YIKES! Two Sets of Twins?!?!?


Nov 16, 2012
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Hello Everyone!

After years of infertility treatments my husband and I were thrilled to learn we were having twin fraternal girls. They are now 2 years old and it's been amazing! :) We decided to go back and try for one more and transferred 1 embryo. Well, it split and I am now pregnant with identical twins!! YIKES! I'm 8 weeks along and still a bit in shock.

Anyone else out there have 2 sets of twins? I am so nervous on how to handle this. What will this mean for our 1st set of twins and how will I have enough time for the next set? Also, I expect people will think we're crazy! :)

Any advice would be so appreciated or even just words of encouragement!

How crazy!! Like, what are the chances?? Congrats on your twins x2!! I have often wondered what will happen when and if we try for one more in a few years. If we need clomid again I will be so nervous!

I have zero advice for you. Sorry. But I think if you did it once, you definitely can do it again!
i just had my twins and only have the one set so no advice here.
but congratulations, i think you should go buy a lottery ticket.
You'll manage just fine :D
You have been doubly blessed x 2! And sod what people think, if they comment just tell them that you are thrilled and feel very fortunate. Good luck!
Still working on the first set so no advice, just wanted to say Congrats!!!
I bet you'll do fantastically!
Oh man, this post made me laugh, but in a good way!
Congratulations, amazing news.
I met a lady at the hospital the other day who is on her second set of fraternals and there is a poster on here who has two sets, so she will be along shortly I am sure.
Welcome to the Identical Twins club!:thumbup::thumbup:
There is a member here, auntcarrie, who has two sets of twins. She is very busy but hopefully she will be along with words of wisdom for you. She has helped me immensely with sleep issues my own twins had.
WOW, congratulations! personally this is the best and worst thing I can imagine happening to me! I feel so blessed and lucky to have twins but am scared that when and if we try again to be that lucky again! Sometimes I think it is unfair not to have twins again... sometimes I really wanna have just one baby to care for and attend to.

Whatever happens, you will be fine! You've done it once so will be a pro. Apart from having a slightly riskier pregnancy you will once again have double the smiles and double the awesomeness of milestones coming up!

Do you think you will have boys or girls? xxx :flower:
Thanks for the Congrats! We do feel very blessed, but at the same time we had been looking forward to being able to have a singleton. To not have to sometimes determine who is most upset and tend to them first. You know all those little things that come with double trouble! :hugs:

At the same, we also know that there are so many wonderful wonderful things that come with twins, so we can't help but be excited. Excited and scared!

I guess it won't be that much different than you all out there who had twins after already having a couple older children. It will certainly be quite a journey. And I also keep reminding myself of the despair I felt when we had so many failed attempts to have children for years. Now I have been blessed with 4!! Proof you never know where life will lead you! :)
Oh and BumbleBee117 - ever since I found out I was pregnant I've felt like it was a boy. So maybe now that I know they are identical...they'll be identical boys? We'll see! I didn't have a clear guess on my first set of twins (who are frat girls) so I don't know if my "sense" is any accurate. ha ha ha.
Congrats! Two sets of twins is going to be such a blessing. I think you will do great! :flower:
Oh and BumbleBee117 - ever since I found out I was pregnant I've felt like it was a boy. So maybe now that I know they are identical...they'll be identical boys? We'll see! I didn't have a clear guess on my first set of twins (who are frat girls) so I don't know if my "sense" is any accurate. ha ha ha.

Me too, had that feeling from word go and I was right. Will you find out? I found out at 18 weeks
Just wanted to say you can do it with lots of patience! lol :thumbup:

I have a friend that has a total of 8 kids!! Her last 4 were 2 sets of twins. Talk about busy! :oneofeach::twinboys:
Wow - congrats!!

You've done it once, you can definitely do it a again. And take advantage of all the help you can get:winkwink:
Wow congrats, you must be shocked! I thought my 3rd pregnancy was going to be a girl, felt SO strongly, even bought her clothes at 8 weeks pregnant! 13 week scan..ID BOYS o_O
Sorry as I have no advice for you but just wanted to say Congrats!!! I know you will do just fine, Maybe two boy's this time??
Fab news - secretly a bit jealous too lol. For what it's worth I always guess the sex of my babies correctly from as early as 5wks! Never been wrong yet ;)

Aunt Carrie has the two sets born within 16mths of each other and amazingly, the first set were assisted but the second set natural and a total surprise :) (I do hopes she doesn't mind me sharing ;)) She's a lovely lady with lots of great advise to impart xxx
I wish!!! 2 pregnancies, 4 babies, sounds heavenly! Congrats!!! You've done it once & survived, you'll do it again!!!
Thanks! All of your posts are so encouraging. I'm feeling better and better now that the shock is wearing off. AND I'm sure I'll get even more excited when the nausea starts to wear off. I had it bad with my first twin pregnancy and its back in full force with this one too!

I'll find out at 20 weeks the sex, so it will be interesting to see if my instincts are accurate. I'm not usually a confident guesser so it's odd I feel like i know this one. We'll see!!

And WOW LillyTame - that amazing about your friend with 8 kids. I'll have to tell my husband that one when he's feeling we have taken on a lot!! :)

AuntCarrie - if you have any advice for me, I would love love love to hear it.....if you have time of course! I'm sure you are quite busy!
Well HELLO!!! Ha, I haven't had a chance to jump on recently and today was my day. Just saw this string and two things - 1) congratulations! and 2) sorry it took me so long to reply!

My friend Lizzie is correct - two sets of twins, 16 months apart. The first set was most likely due to hormone injections, but the second set was free and clear natural and the biggest surprise of my life given the older set of twins were only 8 months old at the time.

I will be honest, the first thought I had was not joy - it was terror. I knew of two other families who had more than one set of twins, but this was years ago and was the furthest thing from my mind when we set about "trying" for a third baby (in the back of my head, I really wasn't sure I could get pregnant without the fertility drugs, but I didn't want to regret trying as I was 39 years old...). My older set was (and still are) not great sleepers, were no where near sleeping thru the night at that point, and my husband and I were bone weary tired. I didn't know how we would survive - how my marriage would survive - how we would ever leave the house again. I spent probably about 8 weeks completely worried and trying to figure things out in my head. Then one day, poof, I was driving my car and for some reason I relaxed. The worry left me, I thought, "We'll figure it out." And we have, for the most part. It also helped that I found a friend-of-a-friend that had two sets about a year ahead of me... Somehow knowing someone else (from my generation, not my mother's) had done it helped a LOT.

Well the younger twins were born 18 months ago (wow... time flies) and yes, we do leave the house as a group from time to time. My husband is a rock, my rock, and always willing to pitch in. We both work full time... to make a long story short it works for us given our jobs... and I believe it maintains my sanity although there are times I think about staying home with all of them.

I'd be thrilled to chat with you more if you like! If you have any questions at all just PM me or I'll try to drop by the chat room more often. [edited by moderator]

Anyway just wanted to let you know that you will survive, and you will do great. If I can do it, anyone can - - I sincerely mean it! It's all about schedule schedule schedule... And leaning on people to help (like so many ladies on this board, who were such a help to me!) when you need it.

PS I had morning sickness the whole way thru both pregnancies. It's awful. Hang in there, hopefully it will subside for you. If not, get some anti-nausea pills from your OB. They do help.

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