You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

They said up to 5 weeks for the amh results. Its been 3 weeks. However i called on saturday (just cos i was feeling impatient!) and was told they sometimes take 6 weeks! Seems a bit too long! I have a feeling they might come next week... :) i reckon we will b starting ivf within a few weeks of each other! :)
Well ladies I got my amh results today and they are very low (1 pmol/l)...gutted...can't believe this is happening...have to go back in a month and have an antral follicle count (some type of ultrasound scan)...depending on how this goes they will then decide what our chances are and might even say IVF is not an option... I'm gonna post on here and see i anyone can give me advice... :nope: Can't believe this has only been detected now...
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry jack. But try not to lose hope yet-they haven't said no to ivf have they? It sucks. All of this sucks :( xx
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind if I join you. After much re-scheduling of my appointment by the clinic, I'm now due to have my initial appointment for my first cycle of IVF on 5th June. I've already had my AMH bloodwork done, although don't know the results yet. I'm hoping that we will be able to get started with the first cycle after the appointment (this appointment appears to be for signing consent forms and agreeing my treatment plan), which should be the last week of June, but who knows with the NHS!
No they haven't said a definite no yet so need to try to stay positive - very hard tho! Have been doing some research and egg donation might even have to be considered - really did not think it would ever come to this.....

hi frustrated... welcome to our wee support group! :)
I know it's hard but u have to try to believe it will happen for u. Chin up x

I had an interview yesterday and got the job! But now Ofcourse I have the moral dilemma of doing ivf over the summer hols and potentially starting a new job already pregnant. What should I do???

Welcome frustrated1. I had my first cycle on the nhs in jan - once I had my paperwork signed it was quite quick.
oh, that's good to know high hopes! All this waiting around waiting to start is driving me potty!
Congratulations highhopes!! Don't worry about doing ivf over the summer! U've got to put urself first! Im waiting to hear about a job interview coming up in the school I'm in. Fingers crossed i get lucky!

Im trying not to worry about it but the role is deputy Headteacher so I'm worried about how I will be judged by all staff and whether my credibility will suffer. Don't want to be seen as someone who is trying to take advantage in a new job.

Good luck for your interview! X
Hi HighHopes - try not to worry about the job. The stress of worrying is the last thing that you need in addition to the stress of IVF. If you do take the job offer, I probably wouldn't tell them that this was a planned pregnancy. Do you have the option of staying on in your current job? Would that provide you with better maternity benefits then if you switched to a new role. I'm not sure how it works with schools, but I know that with my old firm you had to be there for a minimum of 12 months before you could claim enhanced maternity pay. Before that, it was the minimum prescribed by the Government. I had a slightly similar dilemma myself at the end of last year. We relocated and I had to decide whether I wanted to take on a full time position at a new firm knowing that I was trying to get pregnant. In the end, I decided not to look for a new role, but to work on a temporary ad-hoc basis until we were successful. I felt that the stress of trying to prove myself in a new firm (with the inevitably long work hours that would involve) would be counter-productive to the IVF treatment. Touch wood, I've managed to take on a number of ad-hoc pieces of work so far this year, so we have not suffered financially. However, I appreciate that not everyone would be able to do it. Is the new role a promotion for you or are you currently a deputy head at your current school. If a promotion, do you think you will be under lots of stress taking this role on?
HighHopes - on an unrelated point, it just crossed my mind that we might be at the same London clinic. I don't suppose you're at UCH by any chance?
Its a tricky one highhopes - I can see where you're coming from. However accidents do happen and as far as work colleagues are concerned it might be an unplanned pregnancy! Hard when its a senior position. Class teachers fall pregnant all the time bit DHs not so much...I guess you have to prioritise...what's more important to you just now? Xx
Sorry it has been a crazy week at work! Thank goodness it's half term! Frustrated - I'm at Hammersmith Hospital.

I'm currently an Assistant Head at a school quite far from my house. It takes me almost an hour each way to commute - not ideal for when I finally have a baby. My new job is 10min from my house! So in that sense it is the perfect move! The school I am currently at isn't a very nice one either. Kids behaviour isn't great and staff are an angry bunch. New school seems much better. Think I will be much happier at the new place.

Hard to say what is more important to me. It has ALWAYS been having a baby-that has been my life long dream. I never wanted a career! The career thing has come to me far more easily than getting pregnant though! I went for the DH job as a reaction to my miscarriage. I felt so out of control when I lost the baby. My career is something I can control and I needed something positive to focus on so I went for the job.

Don't think I should have to delay IVF just because I have a new job but I do feel guilty doing it this summer! Having said that, it might not even work this time!

Hope you've both had a great week x
Your new job sounds ideal highhopes! I've got an interview this week for a teaching job. Finding it really hard to get motivated and prepare though! Any tips would be appreciated! :)
I had a dream last night that the interview panel asked me a question about sperm!!! Enough said!! Try not to feel too guilty about having IVF this summer. You're entitled to a life outside school too :) x
OMG your dream is hilarious! I've had all manner of ridiculous dreams recently too.

What position are you being interviewed for? Is there a subject or year leader responsibility attached to it or is it a class teacher post?

Questions that seem to come up frequently for class teacher posts are mostly linked to what a good/outstanding lesson contains, how do you cater for different needs in your class, how do you contribute to the wider life of the school, something on safeguarding or equal opps maybe. Let me know if you want to talk through some answers! Good luck x
Thanks highhopes. Its just a class teacher job. I should be ok as I had one a few weeks back and got v good feedback. Fingers crossed the Qs will be straightforward! X

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