Hi Ladies, I haven't been in here for a couple of weeks so I'm sorry I am a bit out of the loop
welcome to all the ladies who have joined in the last couple of weeks! :wave: This group is growing and growing!!! Nice to know we'll have somewhere to come when we have our babies (that's a lot sooner for some than others I see!!) and we want to pull out every hair on our heads individually!! !
Well, reason I've not been on as much is that we've had a lot on. Sam has been having his fittings for his prosthetic leg... Pic here...
I cried when I saw him in it, was such a special moment for us
Can't wait until it's finished and we can get it home so he can learn to walk, that will be an amazing day
We've also been told that his colostomy will be reversed in the next 6-8 weeks so we're having to do a few preparations to prepare the inactive part of his bowel to handle poo - I won't bore you all with the details, but it is involving us being covered in poo pretty much on a daily basis so needless to say we'll be glad when the 8 weeks is up and we can finally get Sam's last operation for a few years over and behind us all.
On a happy-current baby-related point, I can feel my LO moving now for sure, have for the last couple of weeks really, but definitely feeling flutters, shuffles and actually a few gentle kicks last night too!! Anyone else?
How's everyone feeling? I still have nausea
and feel tired, it was well and truly behind me at this stage with Sam! Anyone else feel diffrerent this time around and if so does anyone else buy in to the fact that if preg feels different it's likely to be different gender? I'm a bit skeptical and just think every pregnancy is different!