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Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Oh Pippin! I wish i'd had a teacher who cared like you at school! I had to get 2 jobs so i could pay for my own tutor as my school was so shit! Don't feel too bad lovely, it's not your fault xxx Big hugs xxx
Thanks hon, I've worked so hard to get the department a good reputation and results and now it's right back down again. Grrrr just makes me cross now, I warned them. These next two terms before I leave again are going to be really hard.

Those of you working when will you leave for maternity leave, wondering if I can go to 38 weeks?
Thanks hon, I've worked so hard to get the department a good reputation and results and now it's right back down again. Grrrr just makes me cross now, I warned them. These next two terms before I leave again are going to be really hard.

Those of you working when will you leave for maternity leave, wondering if I can go to 38 weeks?

Pippin, it really shows as to how much you care for your students. It is really inspiring! :hugs:

Well, if you think you can work up to that point, then go for it! I'm not too sure here but probably will be working pretty close up to my leave to make sure I have the hours to qualify for benefits.
How is everyone today? I'm a little annoyed/sad/pissed off and angry, we got our results today for A level and they are rubbish. The head of department that took over from me whilst I was maternity leave with Sam has really messed things up for the students. I feel so bad for them and guilty for being away. I know it's not my fault but can't help feeling sad for them. And now I feel guilty because I'll be leaving the next lot of students too :cry:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

As for today, feeling tired and want to go back to sleep. However, little guy will be up soon so have to get him ready for the day (plus get hubby up too).

Christian had a bit of a rough night with teething pain and had to break down to give him some baby tylenol. I hate doing that...but he seemed to be in so much pain. Gave him cool soothers which helped for a second then he'd spit it out screaming. Took about an hour or so of comforting and such to get him re-settled for bed.

Hubby was a sweetheart last night. After I went to bed, he did some laundry, prepped some of Christian's things for today (like his diapers and diaper bag, made his bottles). Feel so lucky to have a guy like that. :cloud9:
If you think you could make it to that point then go for it! I will be leaving at around 30 wks but i will have 5 weeks leave to use so that will be included so my mat leave will start around 35 weeks (if that makes sense?). A woman i work with worked till her due date and only left as her waters went on her way home from work that day!xx
Thanks, I just keep thinking if that was Sam I'd be furious with the teacher. She's left the department to be head of department somewhere else so she's even left me to pick up the pieces. Oh the joy.

Thankfully I can chose pretty much at the last minute to leave school earlier than the date specified. If I leave at Easter which s the 3rd then I get paid for Easter holidays and I get to see my students almost to their exam which is good for them as they just need to come back and do their final piece exam then. Will see the out come of my dating scan to see if my dates change.
How is everyone today? I'm a little annoyed/sad/pissed off and angry, we got our results today for A level and they are rubbish. The head of department that took over from me whilst I was maternity leave with Sam has really messed things up for the students. I feel so bad for them and guilty for being away. I know it's not my fault but can't help feeling sad for them. And now I feel guilty because I'll be leaving the next lot of students too :cry:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

As for today, feeling tired and want to go back to sleep. However, little guy will be up soon so have to get him ready for the day (plus get hubby up too).

Christian had a bit of a rough night with teething pain and had to break down to give him some baby tylenol. I hate doing that...but he seemed to be in so much pain. Gave him cool soothers which helped for a second then he'd spit it out screaming. Took about an hour or so of comforting and such to get him re-settled for bed.

Hubby was a sweetheart last night. After I went to bed, he did some laundry, prepped some of Christian's things for today (like his diapers and diaper bag, made his bottles). Feel so lucky to have a guy like that. :cloud9:

I hear you on the tiredness, hard isn't it. As for teething it's horrible and we give Calpol, same thing as your tylenol but it works so I don't mind. Once in a while won't hurt. :yipee: for good husbands, mine has let me sleep in till 8 or 9 every morning for the last week. Makes such a difference.
If you think you could make it to that point then go for it! I will be leaving at around 30 wks but i will have 5 weeks leave to use so that will be included so my mat leave will start around 35 weeks (if that makes sense?). A woman i work with worked till her due date and only left as her waters went on her way home from work that day!xx

I left last time at 33 weeks as we had swine flu at school and the doctor signed me off until the last day of term which I went in for so I got paid until I gave birth which was when maternity leave started. I was lucky as it was holidays it starts from when the baby is born. Hence why I am wondering if I can make it to 38 weeks :shrug: It was nice having some extra time to rest last time. I read soooo many book in the garden. Bliss.
I left at 28wks last time because i couldn't walk due to spd. I was on crutches and not sleeping. I just spent 10 weeks in the garden with my feet in a paddling pool reading and sleeping! It was lush! That is part of the reason i wanted to be due in summer again!xx
I started my mat leave at 39 weeks, and was in meetings right up until the end (poor security guard at the FCO looked terrified by my stomach). I want to do that this time too, as my immediate deputy is almost certainly retiring about a month after my EDD so I'll need to be training her replacement and organising handovers. There's a girl who left on mat leave around the right time last year to come back and cover my mat leave while she sorts out a new role, so I'm hoping we can sort that out, although as my boss is away for another week, I've not made a start yet.

