Pippin, you're in my thoughts and prayers, hun. Let us know how things go
Jojo, those were lovely pictures. As my husband said when he saw the page "D'Awwwww!"
Eldar, that's wonderful news and congrats!
As for buggies and such, a family friend offered her stroller to us (one of those with the seat in the back so the toddler can sit/stand). We can't really afford to go the double stroller route.
For me, I'm back at work now (started this week) and oh my goodness lots had changed since I left. A number of people leaving/firings and apparently the company may clamp down more. This has me a little worried but not much I can do right now anyways.
We got the results back from the triple test/nutchal scan. Apparently we're low risk for downs (1/350) and for other genetic issues, it is low risk as well (1/5,500 I believe). That was a big relief and although I do realize it's just a scan and not totally definitive, it did put our minds at ease. We declined further testing and the amnio.
We hope to have our 18 week U/S booked soon and I've indicated that we want to find out the gender this time around. Hopefully little one will be co-operative and I'm really hoping for a girl this time around.
Christian's turning out to be such a strong boy and we're so proud of him. He's trying to stand up more and more (especially if he sees Daddy's car keys on the coffee table). In addition, when we picked him up from daycare yesterday, he walked to us with the help of the daycare worker who was holding his hands.