Hey all, welcome Jo and Vanessa
I bet you're soooo excited about getting married, I'm mega jealous
I've been married 7 years but I'm so wedding broody right now cos everyone seems to be getting married
I'm also jealous that you're going to see the Blackpool lights Jem
I haven't been in years and I love it there. I'm so naffed off right now because of work
I need to drop one of my half days because I have no childcare and they're been a right pain about it. It's really stressing me out and I could do without it right now, but hey ho, that's work for you eh
Glad to hear Dylan is sleeping better Lia, it's hard when you don't get much sleep and you still have to be there for them during the day. The HV's seem to say "sleep when LO sleeps" a lot but that's not always that easy is it because there's always stuff to do
Meet sounds great Aimee, I'll add people to facebook, I'm Chellie Berry and my pic is same as my avatar here
Have a good day everyone. xx