Xxx~~~ Mum's that will have 2 under 2 (or there abouts) come join us ~~~xxX

Hi Ladies, I haven't been in here for a couple of weeks so I'm sorry I am a bit out of the loop :( welcome to all the ladies who have joined in the last couple of weeks! :wave: This group is growing and growing!!! Nice to know we'll have somewhere to come when we have our babies (that's a lot sooner for some than others I see!!) and we want to pull out every hair on our heads individually!! !

Well, reason I've not been on as much is that we've had a lot on. Sam has been having his fittings for his prosthetic leg... Pic here...

View attachment 116240 View attachment 116241

I cried when I saw him in it, was such a special moment for us :cloud9: Can't wait until it's finished and we can get it home so he can learn to walk, that will be an amazing day :happydance:

We've also been told that his colostomy will be reversed in the next 6-8 weeks so we're having to do a few preparations to prepare the inactive part of his bowel to handle poo - I won't bore you all with the details, but it is involving us being covered in poo pretty much on a daily basis so needless to say we'll be glad when the 8 weeks is up and we can finally get Sam's last operation for a few years over and behind us all.

On a happy-current baby-related point, I can feel my LO moving now for sure, have for the last couple of weeks really, but definitely feeling flutters, shuffles and actually a few gentle kicks last night too!! Anyone else?

How's everyone feeling? I still have nausea :growlmad: and feel tired, it was well and truly behind me at this stage with Sam! Anyone else feel diffrerent this time around and if so does anyone else buy in to the fact that if preg feels different it's likely to be different gender? I'm a bit skeptical and just think every pregnancy is different!

Awww hun :hugs: bet you are so pleased xx
Nice to see you again Jojo and it's absolutely wonderful to read your news and see your adorable pics of your little man. He looks like he's doing fantastically. Fantastic about the colostomy reversal :hugs:
I'm right with you on the complete lack of energy elly; my LO is definately teething (he has two front top teeth already) and is weaning, albeit slowly and so he's waking up in the night at least once for a feed :dohh: I've been going to bed some nights at like 7.30pm just so I can guarantee to get a few hours in before his first wake-up.
I had my first MW appointment today and it turns out I'll have to be consultant-led for this pregnancy because of the post-partum problems I had last time after the forceps delivery. I'm not so bothered because at least you don't have to go to as many blasted appointments with 2nd/3rd etc pregnancies. Last time I felt like I was there every flipping week :roll: Was at my BF group today and have been asked if I'd like to do some NCT training to be an advice volunteer so I'm planning on looking into it if I can manage it. I go back to work in 5 weeks so that's gonna take 2 full days away from me and two half days :shrug: I'd like to think I can do it but it could be a bit of a stretch. Hope everyone's ok.
Jms - I'd go for a chinese :thumbup:
Take care everyone. xx
Hello ladies I might not be on much today Karissa having a rough morning not wanting to nap again sheesh................ it breaks my heart making her take a nap too ):
Cannot wait for Xmas!!!!!!!!!!!! And I will be on mat leave :wohoo:
Oh Jojo that is wonderful! He looks to be in good spirits too. :)

JMS, I'd go for chips. Since hubby's side of the family is Chinese, I don't always go for the stuff most places classify as Chinese. I guess I'm spoiled. For supper tonight, it will be leftovers and some fresh corn on the cob.

Hooray for feeling little one moving around, Auntie E and Jojo! I think i've felt flutters now and again but been so busy sometimes I don't always notice. :blush: I dunno if because the feeling is different this time around means a different gender but we'll find out next week (hopefully).

Hang in there, MrsBandEgglet! Hopefully the teething part will calm down for a bit and things will give you a break.

Duffy, I hope she settled down for a nap eventually. It's always hard when they feel they don't want to nap then later on they're so shattered.

Christian seems to be almost over his cold save for the snifflies. However because of that, we still can't get him into the doctor's office for his one year shots! Ugh. He's also not eating a lot of supper at home but to be honest, I'm not too worried. Sounds like he's eating a lot at daycare and as a result, is too full to eat when he gets home save for his bottle and a snack.

We're looking forward to the winter too, JMS, but I'm trying to enjoy the fall for now and the changing of the leaves.
Its five a clock and I only gotten her to take a hour nap out of the whole day I put her in her crib at five its about thirty after and she is playing so I'm gonna go grab her and make her stay awake til bedtime, which is seven pm. She really ran her mama ragged today I'm totally SHATTERED lol.

