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You ALL give me strength!!! IVF this summer!!!

Hi ladies!
I am fine thanks. The only thing I am alittle worried about is that my urine is quite cloudy and I wondered if it could be anything to do with the progesterone pessaries? Have you ladies had any experience of this? Thanks
It could be the progesterone, think that happened to me too although I can't remember what stage it happened at. How are you administering progesterone? I had shots the first time and this summer I had the rectal bullets - I was so grossed out at the thought of them but to be honest they were a lot easier than the shots!
They are bullets and we were told to try to do them vaginally which is what I have been doing.
13th October! Seems ages off!!!! I took a few days off work and am going back on Wednesday. It will be good to put something else in my mind and keep busy.
Im ok I guess. Dreading this w/e coz it's my due date for the mc baby. Can't even talk about it with DH without crying!

Got my ivf review appointment tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully will have a plan of action for round 3 tomorrow!

Glad you've taken time off. Was your head teacher ok about that? I haven't broached ivf at my new school yet. Going to wait till after half term...feel so bad turning up to a new school and saying I'm going for ivf!
So sorry to hear that highhopes. Are you going to do something with you DH so you can take your mind off it a little? It must be very hard...
Good luck with your ivf review appointment. At leat things are moving forwards for you now...
I decided that because my job is so physical up and down with the kiddies and I am always rushing around at school that it would be better to give myself a little time after ET. The whole process from start to finish has been so intense and I think there is a danger if I had rushed back to work it would all have got on top of me. My head teacher has been great and very supportive. Her best friend has been through 2 rounds of ivf so she has a very good understanding of whats involved. I have been very open with her about everything from the start. I think that your head will prob be the same. I think the best thing is to be honest and upfront about it. You can't help how it has fallen as this whole process takes so much time... Good luck & don't worry I'm sure your head will be supportive as well xx
Hi ladies

Hope you're both doing ok - and anyone else who is currently following this thread :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit up and down at the moment highhopes - Saturday will be hard for you but hopefully after today you are feeling as though you are moving forward again...how did your review appt go? :flower:

I'm just home from mine. Spoke to a different dr today. He has confirmed that my frozen embryo is a good quality embryo (4AA) - the 2 fresh ones were 3BB and 3BC (I think?). I wasn't told this at the time so feel better informed this time. There's an 80% chance the frozen one will thaw, and I've to call back when I get my November period and start the down-regulating nasal spray on day 21 of that cycle. My concern is that it looks like I will be due to go in for the FET around Christmas Day/ Boxing Day when the clinic will be closed. I asked about this and the reply was "We'll work around it" - whatever that means?!

Anyway, glad the ball is rolling again.

How is the 2WW going Louise? Hope you're ok. Is it tomorrow that you go back to work? I reckon it will be good for you to be busy but obviously try to relax too! :flower:

Omg jack we will be cycling together! I'm having round 3 in nov when I get my period! Should be end of nov. I'm on the antagonist protocol again.

The review was good. They said the dose of gonal f I was on was prob too low but they did it becaus they were very concerned about ohss. They will up my dose for round 3 and put me on oestrogen support and progesterone injections after transfer - more aggressive approach but that is what worked the first time. The consultant said I should stay positive.

As for this w/e I don't know what me and DH will do! Have read online that some people light a candle or release a balloon or something. I just don't know! Want to acknowledge the day somehow but don't want to spend the day crying either!
One of those chinese lanterns might be nice :) xx
Hey girls, hope you's don't mind me jumping in to your thread. Hope you's are keeping well and the 2ww isn't too stressful for you Louise..

I am attending Belfast clinic. I had 8 follicles at my final scan, 7 eggs at egg collection yesterday, and 4 fertilised today!! Just praying I still have 1 by Thursday..

Good luck to everyone cycling and waiting to cycle...
Welcome jackdoll! 4 fertilised is a good number. FC for Thursday x
Well ladies.......... I was slowly managing to work through the 2ww and today was my first day back at work after 1 and a half weeks and it was my bday!! It was ruined at lunch time by the call from OFSTED!!!!! Juat what you want when you havnt been in and dont properly know the kids. I must admit I have broke down about 5 times today!! All too much!! Hormone overload I think! I am now of the sod it frame of mind!! At this point in my life there are other things far more important than what they think of us!! This has been the hardest month of my life and it has by no way finished yet!
Oh my gosh how hideous! That's the last thing u need in the TWW! U mustn't let it stress u out too much...sod it is right! Those embryos that get out back are strong though so don't worry too much about things...people who get pregnant naturally don't even know they are pregnant at this stage and they do all sorts and still get pregnant.

Good luck with the inspection today x
It went well thanks. We got good over all as a school. Just glad it is over! Roll on next sunday when we can test. I have an awful headache this morning! How are you?
That's a brilliant outcome! U must be so relieved! Hope u have been relaxing this w/e u deserve it.

I'm doing ok. Thought I would be devastated this w/e - today is my due date. I feel a bit sad but no tears so far. Trying not to wallow too much.
Hey ladies, quick update
1 blasto onboard from yesterday, hope these next few weeks will fly by..
:) :)

Hope everyone having a lovely relaxed Sunday.xxx

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