I had my booking in appointment today. Not as nice as my last midwife, although I won't see her again, I'll have a different one for the rest of my pregnancy. I'm at a different hospital, as I moved, and it's all a bit strange, especially as I straddle two different NHS trusts. And the midwife has decided I need consultant led care due to my occasional benign palpitations and my instrumental delivery with Imogen, which I disagree with frankly, so I see the midwife even less and spend even more time at Whipps Cross. I didn't get a chance to ask about using the birthing centre or the baby's heart rate (I suspected I'd get told off on the doppler front) although it was quite satisfying to be able to say how long I was pushing for with Mogling and get a shocked look for once! I went to a hypnobirthing class on Tuesday night and a girl said that her second stage with her first baby was longer than she thought at 1.5 hours and I nearly laughed in her face.

Anyway, scan next tuesday, OH is away so I have nobody to go with me :( am going to text a couple of friends at the weekend and see if one of them is free to come along, but no great hopes of any company.
I had a midwife i wasn't too happy with but i am going to give her a shot for now. Hopefully they will listen to your thoughts on things, my main complaint with my last pregnancy was that they took over, i felt they didn't listen to my opinions - this time they won't have a choice! Who are you going to take to scan with you instead then? What a shame oh can't be there, my hubby missed my scan last time as he was away on a tour, it's not nice, i'm sorry you're going through that. How long were you pushing for aunty E?xx
I started my mat leave at 39 weeks, and was in meetings right up until the end (poor security guard at the FCO looked terrified by my stomach). I want to do that this time too, as my immediate deputy is almost certainly retiring about a month after my EDD so I'll need to be training her replacement and organising handovers. There's a girl who left on mat leave around the right time last year to come back and cover my mat leave while she sorts out a new role, so I'm hoping we can sort that out, although as my boss is away for another week, I've not made a start yet.

I had my booking in appointment today. Not as nice as my last midwife, although I won't see her again, I'll have a different one for the rest of my pregnancy. I'm at a different hospital, as I moved, and it's all a bit strange, especially as I straddle two different NHS trusts. And the midwife has decided I need consultant led care due to my occasional benign palpitations and my instrumental delivery with Imogen, which I disagree with frankly, so I see the midwife even less and spend even more time at Whipps Cross. I didn't get a chance to ask about using the birthing centre or the baby's heart rate (I suspected I'd get told off on the doppler front) although it was quite satisfying to be able to say how long I was pushing for with Mogling and get a shocked look for once! I went to a hypnobirthing class on Tuesday night and a girl said that her second stage with her first baby was longer than she thought at 1.5 hours and I nearly laughed in her face.

Anyway, scan next tuesday, OH is away so I have nobody to go with me :( am going to text a couple of friends at the weekend and see if one of them is free to come along, but no great hopes of any company.

Sorry to hear about how the appointment went. It would have been nice to hear the heartbeat though. :(

Good luck on the scan and let us know how it turns out! I'm sorry OH won't be able to join you for that. With some of my scans already (and appointments), OH couldn't attend since he was working. Hopefully a friend can come with you as that support will be great. :hugs:
My little boy wll be 17 months when this lil one arrives. Am due on the 4th March

Hi freshbikini, congratulations and welcome!xx
Hi everyone, i'm new on here!!!! How do I get a ticker onto my posts and is there an eary way to see when someone has replied t a post rather than keep refreshing or coming back!!!!
If my baby arrives on there due date which is 22nd February it will be 4 days after my sons 2nd birthday so they will be 24 months apart.
Hi everyone, i'm new on here!!!! How do I get a ticker onto my posts and is there an eary way to see when someone has replied t a post rather than keep refreshing or coming back!!!!

If you click on one of my tickers it will take you to a site to get one, then copy & paste the code you will be given (it will be the BBCODE option). Next go to 'User CP' at the top of B&B page, choose 'Edit signature' paste in the box and save!

Next, when you write a post, go to 'Advanced' scroll down and choose 'Notification type' set to 'instant email alert' this will send you emails when a reply is posted. Hope this makes sense!xx
Hey ladies, hope your all ok?

Had my scan today and I am team :blue: xxx :D
Hey ladies, hope your all ok?

Had my scan today and I am team :blue: xxx :D

Congrats on your blue bump jms :thumbup: Sorry to hear you've got to go to your scan alone Aunty E, me too I reckon unless my hubby can organise the night off work. It's right in the middle of the day (13:40) and so he'd hardly get any sleep if he did come. Ahh well, we'll see :shrug: Feel a bit sad today, don't know why. Had a little bleed y'day and went to the dr today who said my cervix is closed and it looks, or rather feels, like it's definately a womb pregnancy. I just can't shake the feeling something's not right :nope: Scan is next thursday and i'll only be 5+6 so I doubt that will even be all that reassuring. No symptoms at all today. Longing for my hubby to bugger off to work now though so I can watch Mistresses in peace. xx

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