You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Hi ladies

How nice is this weather?! I reckon vitamin d must make us more healthy...... and therefore more fertile?! :) (Think i might be going slightly mental! Haha!) xx
Hi gretarose and jack79! Do you know how long it takes to get your letter to say when treatment begins. I had my hour long appointment signing forms etc 2 and half weeks ago? Wondered whether this might spin out until 6 wk hols which could be for the best and less stressful than having treatment while dealingwith 30 reception children! What do you both think? Passing my time at the moment doing reports and assessments. How about both of you? Thanks,
I like your thinking on the weather!! Get bding!!!!
Hi Louise
We started our investigations last March. Then had our hour long appointment with consent forms etc at the beginning of March.
I think I waited 2weeks for my letter but they had told us we could be refused up to 3times with St Mary's, so then I had to call on CD1 (middle of March) and request treatment. Unfortunately we were refused treatment the maximum 3times so only on my May period did they accept us for June. Pretty tough to wait that length of time but its taken me up to my summer break.
I hope you are accepted straight away so you can use your time off too.
Is it for ICSI?

Hi gretarose and jack79! Do you know how long it takes to get your letter to say when treatment begins. I had my hour long appointment signing forms etc 2 and half weeks ago? Wondered whether this might spin out until 6 wk hols which could be for the best and less stressful than having treatment while dealingwith 30 reception children! What do you both think? Passing my time at the moment doing reports and assessments. How about both of you? Thanks,
Hi Louise
We started our investigations last March. Then had our hour long appointment with consent forms etc at the beginning of March.
I think I waited 2weeks for my letter but they had told us we could be refused up to 3times with St Mary's, so then I had to call on CD1 (middle of March) and request treatment. Unfortunately we were refused treatment the maximum 3times so only on my May period did they accept us for June. Pretty tough to wait that length of time but its taken me up to my summer break.
I hope you are accepted straight away so you can use your time off too.
Is it for ICSI?
Thanks for your reply gretarose! Being refused 3 times seems crazy after the time it actually takes to get to this point! So you are due to start this month? Good luck! I start icsi because they have mentioned the sperm motility being quite low although this has lnly started to be mentioned later on as we were always unexplained so not sure. How about you?? I am hoping it will be after 25th july but happy to go with the flow of whenever it may be! Would just be nice to get my letter and then I would have a rough idea of time scales. Xx
Hi everyone :) Hope I can jump in and share my adventure as well as follow yours.

We have been TTC for 3.5 years no known fertility issues... so we decided to go with IVF since were too impatient.

I am on the long protocol where you use BC for an entire cycle to align as well as supress your system.. SO I have been super impatient about that as I began taking that on 5/24/13.

I have already completed the trial transfer and the hysteroscopy on Monday. The trial transfer went well but the hysteroscopy was bad it turned out I had to have surgery to remove 4 polyps... I did the surgery today! so I am finally back on track for where I should be in the process.

I will be using Lupron to supress starting 6/14 and then on to menogon and puregon to Stim starting the 28th. I cant wait to finally start stimming!!

FX for everyone and apologize for the long thread and intro.
I was on the antagonist protocol last time round and will be on it again. They are going to put on the lowest dose possible as I was at high risk of OHSS last time - had 40ish follicles!

I don't drink so that wasn't an issue but I the only thing I did to prepare was I had folic acid supplements. This time round I have cut down on caffeine - that's really tough for me coz tea keeps me going at work and decaf just doesn't taste the same! Can't afford acupuncture as we are now having to go private for ivf since we only get one nhs cycle where I live :( I'm taking the Seven Seas version called trying for a baby this time - it's cheaper! My husband is taking Wellman stuff.

I'm trying to relax too! Teaching really can be toxic, it's so stressful! I'm trying to get rid of negative stuff from my life. Want to be as positive as possible ready for my next cycle.
Thats the approach I am trying to take high... Very positive. Every penny is going to be out of our pocket so roughly 15k each try so I would like to remain not stressed for atleast one cycle and hope that helps.

