You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

God I hate the 'just relax' line! A doctor friend of mine has said it to me several times! After 3 years TTC 'relax' is not an option!!! Somehow we have to find the strength to keep going and believe it will happen but we have to be proactive about it!

My school opens next tues but I've been going in to set up my office. Craving routine now after such a long break!

Louise u must be almost ready to start stims?
Hi ladies! Lovely to hear from you! I hate the just relax line too! People seem to say it when they don't know what else to say! Would be less frustrating if they didnt say anything! I have tried to forget about stuff associated with ttc for a while after my let down of not being able to begin treatment this month but it is impossible not to think about it when you aren't working! Looking forward to going back to work a weem on Thursday and praying I can start my treatment beginning of sept! ! Bring it on!!!!! Hope you ladies are well any developments? ? Xxx
I've booked my review appointment for October 1st. Hoping to start round 3 in November. DH and I have decided we are going to have a holiday during half term - sod the expense! So that gives us something to look fwd to. And I'm gna rejoin the gym too - I quit when I was pregnant and then after the mc I never rejoined coz I hoped to be pregnant again asap but now I think I'm not going to keep putting my life in hold and living for ivf cycles. Will just fit ivf in with the rest of my life.
Good philosophy highhopes! Im feeling the same way. Going to a high intensity fitness class tonight actually!

I also have my review appt on 1st Oct! May be a good omen! :) Xx
Ooooo that's funny both of us having our review on the same day! Do u have any frosties or will u b having another fresh cycle? X
That's great! So ure gna do fet? So much easier than a fresh round! I'm gutted I don't have any frosties!
Yeah going to do fet though dont really know what it involves? Ive heard u can have a drug-supported fet or just use the frostie during a natural cycle...

As for acupuncture...I stopped going as felt I was wasting my money. At first I enjoyed it but then started to feel that it wasnt really doing very much. Xx
I don't know a whole lot about fet either but assumed it would be much easier as stims aren't needed?!

I'm just not sure about acupuncture at all. I HATE needles as it is - ivf is bad enough! Also I got a bfp first cycle without acupuncture so figure maybe I don't need it. But now I've had bfn so I'm wondering if acupuncture will help? So desperately want to be pregnant again!

On another note, I start my new job tomorrow! So excited! There is a part if me that wonders how I would have dealt with announcing that I was pregnant when starting a new job...maybe things happen for a reason? Although it is crappy when I think that I would have been starting my maternity leave now if I hadn't had the mc. Ah well.

I do actually feel more positive about the next cycle. For some reason I didnt believe the second cycle would work. I really wanted it to but figured I had been so lucky to get the bfp the first time that I was due a bfn. But that's out of the way now...roll on cycle 3, can't wait!!!
On my way to bed just now...just wanted to say hope ur first day in ur new job went well highhopes! :)
First week has been exhausting but I have loved it! Hope you have settled back into school life too

Louise have u started stims yet?

Greta hows things?
Hi ladies,
Hope you are all well. I have just started spotting a little today and lots of twinges on left ovary so I am thinking AF should be in full flow in the morning which means I should hopefully be ringing when I wake up. But as I know from last time I called this does not mean I will definitely be accepted this month!!! I actually think I will be distraught if they dont accept me again as I really need to feel as though I am making a start now!! Feel so down tonight and cant stop crying (I know it will be my hormones!!!) I have had 2 days carrying out home visits for my new class and it has been quite emotionally hard this year visiting the families and realising that I may never have my own. Also I nearly cried (but didnt) when a parent quietly told me that she was pregnant but was carrying it for her sister as she couldn't have children. I think to do that for your sister is truly amazing - I just said that is a lovely thing to do but it made me feel very emotional. Sorry everyone. I hope to have good news to share with you all, but trying not to pin all my hopes on being accepted! Glad your first day went well highhopes. Have a lovely weeked everyone xx
Well ladies I have woken up this morning bleeding as I expected so have called st marys at 8am on the dot to request treatment. Nurse is checking over my notes and is going to call me bk later when she has found out if I need a scan and bloods. If so it may be tomorrow or monday!!! I have everything crossed that things can actually get going this month!!
Ooooo FC for u Louise! Sorry u felt so down recently. It is heartbreaking being in our profession sometimes isn't it? I've felt the same way - seeing all those mums wheeling prams into the playground picking up two or three kids from school it hurts sometimes. I find it harder seeing pregnant ladies coz I SO badly want to experience that! I don't know how I will cope if I never have children.

But we have to keep the hope alive and stay strong and keep trying. There's nothing wrong with shedding a few tears sometimes, it's better than bottling things up.

Let us know what the nurse says...really hoping this is your month! Xx
Hi ladies

That's great news Louise! Have you heard back from them yet? I hope it's positive news :thumbup: It actually feels so long ago now that I was at the start of the process. Eager to get started again, though I'm so busy with school at the moment it's probably better to have a rest from it for a few months.

Glad to hear you're loving your new job highhopes :flower: It probably wouldn't have been great timing had you started at your new school only to announce that you were pregnant! At least when the time comes to announce your happy news you will have been there a little while and established yourself within the school.

I'm still very hopeful that we'll all get good news eventually, it might take us a while but it WILL happen! :winkwink: Having said that I do sometimes have days where I've thought 'what if it never happens?'. I've even found myself thinking about adoption and wondering if that might end up being an option that we consider. Haven't actually looked into it though, as we're not quite at that stage yet - going to give IVF a few tries first.

Hope everyone else who is following this thread is ok? xxx
Hi ladies! Well I got the call at about 2 and its good news!!!!! We go in hospital at 7.45 for baseline scan and bloods and then all being well begin stims tomorrow afternoon. Soooooo happy that we are finally getting started!! How up and down is this roller coaster journey that we are all on?!
U t right about the job jack, I was a bit panicky about starting a DH job being pregnant so maybe it is all for the best. Do u think nov is too early to say I'm having a round of ivf? Don't want to wait much longer.

I don't think I can face adoption yet. The thought of never being prgnant is just too painful. It is beginning to creep in now and then but for now I can't accept that.

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