Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

are you for sure planning on finding out the sex? i absolutely am, and cant wait!

I'd like to but OH is on the fence. Have to find a way to convince him! :muaha:

We are going to find out asap, I'm even considering a gender scan at 16 weeks but I'll probably wait till the NHS 20 week scan to save money. DH is desperate to know too so it's easy. Still hoping for a girl but we have a name for a boy so actually I'm kinda liking the idea of another boy now too. Would be good for Sam and save lots of money as he will have sooo many clothes.

TheNewWife like your positive thinking, I always like a bit of feeling sorry for myself (I can do it well :haha:) but changing your eating after will make you feel even happier as I know it gets you down already. I seriously think I need to do something as well you know my size more than anyone, so after all the sweet stuff in the house has been eaten that is it. I'm already trying to have fruit but those biscuits just work better for MS :dohh: Maybe we can do it together, eat healthily and slow the weight gain :thumbup:

I feel very pukey today bhlurrrrrr :(
thenewwife and pippin- i would try to eat healthy with you two also if youre gonna do it together. since just having my son last december i had only lost about 20 pounds before getting pg this time. i have never started a pg so big already and dont want to gain too much.i usually gain a lot with each pg but lose it all before the next one. :hugs:

sorry about your gd new wife, your in my prayers:wacko:

i absolutely cant wait to find out. our ob said we could do a scan at 18 wks so she can check brain and organ development and find out then. we turn 18 wks on oct 5th, yes i looked it up immediately after she told us, so hopefully not too much after that, yay!!!!!:happydance:

how are we all ladies??? hope these pg are being good to you today. sorry your ms is kicking it up a notch pippin
thenewwife and pippin- i would try to eat healthy with you two also if youre gonna do it together. since just having my son last december i had only lost about 20 pounds before getting pg this time. i have never started a pg so big already and dont want to gain too much.i usually gain a lot with each pg but lose it all before the next one. :hugs:

sorry about your gd new wife, your in my prayers:wacko:

i absolutely cant wait to find out. our ob said we could do a scan at 18 wks so she can check brain and organ development and find out then. we turn 18 wks on oct 5th, yes i looked it up immediately after she told us, so hopefully not too much after that, yay!!!!!:happydance:

how are we all ladies??? hope these pg are being good to you today. sorry your ms is kicking it up a notch pippin

:thumbup: I like your thinking. Funnily enough 20lb is about what I lost then went mad on holiday and gain 7 back (we were away nearly a month eating and drinking wine) then got my bfp. Cross with myself for gaining the 7 lbs.

I've been bad today though I have grazed the whole day to keep the morning sickness at bay but I'm going to try ice lollies tomorrow. Not as calorific and works better if my lemonade lolly was anything to go by today. I know, it's sugary but better than the 8 biscuits, crisps, toast etc that I have eaten throughout the day. Not to mention the roast dinner I've had with yorkshire pudding but I tell you what I feel fine now!!!! :yipee:
lol pippin! i know what you mean. seems like i start to feel hungry and if i dont eat within ten minutes im gonna feel sick for hours. i eat all day!!!!! i am trying to eat healthy, but its so hard to not give in when you know your gonna be huge anyways, uuggghhh. and sometimes i just get desperate to eat anything so i wont feel sick, i could care less if its healthy or not in those moments.
Hi :wave:
Can I join? My 1st, Amy, will be just over 16 months old when our 2nd arrives (due February 5th 2011).
welcome shay- and your lil one is a doll baby. what a lil cutie pie
Hi Ladies, sorry I have only just realised that I never posted in here about our 20 week scan that we had on Friday.

Baby is perfect, long thigh bones, big hands and a lovely sized brain and we found out that we are team :pink:. Cant believe im having another princess :cloud9:

Welcome shay :hi:
mum2be2011 - congrats on the :pink: !! We are having another little girl too, so I am quite excited to have two little girls who will hopefully grow up close friends.

Pippin & blessedmomma - you're on! I get my "diet" on Tuesday so I will let you know what I will have to do food-wise. Either way, I am already over my goal of not hitting 200 lbs with this pregnancy, so something must be done! :roll:
mum2be2011 - congrats on the :pink: !! We are having another little girl too, so I am quite excited to have two little girls who will hopefully grow up close friends.