This is not the first we have tried though I originally had my tubes tied and paid to have them reversed.... although they are wide open confirmed by HSG we didn't get pregnant so I need to take a deep breath and keep calm.

I haven't drank a drop in years so I am safe there haha. I did do accupuncture though for 3 months at the start of the year and got a natural BFP but went on to lose it to a MC :( so I am not sure its very helpful.
Know acupuncture works for some people but with my next ivf cycle costing 6grand and who knows how many more cycles to go I just can't justify it! Plus I hate needles and will do anything to avoid extra needles!!!

Pilates always relaxes me, I might take that up again. Been going out for walks and jogs and that helps.
One of my closest friends has acted like a fool over my miscarriage. I told her I was having ivf for my first cycle and she acted like I had told her my mother had died! She was crap during the cycle - no support. I was so disappointed that she hadn't come through for me as a friend that I didnt tell her I was pregnant, wanted to wait till the end of the first trimester. When I had the miscarriage in week 11 I asked another mutual friend to tell her as I couldn't face saying the words. She has decided she hates my guts and is publicly telling people she isn't talking to me!!! My miscarriage seems to be the worst thing that has happened to HER!!! Crap or what? I'm trying not to feel upset and just be all serene and happy but it does hurt that she has reacted like this at the saddest moment of my life so far. She is in her thirties for goodness sake! She is acting like she is 15!

Aaaaand breathe :) just needed to offload that. Happy thoughts... :)
Sorry to hear that your friend is being so insensitive. The situation is bad enough and hard enough to cope with without somebody else causing problems for you!! Try not to worry about it as it sounds like it is definitely her problem rather than yours! I guess some people just don't know how to deal with things - its a good job she isn't going through all of the things that you are. (big hugs) x
Hi highhopes, don't you worry because if there is a place...this is the place to offload! I did it in a previous post with my life story!
Well, I think your friend is just not worth bothering with, especially right now. You are the important one and I would try and focus on surrounding yourself with lovely positive energy and people. I too experienced a weird response from a friend when I miscarried years ago and it really threw me. It turned out she didn't really stick around in my life, she was way too self-obsessed! You take care hun, us ladies are here if you need a chat :hugs: xxx

One of my closest friends has acted like a fool over my miscarriage. I told her I was having ivf for my first cycle and she acted like I had told her my mother had died! She was crap during the cycle - no support. I was so disappointed that she hadn't come through for me as a friend that I didnt tell her I was pregnant, wanted to wait till the end of the first trimester. When I had the miscarriage in week 11 I asked another mutual friend to tell her as I couldn't face saying the words. She has decided she hates my guts and is publicly telling people she isn't talking to me!!! My miscarriage seems to be the worst thing that has happened to HER!!! Crap or what? I'm trying not to feel upset and just be all serene and happy but it does hurt that she has reacted like this at the saddest moment of my life so far. She is in her thirties for goodness sake! She is acting like she is 15!

Aaaaand breathe :) just needed to offload that. Happy thoughts... :)
Hi ladies

Hope you are all well :) Welcome to the group brandy!

highhopes - your friend sounds very selfish! I agree with gretarose, try to be around people who make you feel good just now. One of my best friends hasn't been that bad but has made me feel a bit lousy recently by not seeming that interested in the whole ivf journey/ not asking how things are going etc. That's been bad enough but what your friend is doing is 10 x worse. As hard as it is, you've got to try to block out the negative thoughts and focus on the positives. Your friend's maybe jealous deep down - I often find that when friends are causing problems, underlying jealousy is usually the reason...

I've been reading some of the posts from the last week re hospital appts and reckon the system in Scotland is a bit different. I had a letter about 2 months ago which said we had reached the top of the ivf waiting list, I then had forms sent to me to sign, followed by blood tests, the results of which ended up in me going for the antral follicle count last week. Now waiting for letter to say when we're starting. Hopefully soon! Gretarose I saw that you said they sometimes refuse you up to 3 times down in Manchester...why is that? It's such a long journey isn't it!