I'm looking forward to winter and I'm also enjoying the start of fall that crisp air and beautiful view of the mountains around me :) Heaven on earth.
Morning ladies hope you are all well? I am off today and out for lunch and a bit of shopping, should be cleaning but CBA!! :rofl:
Hi everyone!

I'm back to the diabetes clinic today to be put on insulin - hopefully only one shot per day. My sister-in-law is visiting from England and is happy to babysit, so I am leaving Emma with her for about 6 hours while I get some shopping time and maybe even a bit of time to clean up the house. :rofl: It will be a nice "break."

Still panicking a bit every day about how I will be able to pay enough attention to Emma and can't make up my mind about what we are going to do with her big girl bedroom, but I'm sure these things will sort themselves out.

Hope all is well with you!
Hi are you keeping both your babes in the same room or seperating them? I have to put are baby with Karissa and I'm wondering what effect that will do on her and how we will put two cribs in there? We might have to give up are room and move into the playroom ): I'm almost hoping for a girl to make it more easer ROFL.

Hope everyone having a good day Karissa went down for her morning nap and is doing better today. Yesterday it was just ONE OF THOSE DAYS it actually made me sweat thinking about two of them all day long hahaha. Today I got the house cleaned bed made andddddddddddddd still walked my mile on the treadmill :) So feeling good.
Duffy - we are moving Emma into a new room since we have 3 bedrooms upstairs and then the baby will move into the room Emma is currently using. We're trying to decide on whether to go straight to a twin bed with rails on the side or buy a toddler bed. DH wants the twin and most of our friends who have babies close together have advised it as well ... I'm just not sure if she's ready. I think we'll end up putting a twin mattress on the floor with the rails for a bit and not setting up the frame until she's walking around on her own and able to climb up/down safely on her own.

We're having another girl but our nursery is gender-neutral anyway as we didn't know the gender with Emma - so all we have to do is change the name on the wall :)
I bet your so excited that awesome your going to have two little girls, I'm sorting hoping I get another girl but if its a boy I'll still be happy. The sleeping arrangments sounds perfect btw and that great your have a nursery set up do you get to design Emmas new bedroom into a big girl room? I'm not sure on the twin bed I suppose if I was in your shoes I wouldn't feel comfy with the idea but to each there own the mattress on the floor dosen't sound too bad either.

Oh wait just read on emmas age she turning two? If so I take it back I would get her a toddler bed :) I thought she was 11 months old lol.
LOL - she's 13 months old. 11 months until she turns two ;)

She sleeps through the night every night and we figure if we put a baby gate at her door we can leave it open to hear her but if she happened to get up early she could play in her room and entertain herself. I think it will all be trial and error and some things will work while others don't.

But then that's life, isn't it? :)
I never even knew about this group :shock: but hello ladies! :wave:

I'm Twiglet or Chelle whichever you prefer! :) Have a little girl and am soon to have a little boy! :)

Look forward to sharing those hair raising moments with you all :haha:
Why hello there beautiful :kiss: ;) fancy seeing you here! :)

Edit: Oh yes I'm due 14th October and there'll be a 14 month age gap between them if he comes on time and a nearly 15 month one if he's late :thumbup:
LOL - she's 13 months old. 11 months until she turns two ;)

She sleeps through the night every night and we figure if we put a baby gate at her door we can leave it open to hear her but if she happened to get up early she could play in her room and entertain herself. I think it will all be trial and error and some things will work while others don't.

But then that's life, isn't it? :)

Oh okay got ya :thumbup: I'm am just not awake this morning now afternoon my brain not processing :sleep: lol. The gate at the door sounds great.

Twiglit, hi :happydance:
Hey :)

Ahh we're moving Caitlyn to her big girls bed TNW, dreading it but she's not liking her cot anymore :dohh: we're putting a gate on her door too...but she doesn't sleep through yet :haha:
Good morning ladies how are we doing today and your little ones?

I'm doing good about to take my daughter out to the playroom so I can work out on the treadmill today going to be a rough day as I'm taking her morning nap away bc she fighting her afternoon nap BAD.............

have a good day everyone :)
Hi can I join?? I have 3 kids age 2 and under!! 5 kids age 4 and under!

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