Pippin & blessedmomma - you're on! I get my "diet" on Tuesday so I will let you know what I will have to do food-wise. Either way, I am already over my goal of not hitting 200 lbs with this pregnancy, so something must be done! :roll:

i usually weigh between 120 and 130 but get up to about 195 with each pregnancy, i know i know. i only got down to 168 after last pregnancy and am up to 170 now. usually i have gained a good 10-15 pounds by now so i guess doing good at 2 pounds, but dont want to go over 200 if i can help it. given my usual history im doomed!

you will love two lil girls, so much fun! mine were 19 mos apart and just love each other so much. they are so close. now that they are 10 and 11, we have "spa" nights where we do facials, nails, hair, etc. its so much fun to have two lil mini-me's to hang out with!

mum2be2011- yay on another lil girl!!!
I started at 180 with Emma and got up to 236. I got down to 185, then got pregnant. I dropped a further 9 lbs after getting my bfp ... and now I am back to 204. SIGH.

I hate how I look, especially in photos, and I am not happy with my fitness level. I used to run half marathons and do triathlons. Tuesday is my springboard. I have made a vow to myself to improve my fitness level (realistically, of course) and to stick to the recommended weight gain from here on out.

I will definitely be relying on all the support I can get here!!
Hey ladies, nice to see everyone's doing well although I'm with you on the sickness Pippin, it's dreadful isn't it :nope: I was absolutely certain I was having a boy with Arf and I was right. Definately not finding out this time but I have a strong feeling it's a girl; I just feel completely different this time.

Blessedmomma - I know what you mean about not losing the weight after giving birth last time, in fact I've put a tonne of weight on :blush: I've been going out with my mummy friends for lunch (which has usually been Pizza Hut buffet because it's easy and accessible for us all) and having coffee and cake in coffee shops. We're really terrible.

TheNewWife - Go for it with the feeling sorry for yourself :thumbup: lol, I certainly am at the moment, this nausea and total lack of energy is really getting me down :hissy: It's gret that you're thinking positively about the GD though and being proactive about it; it must be hard because it's a worrying time for you, especially when you've got another LO to concentrate on too :hugs:

Shay - welcome and helloooo :flower: Hope you're well.

Mum2be2011 - hey and huge congrats on your :pink: bump. Glad the scan showed baby is growing perfectly and doing so well.

For those ladies in England, still in the early weeks, have you booked your first MW appointment yet? Last time the MW from my surgery came to me for quite a long appointment, where I had to fill out forms and stuff about family history etc. Surely they don't have to do this again? Should I just make an appointment with my MW and let her know I'm pregnant? I wanted to ask her if there's anything she can suggest to combat this sicky feeling I have so much but first I'm gonna try arrowroot biscuits before I get up in the morning when it's at it's worst.
It seems the curse of the 'Mother' has come round to me now as I was having a chat with mine yesterday and I got quite upset about how sick I felt and she offered no sympathy at all, she just said "oh well you're pregnant now" and changed the subject :growlmad: Thanks mother!

Take care everyone :hugs: xx
sounds good new wife! im all for a lil fitness and healthy eating this time round. i normally work out every day til i get pregnant, then i stop. i had two mc before, so im scared to keep up on anything. this time i think i will try some low impact stuff, not sure yet what. any good ideas would be great. would like to work out my arms and legs, maybe from a sitting position, if thats possible???
Hi :wave:
Can I join? My 1st, Amy, will be just over 16 months old when our 2nd arrives (due February 5th 2011).

Hi :hi: and welcome, I've added you to the front page :thumbup:

Hi Ladies, sorry I have only just realised that I never posted in here about our 20 week scan that we had on Friday.

Baby is perfect, long thigh bones, big hands and a lovely sized brain and we found out that we are team :pink:. Cant believe im having another princess :cloud9:

Welcome shay :hi:

Hey congratulations, I shall update the front page :yipee:

mum2be2011 - congrats on the :pink: !! We are having another little girl too, so I am quite excited to have two little girls who will hopefully grow up close friends.

Pippin & blessedmomma - you're on! I get my "diet" on Tuesday so I will let you know what I will have to do food-wise. Either way, I am already over my goal of not hitting 200 lbs with this pregnancy, so something must be done! :roll:

i usually weigh between 120 and 130 but get up to about 195 with each pregnancy, i know i know. i only got down to 168 after last pregnancy and am up to 170 now. usually i have gained a good 10-15 pounds by now so i guess doing good at 2 pounds, but dont want to go over 200 if i can help it. given my usual history im doomed!

you will love two lil girls, so much fun! mine were 19 mos apart and just love each other so much. they are so close. now that they are 10 and 11, we have "spa" nights where we do facials, nails, hair, etc. its so much fun to have two lil mini-me's to hang out with!

mum2be2011- yay on another lil girl!!!