Another thing I haven't got round to sharing yet is the results of my husbands recent sperm test (he started acupuncture a few weeks ago and agreed to get a sperm anaysis done so we can see in a few months whether it has actually made a difference to his sperm quality)...well, about 2 and a half yrs ago he only had 3% normal sperm, a couple of month later it was 4%...then about a year later it was up to 7%... and now after another year and a half it has gone up to 18%!!! Amazing! He's been eating more healthily (though not amazingly), taking vitamins, hasn't drunk much since Christmas (just the odd one or two), hasn't been cycling as much (only once or twice in the last 6 months), hasn't been having as many baths, and we now have a water distiller so he hasn't been drinking water from plastic bottles!! Sounds rather obsessive but really it has meant only a few changes... Not sure which of them have made the difference (maybe all) but I reckon the results are pretty good! housework/ school work to do so better go.... sorry for the extra long post! :) xx
Hi ladies

Hope you are all well :) Welcome to the group brandy!

highhopes - your friend sounds very selfish! I agree with gretarose, try to be around people who make you feel good just now. One of my best friends hasn't been that bad but has made me feel a bit lousy recently by not seeming that interested in the whole ivf journey/ not asking how things are going etc. That's been bad enough but what your friend is doing is 10 x worse. As hard as it is, you've got to try to block out the negative thoughts and focus on the positives. Your friend's maybe jealous deep down - I often find that when friends are causing problems, underlying jealousy is usually the reason...

I've been reading some of the posts from the last week re hospital appts and reckon the system in Scotland is a bit different. I had a letter about 2 months ago which said we had reached the top of the ivf waiting list, I then had forms sent to me to sign, followed by blood tests, the results of which ended up in me going for the antral follicle count last week. Now waiting for letter to say when we're starting. Hopefully soon! Gretarose I saw that you said they sometimes refuse you up to 3 times down in Manchester...why is that? It's such a long journey isn't it!

Another thing I haven't got round to sharing yet is the results of my husbands recent sperm test (he started acupuncture a few weeks ago and agreed to get a sperm anaysis done so we can see in a few months whether it has actually made a difference to his sperm quality)...well, about 2 and a half yrs ago he only had 3% normal sperm, a couple of month later it was 4%...then about a year later it was up to 7%... and now after another year and a half it has gone up to 18%!!! Amazing! He's been eating more healthily (though not amazingly), taking vitamins, hasn't drunk much since Christmas (just the odd one or two), hasn't been cycling as much (only once or twice in the last 6 months), hasn't been having as many baths, and we now have a water distiller so he hasn't been drinking water from plastic bottles!! Sounds rather obsessive but really it has meant only a few changes... Not sure which of them have made the difference (maybe all) but I reckon the results are pretty good! housework/ school work to do so better go.... sorry for the extra long post! :) xx

That amazing about his sperm count! When you say normal are you referring to the morphology? If you are then he is great ;) Anything greater than 14% is what they rank as standard.
Ah that's for the support ladies, you are all lovely :)

Jack that's great new about the sperm! My hubbie has morphology and motility issues which is why we need icsi.

STILL waiting for my period to turn up-two days late now! This is gna push my ivf cycle later and later! I'm meant to be going for my final pre-ivf scan on weds but if I don't get my period on Monday I will have to postpone that.
What do they do at the final scan highhopes? X
It's just to check that everything is ok with my ovaries after the miscarriage. X
Just a handy hint and lighter husband drinks a lot of tea...I mean about 7 or 8 cups a day sometimes. And because he is of a rather stubborn persuasion, I thought I would try and sneak some decaf teabags into the tea caddy in the cupboard.
So he's been drinking Yorkshire Tea decaf on and off for the last week without even realising!! :haha:
I know its sneaky but it works, and boy do I need an easy life right now!!
Hope everyone is doing ok. Its a week on Thursday til my appointment for the teach-slot to show me how to inject and to pick up my meds.
I'm really enjoying the acupuncture and think it might even be keeping me on an even keel. I have been so up and down for months, its been exhausting all this waiting and worrying. Ready for a new dawn and to become a mama hopefully!
Babydust to all you lovely ladies xxx

It's just to check that everything is ok with my ovaries after the miscarriage. X

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