You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Awwww Highhopes so sorry to hear this news!! Must be a massive let down after coming so far. Is there anyone you can speak to at the hospital? Perhaps it is not a proper AF and too soon for BFP? Could there be any chance?? Big hugs to you xxxx
Well I'm not in full flow so no idea what is going on! It's prob on its way. Will test again tmrw x
Oh no. So sorry highhopes. Its the worst feeling. Louise is right - theres still a chance if its only light bleeding. Let us know how u get on. Big hugs xxx
Tested at 3am and it's still bfn. Been awake since then googling private ivf costs but think we will stick with our clinic for one more go.
Thats so rubbish highhopes. OTD is tomo so u never know... :( It must be even worse to accept when ur paying for it privately. Is ur AF any heavier? Xx
Nope still no AF. But I'm guessing the progesterone suppositories are stopping AF arriving? Last dose tonight and otd tmrw but not holding out hope.

Did u get AF? How long did it take to arrive after ure otd? Just want to get on with round 3. Paying for it is crappy but will do it as many times as I can.
I had 2 days of spotting before my bleed after that ... if the spotting could be classed as a period i am now around day 28 of my next cycle...i had a few spots of red blood after sex last week (whilst on holiday) followed by some brown discharge (sorry tmi) at the weekend...was sure af would then arrive...but now nothing...can't bring myself to test though i know i should... the ivf has completely mucked up my hormones!! Sore boobs on and off too. Like u i thought i would bleed after stopping the progesterone...x
Wow I just figured it would be full flow once the progesterone left ure system. Have u spoken to the clinic about it? Have u had a review meeting yet?

It's otd today and its officially a bfn. I only had the tiniest glimmer of hope left so not too gutted today - the spotting and early bfns prepared me well. Gna phone the clinic later.

Do u know how soon u can try again? X
Morning ladies, just thought I'd jump on and see how everyone is doing...

Highhopes, it just isn't fair, so sorry you've had a disappointment...take care of yourself and keep the faith. Thinking of you. You sound very grounded and that's a good way to will be the perfect distraction perhaps? :hugs:

Jack, I'm keeping everything crossed that you have a lovely surprise after your difficult time. :hugs:

Louise hope you're doing ok, it's hard waiting when you are so ready to go. It'll be round again before you know it. :hugs:

AFM I'm doing ok, still up and down but not as extreme...back at work and surprised myself by how well I coped. The summer has been tough but I'm looking at it from the perspective that I have learnt a lot about this process despite the cancellation...I've laid down the groundwork. Got my follow up appointment in a couple of weeks.

Anyway we'll get there ladies I am sure...gotta keep the faith and stay strong.

Wow I just figured it would be full flow once the progesterone left ure system. Have u spoken to the clinic about it? Have u had a review meeting yet?

It's otd today and its officially a bfn. I only had the tiniest glimmer of hope left so not too gutted today - the spotting and early bfns prepared me well. Gna phone the clinic later.

Do u know how soon u can try again? X
I'm not as grounded as I sound! I have to keep reminding myself that this bfn is much easier than the bfp and mc I went through last time.

We all have to keep the faith and stay strong. It WILL happen for us, just a matter of time. X
Jack my clinic said if AF didnt arrive within a week of the bfn I should test again. I'm in full flow today so no good for me...and I don't want to give u false hope coz that sucks too but worth a try?
Louise every day u r getting closer to ure ivf cycle - how exciting!!!
So sorry highhopes - big hugs. I hope it works next time for you.

AF arrived today! First proper bleed since the ivf. Actually glad its here as its a sign that things r returning to normal. I have my review appt at the beg of oct but no date as yet for the fet.
Take care of yourself highhopes. I found the week or so after my otd i was really up and down. We're here for u whenever u need us :) xx
Just saw ur message greta! Hello! Nice to hear from u x
It's so nice having support here. I really do appreciate it!

I need to book a review appointment too. My clinic said I have to wait for 3 bleeds before I can go again - this counts as the first so as long as AF is on time each month I should be stimming again in nov. that gives me time to get my head round the new job!
My clinic have said the fet will be in a few months so hopefully we'll all be back on the stims around the same time!! :)
That would be great if we were cycling at the same time again! It's crappy being back at square one again *sigh*
Hi ladies

Just checking in to say hi and hope everyones well.

Im back at work and overloaded with paperwork! At least its keeping me busy!

Someone told me today about a friend of theirs who was struggling to conceive and is now pregnant. Apparently she "stopped trying, completely relaxed, and it just happened"... How many times have I heard this!! I find it so frustrating that people feel the need to share this "advice" with me!!

I know u ladies will feel my angst!! :) X

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