Well I've always been way into the 200's :blush: but I am 6 foot so it's not as bad as it sounds but I'm still ashamed to actually post my weight, not even my husband knows :blush: Anyway I'll be really keen to hear what the food is and I'll follow it with you TheNewWife, it can't do me any harm just good. :thumbup: I'll use it as my bring board too :yipee: I've been better today, although I did have two mini packets of crisps at 80 cals each and some biscuits but it was throughout the day and I had fruit too. As a consequence of eating little and often sickness has been soooo much better today. it's there but I haven't had to reach for the sea bands. I also find if I don't drink enough I get sick so I've tried to drink more and that helps with the cals too. Hopefully when I weigh myself tomorrow I won't have put anything on. :dohh:

For those ladies in England, still in the early weeks, have you booked your first MW appointment yet? Last time the MW from my surgery came to me for quite a long appointment, where I had to fill out forms and stuff about family history etc. Surely they don't have to do this again? Should I just make an appointment with my MW and let her know I'm pregnant? I wanted to ask her if there's anything she can suggest to combat this sicky feeling I have so much but first I'm gonna try arrowroot biscuits before I get up in the morning when it's at it's worst.
It seems the curse of the 'Mother' has come round to me now as I was having a chat with mine yesterday and I got quite upset about how sick I felt and she offered no sympathy at all, she just said "oh well you're pregnant now" and changed the subject :growlmad: Thanks mother!

I need to phone my doctors as the doctor didn't say anything to me about a midwife just that I'd hear from the hospital. I can't remember for the life of me what happened last time I just know my midwives are at my doctors which is nice, much less hassle and closer. I'll let you know when I speak to them tomorrow.
Evening ladies!

2 more sleeps till I am 30! :D

Had a fab weekend - Indian with girls friday, BBQ yesterday for family and party was brill, absolutely pooped tho, got up at 11am today and had another 2 hour nap :rofl:

So glad not back to work until Thurs then on holiday Sat Yay :wohoo:

How is everyone? xx
jms895 :yipee: won't wish you happy birthday just yet but glad you had a fab birthday. I was pregnant with Sam on my 30th about 37 weeks so I didn't move much everyone came to me :haha:
With my first, I gained 50 pounds and most of that was gained in the last trimester. This time around, I am hoping that I don't gain that much, cause I never lost 10 of the previous pounds I put on. So far, though, I have gained 20 lbs but eating a lot healthier (no more going crazy on those chocolate brownies!) I hope beyond hope that I will lose any weight this time around quickly and easily so I can get back to my pre-pre-pregnancy weight.
Yer last time I went crazy after the birth too, eating so many sweets and cakes (like a whole box of millionaire shortbread in a day :dohh:), I just got sooo hungry from breastfeeding. This time I'm going to look for alternatives like porridge or something to fill me up.
Same here, I was losing a pound a day and still eating a large galaxy choc a day when BF :blush:

This time I am being good. Gained about 9 pound up to yet and dont want it to go over more than 2 stone. I want to make it easier to get it off this time. I still have a jelly baby from Caine tho as never toned it :(

One more sleep to bday :D

Hope your all well? xx
Well it's the first day of my new eating plan. I'm using my old app which allows me to track calories. You can adjust the goals etc so I've set it to lose 1/2lb a week plus adding extra 300 calories for the baby as that is all he/she needs. I know from using the app that I'll maintain not lose using those stats so it's not like I'm dieting before you all say STOP! So I've started to record as of today and I feel in control which is good. I can still eat tons as I'm heavy and to just function I need lots more than the daily average for a skinny woman so I'm not going to go hungry. The crisps I need to take away the sickness are only 83 calories and the mini Callipo ice lollies are 70 so I feel good and in control and able to have both if and when I need it. The last pregnancy I just went all out to make the most of it, eating what ever I want, this time I feel I need to be a bit more grown up about it and be mega careful. Thankfully I have gone off anything creamy and milky like chocolate which I remember happening last time I just have to be cautious when that wears off!!
Hi just found this thread and thought i'd come join I have a 10 month and due on the 8th Jan so going by edd i'll have roughly a 14 month gap eeeek!!!!

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