crappy short post and not replying individually. I never felt this tried with Sam and I was working :dohh: I haven't even gone back to school yet (I'm a teacher for those that don't know) Goodness knows what it'll be like when I start on the 2nd :cry: I'm making so many typos too, might not bother correcting them from now on so more apologies!!!!

We've invited about 15 adults plus their children so roughly 20-25 in total I think. It's immediate family and my best friends who have had babies at the same time or close enough. We've done it on a shoe string really, just splashed out on the cake and a some party food from Waitrose, the rest will be budget. Starting to worry about money BIG time and we earn quite a lot really in reality but it all goes on the house :dohh: it's like, do we have a bigger house with little money or a flat with more money, ahhhhhh!! Might just sell up buy a small hold and live in the country :rofl:....... actually that quite appeals right now!!!! :haha:

Elly Grrrr :growlmad: at mw, send them my way next time :growlmad: :hugs: we all have our own way and they must respect that. I'm definitely pro bf as it was so easy for me but I so know it's not so easy for all. Stick to your guns hon, you know what's best for you. :hug:
:hi: I'm sooo tired :sleep: so I apologise for such a crappy short post and not replying individually. I never felt this tried with Sam and I was working :dohh: I haven't even gone back to school yet (I'm a teacher for those that don't know) Goodness knows what it'll be like when I start on the 2nd :cry: I'm making so many typos too, might not bother correcting them from now on so more apologies!!!!

Elly Grrrr :growlmad: at mw, send them my way next time :growlmad: :hugs: we all have our own way and they must respect that. I'm definitely pro bf as it was so easy for me but I so know it's not so easy for all. Stick to your guns hon, you know what's best for you. :hug:

I completely understand the tiredness. All I want to do is :sleep: all day. Dunno how that's going to work when I go back to work soon. Have to plug away.

Thank you for the support, hun. :hugs: After a while and getting very upset, realized that the most important thing was that Christian needed to grow and be fed. If it was with formula, so be it and I wasn't a bad mum at all. All I needed to do was to realize what was most important -- our son.
elly- makes me feel bad that you were treated so horrible. it really is the most important thing that your son is taken care of. its sad that they missed out on that and were so harsh to you.:hugs:

i guess since i go in knowing that i will ff its not so rough on me. i might get some rude looks or occasionally someone stating that it "really is the best thing for the baby to bf" but i can deal with that. i figure im not taking any of these nurses home with me so i only have to deal with it for a short while. i dont feel that its any of their business that i have a problem and dont have to explain why im not bf. if it was just the choice i made, thats no different to me than having to because of an issue
elly- makes me feel bad that you were treated so horrible. it really is the most important thing that your son is taken care of. its sad that they missed out on that and were so harsh to you.:hugs:

i guess since i go in knowing that i will ff its not so rough on me. i might get some rude looks or occasionally someone stating that it "really is the best thing for the baby to bf" but i can deal with that. i figure im not taking any of these nurses home with me so i only have to deal with it for a short while. i dont feel that its any of their business that i have a problem and dont have to explain why im not bf. if it was just the choice i made, thats no different to me than having to because of an issue

Thank you :hugs:

I can only pray that I have enough courage & strength as you ladies.
How is everyone today? I'm a little annoyed/sad/pissed off and angry, we got our results today for A level and they are rubbish. The head of department that took over from me whilst I was maternity leave with Sam has really messed things up for the students. I feel so bad for them and guilty for being away. I know it's not my fault but can't help feeling sad for them. And now I feel guilty because I'll be leaving the next lot of students too :cry:

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